02: He's Like Art...

//02 • He's Like Art. Terrible Art, But Still, Art.//

I sighed into the cold November air, holding both cups of coffee tightly, trying to keep my hands warm, praying my bag didn't drop off my shoulder.

I loved winter, hands down my favourite season. Excitement courses through me, as always when I made this walk. This was the best part of my school day.

Reaching the orange house twenty three blocks from my own I stood outside, somehow managing to get my phone out of my bag.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: I'm outside, bitch. You were supposed to be ready.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: shut up, hoe. You know I'm lying when I say I'm almost ready.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: whatever. Just get your ass outside.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: yeah yeah, you impatient twit. I'll be out in a second.

Five minutes later her door opened. I grinned, sipping my coffee "finally. I was about to drink your coffee too" she gasped, rushing over and snatching the cup from me.

"You mean bitch" she glared "you know how much I love my coffee" I laughed before looking behind her "Hi Mom!" I grinned at Ms. Sajidah Wilson, Sunshine's Mom.

She laughed, grinning back "hello, Zayleigh. How are you?" She asked "same as yesterday, Mom. Can't complain" I'd know Saahirah Wilson since fifth grade.

We were now in twelfth grade. I knew her before her parents split up and she moved to this house. Her Mom is my Mom too. "Have a good day at school" she said.

"Have a good day at work!" I hollered back as we walked away. Sunshine moaned when she took a sip of her coffee. It did things to my insides.

I stared at her for a moment, something I did often. She had dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. Her sleek blonde hair was cut short, into a bob but you couldn't see it underneath the blue hijab she wore.

And Gods were her eyes beautiful. She was beautiful. "You have to read the Sunshine Girl series!" She exclaimed. I nodded "I'll check it out. You should read The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness" I answered.

"Already read it" she sipped her coffee "and The Book of Dust trilogy" she shook her head, wrinkling her nose "don't like it" I gasped.

"You have no taste! I love that trilogy" she shrugged "whatever" I laughed at this. "So you remember Aaliyah?" She asked. I nodded.

"She's dating Taahir now" I quirked an eyebrow "as in your ex boyfriend Taahir?" She nodded "that bitch. Doesn't she know what Girl Code is?" Sunshine shrugged "oh, and I don't like Mahdi anymore" she added. "Also he's Taahir's best friend."

"Welp fuck" I snorted. She snorted in agreement. We stopped at the big blue building "I'll see you after school" we hugged and then she went inside.

Saahirah goes to this fancy Muslim school called Al Madina and I go to the public school seven blocks from there called Ravenswood High.

I walk her to school everyday and then walk myself to school. And then I walk back to her school at the end of the day and pick her up to walk her home.

When I walk through the gates of Ravenswood High I instantly spot my group. Or more like, Nadia spots me. She grins and engulfs me in a hug "sorellina!" I laugh, hugging her back "Grande Sorella!"

Nadia is the third and final member in Saahirah and I's little group. The three of us are super close. Vivienne bounds over to me wrapping her arm around me "what's up honey?" I grin back "the sky" she rolls her eyes.

Idiot. "Wanna go get ice cream after school?" She asks "what time?" She shrugs "four?" I nod "sounds good" that gives me time to walk Sunshine home.

"Nadia, you joining us?" She shakes her head "no, maalf. I have to go pick Achmad up from daycare" I nod "that's okay, we're still on for Saturday though right?" She nods "obviously, I'd never miss Saturday."

On Saturdays Nadia, Saahirah and I go to the mall. It's like our girls day. Because we go to different schools we like to catch up and stay in touch. So we go to the mall, watch a movie and get something to eat.

"Looks like I got you all to myself" Vivienne winks. I throw my head back, laughing "easy there tigress. I'm off the market." Just as I say that my phone rings.

I smile as I answer it. "Mornin' babe" a deep chuckle that makes my insides go gooey resonates from the other side.

"Morning darlin'" and then I melt. Spencer Phallus is my boyfriend. We've been together for about three years. He's like art. Terrible art. But still, art.

"How are you?" I ask "better now that I've heard your voice, sweetheart. Getting ready for Uni" and I giggle like a thirteen year old. Spencer is studying IT at Ryker University.

"How are you?" He returns my question "I'm good my love. I just got to school" and then the bell rings "and now I have to hang up because I have to get to class" I pout.

"That's alright, angel. I'll call you later. Have a good day" I grin broadly "you too."

Before I hang up he says "I love you, Zayleigh" softly and I sigh happily "I love you too, Spencer" and then we hang up.

Vivienne and Nadia roll their eyes "you two are disgustingly adorable" Vivienne says.

"Why thank you, Viv" I hook my arms into theirs and we walk to class.
