10 • Zayleigh To The Rescue

10 • Zayleigh To The Rescue

I woke up in the room, on the bed. Viv was curled up in my arm, her head on my chest, legs tangled with mine. She always did sleep like a fucking rock.

I slammed my hand down on the alarm. I brushed a strand of hair from Viv's face, placing a kiss on her head before untangling myself from her.

In the kitchen, I started breakfast. Viv can't handle sugar or milk in the morning so I cut up some fruit and pour a glass of orange juice. I make chocolate chip pancakes for myself.

In the room, I check the time. 7:30. So I sit on the bed and shake Viv lightly. She shifts but doesn't wake up "Vi, baby, you have to wake up, we'll be late" she lifts her head, placing it on my lap and snuggles closer.

I sigh and lean down, peppering her face with kisses. She giggles, opening her eyes "I'm awake. I'm awake" she laughs. I smile down at her "hi" she says coyly "hello. Breakfast is on the table" she nods, leaning up to kiss my cheek.

She rises, my eyes flicker to her bare legs. I shake my head, standing. I kiss her temple, leaving for the kitchen.

I turn the page of my newspaper, taking a bite of my pancake "ugh. I forgot you read the news like an old person" Viv says, sitting down. I roll my eyes "well excuse me for wanting to know what goes on in the world" I put the paper down.

"Did you talk to your Dad?" I ask. Viv nods "he's glad we could make it. We have to be there by ten" I nod. My phone dings.

Gajeel_Redfox ♥️: morning my love. Did you get there safe?

I smile.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: morning darlin'. I did.

Gajeel_Redfox ♥️: good. How'd you sleep? Have you guys left yet?

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: I slept good. You? No, we're having breakfast. We're gonna shower and then go. Don't you have class in ten minutes?

Gajeel_Redfox ♥️: I slept good too. Yeah, I do. Just wanted to check in on you. We'll talk more later. Iloveyou.

Levy_McGarden_Redfox: iloveyou too.

I put my phone down, smiling like a goof. "Spencer?" Viv asks. I nod "Zay, when are you going to tell him?" I sighed, dropping my fork. "I don't know, Viv" I said.

"You have to tell him" she says "I know. It's just.. I'm scared. Maybe if I just be a really good girlfriend, I won't have to tell him. It'll be okay. The guilt will go away" she reaches over, caressing my cheek "oh honey, that's not how it works" she says gently.

"It's just.. I don't want to hurt him" she nods "it's going to hurt all the same" I sigh again "anyway I look at it, I lose him, Viv" she stands, taking me in her arms. She smells like Jasmine and cherry blossom.

"It's going to be okay. That boy is head over heels for you. It'll be fine" I nod "I'll tell him. I will" we continue breakfast after that.


"Vienne, you ready?" I call, tying my laces. "Just about!" She yells back. I stand, walking to the window. I close it. Then open it and close it again. Open. Close. Open. Close. I nod to myself.

I put the alarm on and off. On. Off. On. Off. On. Then I walk to the stove, checking that it's off. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. Viv's hands cover my own "Zay, stop. It's off" she pulls me away gently. I nod, taking our bags and making sure we have everything.

Viv locks the door, knowing that if I do it we'd be here another twenty minutes. Viv's tied her hair. She's wearing red pants with a black lace body suit, red heels and a black blazer. She's beautiful.

I take a gulp of my coffee "ugh. How can you drink such bitter coffee?" I laugh. I like black coffee. One sugar, three coffee. "As bitter as my soul, baby" I grin. Viv rolls her eyes at this.

"Oh hell no" Viv stops abruptly "what?" I ask "we are not riding in that death trap" I gasp "don't you dare!" She shakes her head "I don't care. We're taking my car" she throws me the keys.

I pat Asai sadly "sorry baby" then I walk to Viv's car. I open the door for her, throwing out bags in the back. Viv hates driving. She does it when she needs to, but usually she makes me drive. "How's everything going so far?" I ask, starting the car.

Viv shrugs "good. Dad's excited. I think he might actually love this one" she says as I wave at Burt "well, marriage would imply so" I reply "then what happened to the other four?" She gives me a look.

I snort "I said imply, didn't say it was true" she laughs. And then I do too. Because who wouldn't? Viv's laugh is contagious. It's light and smooth but also husky. Like her voice.

"I think the only person on this god forsaken Earth I'd marry is you" my heart stops. The light is red so I look over at her. She's scrolling through twitter.

I wonder how she can say things like that so casually. But she's Viv. And everything she does is effortless. Her hair tie snaps then. Her hair spills out in unruly waves.

I've always liked it that way. She looks like a goddess. "For fucks sake" she curses. The light turns green and I hold my arm out. I have multiple scrunchies for this exact reason. She takes the red one. Her favourite.

Her Dad's house isn't that far so we pull up to the gate ten minutes later. I press the intercom "Hideyoshi estate" the voice says "Wassup Mikey" I reply "fucking hell, Zayleigh. I told you, it's Michael" he says "I know. I ignored you" the gate opens "I hope you fall off a roof" he says "I hope you catch on fire and all your hair burns off" I answer.

