I'll show him he'll!

Jonathan's POV.

"I didn't make you principal of this school so that my sister could be bullied Milo." At any rate i might end up saying something that i won't be able to take back later. But I'm not really thinking straight right now, because I'm pissed and all i can see is red. 

"You didn't exactly make me principal so that i can babysit your kid sister either Jonny. Teenagers aren't exactly trailed or do they find it funny when adults start poking their nose into their business and i wouldn't have known something like this was going on, it happened outside school grounds'' Milo said and sat still just listing to him.

''Look! I get that you're pissed about what happened...I'm pissed too. Emily is a good kid...a brilliant student and pacesetter. And i still can't believe this kind of thing would happen to her. I've made it my number one priority to make this school a none bulling zone for all kids since i became principal...you know how i feel about bullies man!" How could i forget? 

Milo used to be that kid that everyone pushed around and made fun of because of his height. Even though we were in college he was too different from everyone else and people don't always like different. But that was the sole reason he and i became friends back then, i could always be myself around him. How insensitive of me to act like Milo doesn't understand what I'm feeling right now.

"Sorry man, I'm not really thinking straight at the moment." Milo nods with genuine and understanding smile before saying. "I get it Jonny, and trust me when i say that kid is gonna get what's coming for him." I smiled in return as i walked out of his office knowing he would keep to his words.

"Why did you have to get involved? I had the situation under control." Emily's voice cut me off as I'm about entering my car and i turned sharply wondering what she is doing here, i thought she was in class?

"What do you mean by you had the situation under control? Do you have the slightest idea of what that kid would have done to you if i hadn't showed up? Christ! What were you thinking Emily? She glares at me with clenched fists while saying.

"I was was trying to fix my problem, i already told you that i had the situation under control. Why didn't just stay out of my business?" I really don't see why she is so pissed about what i did, i did punched the kid a few times...okay! many times. But in my defense, he had my kid sister pined to wall and was trying to force his tongue down her throat.

After Emily told me about our parents fights, i promised her to go see father and straighten out some things but she acted weird when i asked her about school or if she was seeing someone. I know it must have been strange talking to someone who isn't that close to you about something like that, but she also refused when i asked Lance to drop her at home. So i decided to follow her after she left my place and found her in an ally close to a shopping mall with a boy twice her size trying to have his way with her.

"What do you mean by i should have stayed out of your business? I have the right to meddle in your affairs Emily, especially if you're in trouble...you're my sister." She laughs drily while trying to wipe the tears drops that's now flowing down her cheeks before saying.

"Oh! Now you're my brother? Were you also being my brother when you ignored my existence as a kid? When you left for college in another country without so much as a goodbye or a phone call for four years? When you would fight with father nonstop about things i still don't know about? When you moved out right after college or all those times you ignored my calls?" You can tell she is really angry from how she keeps clenching and unclenching her fists as if she's itching to hit something or someone in this case. I won't be surprised if she hits me though, from what she has said so far...i do think i deserve a punch myself.

"Do you have any idea how hard and demanding it is to be the good child in the family? While you were moping around and causing trouble because you didn't have our father's attention, i was busy being the grown up and staying strong even after our parents started fighting because PJ needs me." I reached out to her and she stepped away from me while folding her hands on her chest before saying.

"I've always had to do better, behave better, get good grades, always look happy no matter what...even though everyone in school started saying you hated me because my mom married your dad and destroyed your once happy childhood. They often say it playfully, but i knew they meant it because deep down in my heart i believed it too." I tried reaching out to her again and she slaps my hands away while holding her index finger up and i stopped on my tracks with pained look.

"They would call me all such of names every time i refused to go clubbing or attend a party. And i was so sick of everything, of being called a prude...so i snuck out and went to a party. I knew it was a big mistake the moment i did it and gosh i regretted it immediately , but Caleb spiked my drink and took some compromising photos of me. He'd threatened to uploaded it on the internet, if i didn't go out with him." The tears have become full blown crying the moment she finished talking, and embraced her after trying for a long time because she was trashing around violently. It breaks my heart to see her hurting so much and knowing its all my fault even makes it worse.

Combing one of my hand through her hair while the other one slowly draws circles on her back as her cries have now reduced to hiccups. I kept saying i'm sorry over and over again to her, i couldn't help but wonder how much pain my actions have caused her over the years. I'd always seen Emily as a happy and free spirited soul whose light was a gift to others, it never occurred to me that my constant bricking with my father or my lack of relationship with her was affecting her in anyway...how can i make this right? 

"Why do you hate me so much?" I stiffened in her arms after hearing her question as her words pierced through my heart like a knife. 

"I don't hate you Emily, i can never hate you...you're my sister." I tell her as she looks up at me with her big baby eyes and my heart breaks for my little sister, she really does believe i hate her...doesn't she?

"Then why didn't you take me with you? Why didn't you come back for me?" Biting my lips to stop the tears that's threatening to come out of my eyes, i close my eyes as i hugged her tightly promising her to do everything within my power to make it up to her.

Pierce Bronson as Bishop Snow (Jonathan's father) 

Lee Bo-young as Jennie Snow (Jonathan's step mother)