Wait! We're Really Doing This?

*Don's POV*

Listening to Mai talk seemed very familiar

The lies never stop

Don't ask me how, just that I know these things

Dad's a drunk and mom left after I was born so let's call it *experience*

Having family members pity you during the holidays

Some just flat out lie to your face about how they love you but never call to check up on you so yeah

I know these things

Trust me

Don: Anybody needs more juice?

Zoe: Yeah I'll have another glass

Mai: No thank you

Claire: Ummm...no I'll just get a water from the fridge

Don: Sure

Mai: Don you haven't said anything....

Don: I just don't have anything to say

Mai: ok but like are you sure?

Don: Yeah I am sure

Know what guys?

It's almost Zoe's time

Mai: Omg yasss

Claire: Happy birthday to you my lovely

All of us were shook when Claire came in with a birthday cake

And boy was Zoe shocked

I think I spotted a tear


Amongst all my friends I felt closest to and I could honestly not imagine what would happen if I found out she could lie to me

No just thinking about it gave me chills

Please God, if you do exist, please don't ever let anything like that happen to us, Amen.

I got her a gift too of course but I wouldn't give her right away though

I wanted us to be alone before I have it

It meant so much to me that she accepted me for who I truly was and don't get me wrong, my other Friends accept me too.

They just don't know who I am really and if they did ever found out I don't think they'll love the same anymore

We all started chanting the happy death day song

I missed this

With everything going on in our lives, I just wish things would get back to being this way you know

Parties and taking turn sleeping at each others houses

When was the last time we had so much fun

Zoe: Hey D, you wanna blow out my candles with me?

Celine: Watch out Don, next time she's gonna ask you to suck her dick

They all laughed it off

But I didn't

That wasn't funny

It kind of hit home too

Don: And what's that supposed to mean Beau?

Claire: Hey hey hey chill out buddy I just meant it as a joke

It's not like Zoe has a dick? Or does she?

They laughed again but only this time Zoe didn't

She turned and looked at me

I looked back at her

Could she? Had she?

No she wouldn't right?

Claire: ok I'm gonna stop now because for some reason you're acting even more weird than usual, like it's a fuckin joke Don....take a chill p.....

Don: Pill? Chill pill? Was that what you we gonna say?

Claire: I honestly don't know what's going on with you...if there's anything I did to upset just talk to me about it....

Don: There is Beau...

Claire: Please don't call me that? You know I hate that name

Don: Why? Because it's your dad's name?

Claire: Don't you dare...

Mai: Ok everyone please ....for the love of God it's Zoe's birthday. Could you guys respect her and just let this be her day? Please?

Don: Come on Zoe

We're leaving

I can't stand this bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else

Claire: oh I'm the bitch? Yeah right

If I'm a bitch you look like a fuckin man

Don: I can't stand you hoe

I mean everything we do is for you...like you're the center of our universe but guess what?

Claire: Please tell me something I don't already know

Don: You're a fuck up. Always has been and always will be

Everyone grew quiet

I guess I'd crossed a line but fuck this

Everyone worshipped her, hell I use too but not anymore

She deserves everything that's coming to her

So I turned to my best friend

Don: Zoe come with me

Zoe: What are you doing? Why would you say something like that to B?

Mai: Fr Bro like....

Don: Now your u have something to say? Brother-fucker?

Zoe: What is up with you today? Is it the hormones? Can I do anything because you're being so unlike your self

Don: Hormones? What Hormones'? Pffff

AND no I'm more of myself than I've been for a very very long time

Mai: When I opened up to you guys, I didn't do that to get insulted so I can understand that you've got your shit going on, hell we all got shit going on but I'll be damned before you call me....whatever you just called me

Claire: I think you should leave Don

Don: First if all Mai, that was rude of me and I'm sorry

Second of all BEAU, you don't have to tell me twice

Zoe: That's it!!! I've about had it with all of you

Don? You either tell them or I will!

Don: Zoe... don't. Please

Claire: Mhhhhmm yes Don tell ussss....what exactly?

God please I'm not ready for this

Please God just smite me now

Please God, please

I turned to leave and Zoe said

Zoe: Don is a boy....was a boy....and he's undoing his transformation from male to female and he's or sorry she's been taking this pills that make her extra sensitive and I'm so sorry we didn't tell you guys because we didn't know how you'd take it


Complete silence and then Claire comes up to me and hugs me

So tight I had to close my eyes just so I wouldn't break down and cry

And then I felt all my friends arms around me

This felt like a dream

It lasted a good two minutes and when I opened my eyes, they were all standing there, questionable looks on their faces

Then I turned to look at Zoe

Oh my God please Zoe just shut up they don't need to know the rest

Zoe: They're ready Don

Don: No...they're not...not for this

Zoe: Tell them everything.... please....for me

Well Guck Me!!!!

*Authors notes*

As promised... Delivered

Enjoy and again

Thank you all for the support