7. I'm late


What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I doing? What the hell am I doing?

What am I doing?! {1}

I should be running away! I should be going in the opposite direction of where I'm going!

Damnit, Amelia! Why are you such a nice person? Why am I offering these people my service? Anthony may not remember me, but the Queen does! And Aria...


Fuck! Don't cry, Amy! Don't cry! Not now!

"I found someone who could help us," Anthony gestures to me. I give the group of people, the queen, Aria, and another man who I hadn't met yet a sincere smile. Why? Because I'm a simpleton peasant who has no idea who these cunts are.

"'ow can I 'elp?"

The Queen immediately recognizes me and sends me a smile. Crap! Is she going to blow my cover? But, instead, she turns away, back to her horse. I heave a light sigh of relief. Thank God! {2}

" I can tell you're an intelligent woman," Anthony starts, "so I wouldn't be surprised if you've already figured out who we are and what we're doing here."

I just nod, he really doesn't know, I'm an 'intelligent woman'. Bah! He just wants me in his bed.

I breathe in subtly. No need to tell them how much I know. Let alone, how I know. "Yer travelling by disguise. No servants. I'm guessing yer lost."

They all look sheepish and/or embarrassed. I just laugh and gesture for the map in their only servant's hands. "No need to be embarrassed, gimme the map. Let's see what I can do."

I take the map. Look at it. And rip it to shreds.

"Hey! Th-"

I point a finger at the unknown noble. Jesus, why is he so tense? "No."

I reach into my bag and grab my map of Valoria. I open it and hand it to him and Anthony. Pointing to Castlebridge Road I say, " See dis street? It takes ye straight to Rose palace. No turns, no twists. Just stay on da street. Ye should get dere in 'alf-an-'our. When ye get dere. Da guards'll ask ye for yer papers. Do ye 'ave da papers?"

They nod.

"Good," I nod and am about to leave when I hear a little voice behind me. A voice that should be in no way this sophisticated at that age. Oh, if I had one regret in life it was teaching that girl how to read! I thought I was doing her a favour by setting her up as a prodigy but noooooooo. She just had to become an adult too.

"Excuse me, Miss, if you don't mind me asking...... Just how, do you know this information?" Aria asks from on top of her horse. Her hazel eyes piercing into me. {3}

I let a small smirk play onto my face. But only for a split second before I turn around. Well done, Rosie, we taught you well.

I blankly stared at her in response, cocking my head. I replied, "everyone in Valoria knows that Castlebridge Road leads to da Palace. As for da papers, I knew 'cause I work at da palace."

Everyone in the group's eyes turn to me, as they look me up and down before assuming that I'm telling the truth.

The unknown noble with brown hair, who I had decided to call Apple because he's eating an apple, nods, "looks about right." He says before looking away again. No one pays attention to a servant. Oh, if only he knew.

I simply shrug before looking up at the clock and realizing it was already half-past four.

Shit! I have a council meeting in forty-five minutes!

With the ride back being half-an-hour. I would only have fifteen minutes to run to my room, change and then, run to the opposite side of the castle for the meeting! Crap!

"So who do you work under?" Apple asks.

Absent-mindedly, I reply, "the royal siblings." Big mistake.

"Really?" Aria's eyes widen even more.

" Tell me, Ms. Hayes, how is the mystery prince that has only been in court for five years in his life."

Trying to end the conversation as fast as I can, I point to Isaiah, " ask 'im."

Anthony asks, intrigued, "Does he have connections to the prince?"

I fight back the urge to slap him for his stupidity. What happened to the manipulative mastermind I met in Borelis? Instead, I give him an exasperated sigh, " 'e is da prince, ya twit."

Anthony just blinks at my brother, who's been staring daggers into his soul for the last twenty minutes. Gesturing to my baby brother he asks me, "He's the prince?"

I look at the clock and groan, looking back at Anthony I say, "no, 'e's the frigging stableboy." And then, I ran the opposite direction.

"Wait! A-Charlotte, where are you going?" Isaiah shouts after me.

"Da princess 'as a meetin' in forty-one minutes!"

My little brother's eyes widen. "Crap! I have to be at that meeting too!" He races after me. Throwing himself over a cart and rolling onto the ground before breaking into a run again.

I turn around and wave at the Borelians, "see ye at da Palace!"

Apple, the servant and the Queen wave back, while Anthony and Aria blankly stare at the two of us.

