Jonathan's POV...
"I still don't understand why you had me take down a whole walk-in closet that was already in the room, just so you could replace with this. What was the reason again?" Amirah sighs dejectedly as if she's tired of explaining herself to me as Isabelle tries to conceal her laughter and i rolled my eyes at both of them.
"Because...why not? Why hide all of them beautiful shoes and cloths in the closet when we can just have them all out in the open? Beside, Emily doesn't look like the closet type to me" Leave it to crazy Amirah to have answers to everything.
Wait a minute!
"How would you know the kind of things Emily likes?" The moment she turned paled with eyes wide, i knew my suspicion was right.
"Have you been stalking Emily on social media?" She fumbled with the sleeve of her hoodie nervously while saying.
"What! No! Its not as if i made a fake Instagram account just so i could ask her what her dream room would be like if she ever gets the opportunity to decorate one herself or anything...i mean, that would be crazy right?" Isabelle and i were left wide eyes after her crazy confession as she scrambled away with the excuse of collecting more glitters for Emily's room.
"I don't know why you why hate shopping Jonn, research have shown that; shopping is one of the top three ways of reliving domestic stress" Since Amirah has refused to come back from wherever is it she'd disappeared to earlier, i'm left arguing about women's shopping addiction with Isabelle.
"I'm saying that i hate just how long it takes for women to carry out their own shopping, i personally enjoy shopping actually; it relaxes me" She laughs before saying.
"Oh, yeah? When was the last time you went shopping?" She asked curiously and i chuckled before answering her questions.
"Last week out of town" She stopped in front of me while folding both arms on her chest with a smile before asking.
"Yeah? What did you buy?" I mimicked her stance as i tolled her her height with my bigger and taller body frame before saying.
"A ranch" I examined her as many emotions ranging from shock to unbelieved crossed her beautiful face as she exclaimed.
"A ranch?" I maintained a serious expression as i slowly but playfully say my next words.
"You know a ranch? The farm like house in the country side with all its exotic animals and slightly classy in some cases? Yeah! that one!" She blushed furiously when she realized i was only teasing her before saying.
"He-he very funny, i know what a ranch is thank you very much! I'm just surprised that you own one that's all" I chuckled quietly with a smile as she picked up some pink air fresheners and held it towards me and said
"Would you care for one sir? Its good for the soul" while doing a very horrible impression of a British salesman, my expression must have been priceless because she started giggling loudly and i knew my smile has widened also when we heard Amirah asking.
"What are you kids smiling about? I glared at her playfully as she pretends to check her well manicured nails and Isabelle being the ever happy camper she is exclaimed
"There you are! What did you get?" Amirah whispered something in her ear with a wink and the younger woman's ever brilliant smile increased as i raised my brows wondering what they're plotting now as Amirah dragged us out of the shopping plaza.
"Surly, there is more to it than just helping people right? what's the deal breaker?" I couldn't help but asked after an hour of silence as we watch the movers bring in Emily's and PJ belongings.
"Nope! There isn't more to it actually, helping others live better lives, also the peace that comes with knowing that a group of persons are going to bed with smiles on their faces because of something i did no matter how little it might be is really priceless, and that doesn't require a deal breaker as you've so rightly stated" She replied while fixing the blub on Emily's nightstand.
"Look, i don't expect anything i do to make sense to you okay? Heck! It sounds crazy to me sometimes too, but what i do is really important to me alright? Being able to put a smile on someone's face, either by meeting their needs or just letting them know that; they are not alone is what i live for" She explains further and i decided to let it be for now.
"So, what's the next step?" I asked as we moved to small reading space i set up for Emily and she smiles brightly at me before saying.
"I actually don't know" Huh? "What do you mean, you don't know?" She placed the last book from the box on the shelf as she sits down on the pink sofa and sighs deeply before saying.
"Its like i said, i don't know; but i'm praying about it" She noticed the change in my expression as she chuckles while saying.
"God has a way of making these things work alright? All i have to do is pray for directions; and wherever he sends me to i will thank him for showing me the way because i know he will make provisions" Whatever her beliefs are rooted in, its pretty deep alright.
"I know you had your plans for the day and I'm really sorry about keeping you from them, but i'm glad you were here to day Isabella; thank you so much for helping with everything" She shakes her as she stands up from the couch while fixing her dress and says.
"Its okay really, is what i do remember?" Yes of course she helps people for a living, how could i forget? she doesn't see me as anything other that a man in need of her help, i thought bitterly as we walked into the kitchen area just to hear Amirah saying to whoever was at the other end of the phone.
"Yes, you did well; thank you for letting me know, i will be there as soon as possible" She sighs deeply while sitting in front of us with a weary look and i asked.
"Is everything okay?" There is a click as she locks her phone and places it on the marble counter while sighing again and i arched my brows worried something might be wrong in Gardenia before she said.
"Remember the kid i told you about,
that was involved in a car crash three months ago? " I nodded remembering the night she called me sounding very distressed about a family that was involved in a freak accident while the couple died on impact their only child survived.
"Yes, the kid with Asthma right?" She nodded weakly before saying.
"Unfortunately, that's not all; he has several other allergy issues and he's also lactose intolerant" I heard Isabella mutter "Christ" under her breath as Amirah continued talking.
"He enjoys playing pranks, even though there are just innocent ones at times but there are also very dangerous to his health. I keep a very close eye on him when i'm around but he tricked a new worker into giving him some milkshake today and he's in the sick bay as we speak" There is visible look of worry on Isabella's face as she listened to the story and i immediately got an idea.
"You didn't tell me Amirah's kids was hiring new workers?" Isabella's pupils popped after hearing my question and i smiled triumphantly as she asked.
"Amirah's kids?" Amirah looked towards her as she explains what it meant before addressing my question by saying.
"We are thinking of expanding Amirah's kids to other cities, so i thought it will be good to have the new recruits have the firsthand experience of what's expected of them by having them work with professionals in Gardenia" My plan is working just fine, i just need to push it a little bit more.
"That's wonderful" I said to her before turning to Isabella and saying.
"You should visit Gardenia while you're around, its a beautiful place and you would love what Amirah is doing for the kids" She looked at me as Amirah nods with a smile before saying.
"He's right, you should visit my kingdom; i could really use your keen expertise on both humanitarian service and advance knowledge from all your travels in regards to what i told Jonathan" Isabella blushed furiously as the queen praised her skills as she says.
"Thank you for the invite, i will love to visit Gardenia" Amirah smiles warmly at her as she left my place promising to send her the details concerning the invite, i asked Lance to take Isabella home after thanking her again for helping out with the decoration of the rooms; and i fist bump myself for job well done for convincing her to visit Gardenia.
"Next step, make her work with Amirah's kids" I thought out loud while thinking of ways to stop her from vanishing to wherever God might send her to next.