Our gorgeous man-lead, Anthony
Rose Palace was everything and nothing I expected. I knew the palace was on a seaside cliff, the one that looks over Valoria, but I didn't expect it to be like this. I didn't expect the spireing towers or the multiple walls that divided the palace into various sections of stone. Each wall, higher up the cliff and closer to the ocean than the last.
I didn't expect the gold encrusted gates or the multitude of soldiers on patrol when we entered the first wall. I didn't expect it to be so plain. There was absolutely nothing interesting about that area. It was complete rock. No fountains or gardens. The only interesting thing was the disturbing amount of guards coming in and out of the various archways on our left and right. Making me wonder, exactly why there are so many soldiers in this area.
Are they on high alert because of us or is it because of something else? And if so, what is that something else?{1}
**1.He worries too much, the princess made sure to back up security in the capital because she wanted to make the Borelians feel protected. Her mother also pressured her to double security to parade Aresia's large miltary in front of her sister.**
The second wall opens up to a completely different world. The whole place was painted in a deep lush green of towering trees. In the distance, I heard more soldiers and a few simpering noblewomen, most likely here for the season. The two month long event that took place every winter and summer at Phoenix court, where young noblewomen and men of the high gentry made their first appearance in court and were given the chance to choose their future spouses.
I hate debutantes...{2}
**2.Everyone does.**
They're these sweet, nice people in your childhood but, the moment they make their debut they turn into these bloodsucking leeches that are only after you for your money and status. Of course, not all debutantes are like that. But, usually the nice ones get married first, or never get married at all.
I sigh, the world is a very cruel place.
At this thought, my mind drifts back to the princess. The girl I'm to marry. The girl I've never met before.{3}
**3.Don't be so sure about that, dear.**
The girl who gave a servant girl her horse, so the girl could go to the city with her brother.
Of course, a horse isn't the only thing the princess gave 'Ms. Hayes' or whoever she was. My right hand shifts to the blue ribbon in my pocket. My fingers stroke the soft fabric, inspecting the feel of it on my fingers.
Servants don't wear silk. Servants can barely afford a small apartment in the poorer districts of the city. That's why their housing is arranged here, in the castle. So, how the hell did a royal servant get her hands on a silk ribbon and not get it ripped off of her pretty little head?
A very pretty head, if I do say so-
There could only be one reasonable explanation! {4}
**4.His theory is bullshit.**
It was very simple. 'Ms.Hayes' was a high noble whose family was in a feud with the royals. Thus, her hiding her identity when she was in public with the prince. She and the prince were in a secret love affair. Though, they were excellent at hiding it. When I was with them, I sensed no sexual tension whatsoever. The princess, being the manipulative woman she was, gave the girl her 'blessing' by giving her her horse and ribbon. All the while, planning how to get rid of her. Before, Prince Isaiah decided to beat me to a pulp, I noticed that his knuckles were already bruised. Most likely, from the princess's failed assasination attempt.
....are you sure that's what happened? The logical part of my mind asked me.
You're right, the princess was probably being genuine about her blessing. Nobody gives away their horse like that. Especially a horse of that quality and health. Come to think of it, the prince's knuckles weren't even that bloody. He probably got them from his last training session. He is Aresia's next High Commander.
....Even though that was supposed to be the princess's job....{5}
**5.In Aresian law, all second-born children of the royal family were to be sent to the House of Lotuses, the most prestigious military academy in the country, to train to become the next High Commander to the Aresian military.**
She was trained and brought up by her governess in the House of Lotuses. The best military school in all of Aresia. The princess went to that academy, and proceeded to swiftly leave her fellow classmates in the dust in acedemics and the training grounds. According to my spies, she was not only an amazing fighter but also a brilliant tactician. A master in all fields.
I honestly wasn't even surprised. This woman was the daughter of the Queen Luna Isabella Hestia, the woman who single-handedly brang my country to its knees. She was also the younger sister of the late-crown prince who won more battles in the war than I could count on my fingers.
Her being a manipulative tactician and fighter? Ha! I still wouldn't be surprised if that was an understatement!
When we finally reach the third wall, I notice the way all the soldiers in that area are all lined up. Probably, to salute us and all that sort of fanfare most royal families get when they visit other royal families. I notice how each soldier is lined in the red, gold and white army regalia and fully armed with a sword and pistol. Behind the line of soldiers on each side of the pavement, ornate gardens envelope the interior of the main entrance, profiled by the steady clay archways that surround us.
The moment we step out of the opening archway, trumpets flare and all the soldiers raise their guns to salute us. I resist the urge to cover my ears as the trumpets continue to blare into my ears.
I think I'm going to have a headache. "My poor ears...."
Thomas leans over, "the guns and canons shall go off in five..."
My eyes widened, "oh shit."
I turn to see my mother and Aria giving me the if-you-dare-I-shall-kill-thee glare.
By the Virgin Mary! Who cares! They've tried to kill me before! What's another time? At this point I'm practically immortal!
Errrr..... But...what if they've only been going easy on me this whole time?...
"Dammit!" I cover my ears as the canons blow. The guns, shooting off at the same time.
Why is it that even though I covered my ears the sound is still as painful as ever? I feel like my ears are bleeding.
Slowly, I raise my hands from my ears and place them back on Lucifer's reins. "I didn't have breakfast or lunch. My mother tried to kill me with a butter-knife. I meet the brother of my fiancee who decides to beat me up. And now my ears have been killed," I turn to Thomas. "My day can't get any worse, can it?"
My best friend just shrugs, clearly thinking about something far more important than me. His eyes cinched on the front entrance.
I roll my eyes and- ooooooohhhhh, that's what he's staring at. I nod at him gesturing to the regaly dressed girls waiting for us at the gates.
He shakes his head. I pout.
This bloody dumbass of a bastard is twenty-one and he still hasn't found a woman for himself! I choose to speak to him through my mind. Just pick one already you dimwit! It's not like you're going to actually have to spend time with her!
He scrunched his nose and gave me an angry look. If that's your idea of marriage, I seriously pity you and that girl you wanna find so badly.
He looks back to the entrance, and the girls before shrugging and maneuvering his gaze to the gardens. It takes all the power in my body to not make my jaw drop. I will never understand you.
Nice. He yawns.
I'm about to open my mouth to retort when we finally reach the entryway. I'm promptly met with maybe twenty or more butlers, dragging me off of my horse and patting me down. Clearly, checking for weapons.
I blink at the butlers as they back away and bow to me. What the hell just happened?
"Good afternoon, your Graces," I hear an awfully serene voice say from behind me. " We welcome you to Rose Palace."
Uhhhh-huh, you say that after you're done patting us all down for weapons.
I turn to meet the gaze of two, almost identical, women. Both dressed in fine silk gowns and hair done in luxurious updos. They wear the same family crest. Though, one chooses to wear it as a brooch and the other as a hairpin.
I know that crest. Anyone who has any involvement in Aresian politics knows that crest. The crest of Camilla. Emblem of the Rhysalia family. The second-most wealthy and powerful noble house in Aresia. Second only to the Royal house of Ignatius. {6}
**6. The present Duke of Camilla played an imperative role in Aresia during the war. Making him a very influential man in Parliament and the high council. Judging from the way these women carried themselves, they were none other than his daughters, the famous Rhysalia sisters, some of the most desired women in Phoenix court. Their immense wealth, power and beauty promoted them to the status of ladies-in-waiting to the future Queen.**
The question was, where was the heiress to the Ignatius house? Where was my fiancee?
Amelia and Isaiah's souls: *officially disassociated from their bodies*
Vote and comment to revive them.