I park the car, opening the door for Viv again, taking the bags. The door opens and Tabatha halts. She shoves the flowers at Cameron and pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"Zay! It's been so long!" She says. I laugh "I know Taba. I'm sorry" she waves her hand dismissively. "How are you?" She asks "I'm good. Physics and high school are killing me" she laughs at this "you'll be fine" she turns to Viv.

"Yo, Cam" I smile, doing a handshake with him. We talk while Taba and Viv catch up. All the staff here love me. I love them too.

"Master is waiting for you in his office" Taba says, taking the flowers from Cam and walking away "I'll come help you later!" I call after her.

We head to the office. I take Viv's hand as we walk in. Viv's Dad looks up. His face splits into a wide grin. No, honestly, I'm concerned about his face.

He stands, rushing to hug me. "Hello Zayleigh" I laugh "hi Papa" the first time I met Viv's Dad he insisted I call him Papa. He's quite fond of me. He had hoped Viv and I would marry one day.

We talk for a bit, catching up. Then he turns to Viv "hello, tensi" he says. He looks unsure of what to do. "Hello Dad" she replies. I give her a look. She hugs him and he looks like he could die of happiness.

Viv loves her Dad. She just isn't sure of how to forgive him for what he did. Their conversation turns to Japanese and I tune out. I know Japanese. Viv taught me. My brain just isn't ready for it.

Not enough coffee. The door opens and Kaylee walks in with a tray. She hands me a cup "Tabatha said you might need it" yes, coffee!! Thank Goddess for Taba.

She hands Viv one of those fancy Frappe's and Jasmine tea for Papa. Kaylee leaves. The conversation continues. Viv takes a sip of her frappe. "You have got to teach them how you make a Frappe" Viv says. I shrug "when I'm not lazy" I reply.

Sometime later we leave Papa, heading upstairs in search of the bride. Before we can knock, the door opens and we're yanked inside.

The bubbly blonde is practically bouncing "I'm so glad you made it! I was worried you wouldn't" she grins. Hasanah Hastings is a tall, blonde, blue eyed 24 year old.

It seems weird but I do believe that she genuinely loves the man she's going to marry. I'm happy for them. She spends the next ten minutes rambling. She's very energetic.

"Jesus, Hasanah, you're talking too much" oh god, I know that voice. Vivienne's sharp eyes turn to the girl sitting on the couch.

"Shut up, Valence, it's her wedding day" Viv glares at her younger sister. Valence Hideyoshi is 5'10 of pure bitch. We hate her.

She's got Chesnut hair and Azure eyes. Do not let her looks fool you. "It doesn't mean she has to ramble on like that. It's irritating" Hasanah's face falls and that's when I step in.

"It's been a while, Valence" my eyes narrow "I see you still wear too much make up. Maybe you at least got some brain cells since the last time I saw you?" That shuts her up. Viv takes Hasanah to sit, asking her about the wedding and immediately the blonde's face lights up.

Despite what she acts like, Viv doesn't hate Hasanah. She's the only one of her Dad's girlfriend/wives Viv can stand. I nearly tumble when a tiny person crashes into me.

"Zay Zay!" I grin down at the energetic six year old. Viktor is Viv's youngest brother. He's quite the charmer. With his green eyes, dark hair and missing front teeth.

"Hiya baby" I lift him onto my hip, showering him with kisses. I sit down and the room fills with chatter.

Hasanah's bridesmaids are here too and the atmosphere is light as everyone starts getting ready. Valence has wisely kept her mouth shut.

Hasanah's dress is beautiful. It's a shimmery mermaid dress that accentuates her slight curves.

The twins burst into the room looking panicked. Venus and Valerie are identical twins. Venus has short, blonde hair and the Hideyoshi green eyes and Valerie has the same. Except her hair sits below her shoulders. Venus is wearing a black tux paired with his favourite red sneakers and Valerie is wearing a black flare dress with sequins on the top and ballet flats.

"There's a slight problem" Valerie says "what?!" Hasanah shoots out of her seat. Valerie looks to her brother for help. Venus steps forward calmly "the cake fell" he says "and none of the bakeries can make a new one on such short notice" he continues as if he didn't just crush his step mother's heart.

"Oh god" Hasanah slumps down in her chair, looking horrified. Everyone rushes to comfort her. She's crying and panicking and they're trying to calm her.

Fuck. I can't let this wedding be ruined. I check the time. 10:30. The wedding starts at 3:30. There's time. I stand, putting Vik on the couch. I turn to the twins "get me milk, eggs, flour, sugar, butter, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and an apron" I say. They nod, rushing out.

I tie my hair and pull my sneakers back on "what are you doing?" Viv asks. I turn to her "this wedding will not be ruined on my watch. I'm gonna make a cake" Hasanah looks up "the wedding starts at 3:30" she says.

I smile "I can do it."


Tensi means angel

Venus is a boy.