I run into the crowd. My blue ribbon, the one that binds my hair into a braid, gets stuck on one of the splintered posts of a street vendor. The ribbon slips off my silky, thin hair with ease. My hair unravelling into its regular wavy mess.

"Miss! You dropped your ribbon!" I hear Anthony's voice shout. I don't bother turning around. I don't have the time for that!

Leaping onto and startling my horse, Lily, I yell, " Give it to me at the welcoming ceremony! I'll be there."

It's at this moment that Isaiah jumps onto his horse, Caesar. Lily, who still hasn't recovered from me jumping onto her, jumps onto her two hind legs. Almost making me fall off. "Woah! Easy, girl! It's just my ugly, stupid brother!"


"I'm not sorry!"

We break into a gallop, startling a few civilians and getting a few curses from the street vendors.

"Kids these days," a lady mutters to her friend. "They've no respect for their elders."

We rush past the inner wall, into the bustle of Castlebridge Road. Charging past street vendors and more people, some, workers carrying heavy bags of goods to the harbour. Most of the people just walking around talking to friends.

I urge Lily forward and all the buildings and people become a blur.

Thank God, that our horses are in good condition and it isn't rush hour yet! We made it back to the Palace in twenty minutes. A third of my predicted timing!

The guards immediately recognize us and salute while the guards on the other side open the white, gold-plated steel gates for us.

The moment we reach the entryway, I hand my Lily to the nearest stablehand before sprinting to my chambers.

"Where were you!" Ellie and Cora boom.

"Valoria, the Borelians are here!" I reply with just as much fervour.

Cora's eyes widen, "what?"

"The Borlians are here!" I repeat. Running to my room, I leave the door open so they can still hear me.


"Ellie! Get up! You can faint later! Right now, we need to get changed!" Cora shrieks. I hear her running to her room. " what should I wear? What should I wear? What should I wear?"

I strip down to my undergarments and grab one of my modest, but fancy dresses from my closet. Damnit, my hair's a mess! "Leave the prettiest one for the ball on Friday!" I advise hauling up my dress and lacing it into place. "But, wear something fancy."

"Should we keep the dresses on for the welcoming ceremony?" Eleanor yells from her room.

"Depends on the extravagance! Don't go overboard!" I fix the bust of my dress so no cleavage comes out. Racing out of my room I frantically shout, "Dahlia, where are you?"

"I'm right here!" I don't even need to tell her. She already has a hairbrush in her hand.

"The Borelians should be here in ten to twenty minutes. Can you make sure that Ellie and Cora are ready!"

I can't see her but I can tell that she nodded by the slight delay in reply. "Of course."

I don't know how but when I come out of my chambers I look like a proper princess. God Bless, Dahlia and her mastery of my hair.

I make a run for the council chambers.......which are on the other side of the Palace. Why? Why not? Why not torture helpless royals such as myself, so weak in stature and endurance by making them run to the council chamber from the opposite side of the castle?

I run past the marble corridors and pristine gardens facing Valoria and the deep ocean beyond. Into the old palace and it's battered limestone walls. The late afternoon sun shines into the otherwise dark hallways. A light breeze carrying the scent of the back woodlands and the blooming lilacs, lilies and roses in the garden I had just passed. The wind stirs my hair out of my face.

Looks like the wind is in my favour today. Though the wind is usually in my favour when I need it. The perks of being heaven's daughter.

At that exact moment, a gust of wind comes. Ripping leaves off their branches and into my hair.


Plucking the leaves out of my hair, I walk over and stand next to Isaiah.

"What took you so long?"

I give him a sidelong gaze and roll my eyes."Shut up."

He shrugs as the doors to the council chamber open. "Presenting, the Princess Regent, her Royal Highness, Princess Amelia and His Highness Prince Isaiah!"

All the members of the high council of Aresia stand and bow, as I flash the smile I specifically save for the council room. " Hello, gentleman...."


{1}: Something she shouldn't be worried about.

{2}: Another thing she really shouldn't be worried about.

{3}: She gives her too much credit. She barely pierced rather, stared very deeply and failed to see any problem with the girl in front of her. For a girl raised by our female-lead. One would expect better. Though some might be willing to let her slip. Is it a child after all. (Somewhat.)


Amelia: *surprisingly presentable*

Isaiah beside her: *looks like he just came from a fuck session and forgot to clean himself up*

Vote and comment to see if he gets called out.