Zoe's POV
Zoe: I know you're mad at me Don but listen they had the right to know
Your dad isn't a very good man and I'm just tryna help
Don: Don't sweat it
It's all Good
Even though Don said those words I didn't believe them
We've never ever had a falling out and now that it's happening I don't know how to deal
Shit, what do I do
Claire: so Zoe, guess what?
Zoe: What?
Claire: It's your turn
Zoe: My turn to what exactly?
Claire: C'mon...don't understand you like a secret you've been keeping from us? I mean everyone knows shit about everyone else? So spill
Zoe: Hehehe first of all Claire, I am not like you or any of you
And if I say I don't have anything to tell then I don't now drop it
Don: That's an attitude for someone who just forced me tell my secret
Zoe: what's that supposed to mean? I thought we were "cool" or was a lie?
Don: Forget it, let's just enjoy your day