Isabella's POV...

"Tell me what you think already, I'm dying to hear your reply" Amirah exclaimed from the other end as i shifted my cell phone from one ear to the other before saying.

"Trust me when i say, words can not do justices to what you're doing Amirah; finding a home for those kids is incredible and i can't wait to meet with those lovely creatures in person of course" She squeals loudly and i can bet a horse that she's bouncing around as she says.

"What do you think about flying out here before the week ends? There's a charity ball this weekend and i need a hand with the preparations, it will also give you enough time with the kids and touring the kingdom" And it was my turn to squeal after hearing her words.

"Really? I'd be honored to help with the preparations, i can't believe you would even want me to!" I said a little too loud and she laughs before saying.

"It is settled then; i'm flying you out here first thing tomorrow morning, are you okay with that?" The Queen asked the young woman whom she now calls friend.

"Really? Yeah! I mean...yes, i'm okay with it, thanks again for including me" I couldn't hide my excitement as we said our goodbyes, i must've been smiling like a goofball because my dad asked.

"You are going to be whisked away to the magical kingdom of Gardenia then?" Its no he heard everything, my father has been watching me curiously since i picked my cell phone.

"No need for the 'magical kingdom' its just Gardenia and yes i will be there tomorrow to help Amirah with some things for her charity ball this weekend and all, but I'm also really excited to to see Gardenia too" I told him while placing the a plate of freshly made pancakes in front of him.

"So...its not permanent then?" He asked while reaching out for the glass of water and i handed it to him before saying.

"No dad, its not permanent; I'm just honoring an invitation from the Queen" He stuffed some pancakes into his mouth before saying.

"Right! the Queen, i can't believe you're gonna leave me here with your sister again" I giggled at his whining as the said person walked into the kitchen fully dressed as she pecked him in the cheeks before saying.

"Stop complaining and take your drugs; love you pops" He rolled his eyes at her while saying he loved her too as she leaves the house for work before he playfully says.

"See what i mean? She's bossy" We both laughed before i said.

"You're her 79years old diabetic father who refuses to take his meds, of course she will be bossy; i would have been too if i wasn't playing the good cop to her bad cop" He scrunched his nose as i pulled out his meds from the cabinet and dropped it on the table while kissing his cheek as i excused myself from the breakfast table before going into the guest room to pack for my trip tomorrow.


Meanwhile in the other side of the town, an older man paced from one end of his home office to the other with a tight grip on his cell phone as he breaths through his mouth before asking.

"Is this really the best thing for them?"

His spouse sighs quietly before saying

"There is only one way to know what's best for them, and that is by letting them spend time together"

Bishop Snow is a proud and ambitious man, outsiders envy him, his counterparts respect him, those who have witnessed his ruthlessness in the business world fear him because of his motto 'show no weakness' but as he stands here in this moment with phone pressed to his ear and hearing the calm breathing of his wife from the other end, he can feel his walls crumbling as he suppressed a whimper while saying.

"Jennie, please come home" He begged his wife.

"You know i can't do that Bishop, i love you and i will always love you but you need to fix things with him first" He dropped on the chair with both hands on his face as the line goes dead, he hasn't felt this helpless since he was called to identify his late wife's dead body two decades ago.


"Oh my gosh! I love, love, love my new room...its so me!" Emily sequels loudly while bouncing up and down in excitement as her brother stares at her in awe.

When Jonathan picked his siblings from his family house earlier without so much as a 'Hi' or 'Hello' to his father, he was still very skeptical about one thing and that was whether his siblings would love their new rooms. But as he is standing here right now witnessing the huge smile on his 8years old kid brother's face and the constant squealing and bouncing of his 17years old sister, he doesn't know how to thank Amirah for stopping him from his initial plan of putting extravagant bedrooms in place.

"I'm glad you like your rooms really, because Amirah and Isabella helped a lot" Emily stopped bouncing on the bed while PJ blankly stares at him probably wondering who any of the people are.

"You mean Amirah the Gardenian Queen?" Emily asked wide eyes while PJ still looks lost and Jonathan chuckles quietly before saying.

"Yes, that Amirah; she's a very good friend of mine actually" Emily squeals loudly again before saying.

"I can't believe the Queen decorated my room, wait till i tell everyone at school about it; they are going to flip a cow! But who is Isabella?" He smiled at his sister before replying.

"Isabelle formally known as Isabella Ridley who is also my personal assistant younger sister, she's visiting town for a few two should freshen up while i asked Mrs Billson to make you something to eat" They nodded eagerly as i shut the door behind me while making my way to the only place i know my cook will be.

Author's Note

Next chapter will be Jonathan's first official time with his siblings as they share meals and get acquainted with each other.

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