03: This Is Why I Don't Socialize

03 • This is Why I Don't Socialize

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell, dropping my backpack on the ground by the door. I'd already dropped Sunshine at home after I asked her if she wanted to join us for ice cream.

She rolled her eyes and said no after asking who was going to be with. Viv and Sunshine hate each other. "Mama?" I walk into the kitchen.

Spotting a note on the table I pick it up. Hey sweetheart. I'll be gone for a week or two because of work. I'm sorry I didn't say bye, it was a last minute arrangement. You know how dumbass Carl can get. I love you. Be safe.

I laughed. Dumbass Carl was Mama's dumbass boss. I wandered up the stairs and into my bedroom. Mama had opened the curtains.

My curtains are black and my walls dark blue. I pull off my uniform and throw on a brown skirt with buttons down the front and a long sleeve, black turtleneck.

I tuck the turtleneck into the skirt and pull on some pantyhose with my winter boots. I tie my hair up and pull one of Spencer's jackets on, inhaling his lingering scent. My phone chimes with a text.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: Hey b. Did you get home safe?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: yup. I did.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: Good.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: wyd?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: Getting ready. You?

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: ugh. I forgot you were going out with that bitch. I'm doing homework.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: I really don't understand why you hate her so much.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: i don't need a reason. I just hate her.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: whatever.

I hear Viv's car outside.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: Gotta go, Sunshine. I'll talk to you later. Kisses!

I grab my keys and bag on my way out and lock the door behind me. I hop into Viv's cute red Beatle and grin at her.

"Hiya honey" I greet, leaning over to kiss her cheek "hello my love" she grins back. "Dom's Ice Cream Queen?" She asks "you know it!" I reply, reaching for the radio.

Viv and I only eat ice cream in winter. We're weird like that. We've been going to Dom's since we met because it's where we met.

Vivienne Reed is gorgeous. With her long, sleek raven hair, full red lips and beautiful green eyes. She's taller than me, like most people and she's got this dark beauty thing going on.

We dated, a while back. But neither of us really wanted commitment back then so we decided to stay friends. We fuck, from time to time. But mostly we're best friends.

She pulls up at Dom's and we get out. "I'll find a seat. You want your usual?" I nod, heading over to our usual booth in the back.

I sit down and pull my phone out.

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: how do you spell coiling?

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: like that?

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: coiling?

Raggio De Sole ❕❤️: WHY is it called coiling?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: yes, Sunshine. Coiling.

Levy_Redfox_McGarden: how should I know why it's called coiling?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: also, Mama will be out of town for a week or so. Wanna sleep over?

"I won't even ask. That smile is reserved for one person only" Viv says, setting my ice cream in front of me. I roll my eyes, putting my phone on the table.

"How goes things with the Wicked Witch of The West?" She asks, eating her ice cream. I shrug "same as always" she sighs.

"You need to either tell her, or get over it" she says and I nod "I know."

"I don't even understand why. She's a bitch" Viv states. I laugh "she's great once you get to know her" Viv rolls her eyes.

"You keep saying that and I don't see it" I shrug "I know." I should probably tell you how long I've been in love with my best friend.

The answer? Seven years. Saahirah Wilson was my first love. Viv knows this. Although she can't see why.

"Mama is going to be out of town for a week or so. Wanna sleep over?" Viv groans "goddam you, Dad. I can't. My Dad's wedding to that newborn is this fucking week. I leave tomorrow because he asked me to stay there for a while" I choke on my ice cream, laughing.

"Newborn? She's twenty-four!" I exclaim. Viv huffs "she's half his dam age. She's a fucking newborn." I keep laughing, trying to breath.

Viv's parents split when she was little. Her Dad was having an affair with his secretary at the time. When he and her Mom divorced he married said secretary only for her to run away with five billion dollars of his money.

This will be his fifth wife. "You're still my date to the wedding right?" She asked. I nod "I'm coming the day before the wedding" she sighs in relief. "Thank God" I snort "you think I'd say no to free food?" She gasps, hand over her heart, feigning hurt.

"And here I thought it was to support me" I chuckle "that's a bonus" I wink and she hurls ice cream at me.

I glare at her "now I have to go clean my shirt" Viv laughs "too bad" I get up to go to the bathroom. "Bring me a mango smoothie on your way back!"

I clean myself up and get Viv her mango smoothie. When I reach our table Emily Carlyle is standing in front of Viv.

They're engaged in a heated argument. She's insulting Viv and Viv is dishing it out right back at her.

Emily Carlyle is resident queen bitch of our grade. She believes she owns everyone. I feel sorry for her future husband.

"At least my Daddy didn't leave my slut Mom for a gold digging whore" Emily snaps. Viv freezes, paling. The thing about Viv is, she jokes about it, but her Dad is a sore spot for her.

She loved him, thought he could do no wrong and then he hurt her Mom. My blood boils and before I register what I'm doing I tap Emily on the shoulder.

She turns and before she can say anything I throw the entire mango smoothie at her. The cold, orange liquid stains her white top and splashes on her face.

She stands there, gaping like a fish out of water and I put the glass on the table, pulling her sunglasses from her face (seriously who wears sunglasses in winter? Inside a building?), I snap them in half.

My glare is chilling, I know this because I get it from Mama. "At least she's not a spoilt little bitch with a Mommy who sleeps with half the town and a Daddy who destroys the income of families" I sneer.

I take Viv's hand, pulling her to the door. Stopping at the door, I look over my shoulder "oh and Em? You might wanna look into some weight loss programs. You're getting on the chubby side" and then I walk out.

I pull Viv into a hug "don't listen to her, angel. She's a bitch" Viv nods, grasping me tightly.

"Thank you" she says "of course" I nod. She pulls away "you love taking shots at things no one else would. Like a woman's weight" she laughs.

"I wouldn't have had to if she'd kept her trap shut" I growled. Viv kisses my cheek "calm down" I nod. "Come on we have Netflix waiting for us."
