Music: One summer's day - Joe Hisaishi (Spirited away)
Our favourite cold-hearted bastard, Anthony
We avoided each other for the entire day after that.
I hoped to avoid her at the ball also. Just because she had the right to kill me doesn't mean it was right of her.
I still hated her for it.
And the fact that she had the gall to think she was a good person. Pah! The only thing she was protecting that afternoon was her own skin and image. That spoilt piece of scum!
Are you done?
I rolled my eyes. What does it matter to you?
Well, you've been going on about how much of a bitch she is for a while now. I'm tired. Can we please talk about something else?
I recollect my memories and realize that he's right and that I've been giving that girl too much of my time.
Fine. What do you want to talk about?
.....It's been a while since you've worn something like this?
Like what?
Something that makes you look..... like a prince.
I'm not a prince so maybe that's why.
You've been a prince since you were four, boy. Shut up.
Yes, sir.
We stop talking for a bit and in that time I examined myself in the mirror on the wall beside me. The mirror itself was a full-body mirror built into the wall. Gold and ivory were encrusted into its sides and little carvings of suns and moons told the story of the seasons and day and night.
Reflected in the mirror was a tall man with long blond locks that had been pulled back into a bun. I wore my country's colours of dark blue and gold; the jacket made my shoulders seem broader than they were and, in general, made me seem much older than I was.
A man...
It felt terrifying. That I was only nineteen and not only the crown prince of an empire but engaged to be married to the most repulsive woman I'd ever met. I had no idea how I was going to handle either.
I suppose I could simply move the princess into a separate castle than mine and we could hold separate courts. In that scenario, we would only have to see each other on the note of official occasions.
Wouldn't I have to do that anyway since she was to be Queen of another empire?
Oh Lord, you have blessed me. Yes, I would.
"You've been staring at that mirror for a while, you know?" Thomas chooses to interrupt my thoughts at this moment. He is also wearing Borelian colours, though he somehow manages to keep some of his youth to him. I wonder how he does that despite being four years older than me.
He walks over and stands beside me on the balcony that presides over the ballroom, the light of the chandeliers reflect in his green eyes. He seems happy.
For a moment, I wish I were him.
"Did you see the princess tonight?" He asks looking over at her balcony. Though I know for a fact that he is not looking at the princess. I wonder how he managed to do that. Fall in love with a girl so quickly. I could never. (1)
*** Royals and foreign peoples that are, or visiting the Aresian court only partake in the festivities of a ball or party after the reigning monarch has chosen to be present and gives permission to her family and the foreign families to partake in the amusement.
It is considered of great insult and hostility for the monarch to not show in the presence of foreign dignitaries in their court and not give their blessing to feast.***
But you did-
Once. Not anymore.
You know you're going to have to look at her eventually.
I sigh. You're right. But before I do. Please tell me she looks hideous.
It is unfortunate that I have to inform you, that she is one of the most beautiful humans I have ever laid eyes on.
How lovely...
Slowly, I maneuver my head in the direction of the princess's balcony. My eyes stop when they glance at her.
Beautiful. Those were the only words that flowed into my head as I stared at her. She was the beauty that the Goddesses craved and the light painters sought to capture in their muses. She wore her country's colours of dark, rose red, a white diamond tiara with Aresia's beloved lily was encrusted into her dark chocolate hair. The light of the chandeliers danced off her white skin and sparkled in the rubies of her dress. In her blue-ocean eyes was an air of pure delight as she spoke to her ladies and looked down onto her court.
Lovely would be an understatement for her description. Her beauty was maddening. Insanely maddening. It was the type of beauty a man would kneel for. Beauty I would kneel for.
That is.......damn um. I was being sarcastic but-
Oh shit. I broke you, didn't I? After years of dealing with me, you have reached your limits. Shit! Father's gonna kill me!
Could you shut up?
Satan. I am fine. I was simply..... admiring the scenery...
Oh God, you're in love.
Are you sure?
......I'm not convinced at all but- alright.
Can you shut up now?
Thank you.
Your welcome.
"Child!" My mother slapped my arm and I grimaced.
"Yes, dear mother?" I reply whilst messaging my poor arm.
"My sister is here! Sit down!" (2)
***Yes, they have to stand until the monarch arrives. You can see why it is a great offence to the dignitaries if they don't show, yes?***
Abruptly my mother drags me down to my seat and I almost fall over from the force. Thank Lord for the cushions.
"Ladies and Gentleman!" The Queen calls the attention of the room. Her voice booms off the walls, her dark red eyes glisten as they behold her subjects. I take note of how similar and yet how contrasting she is to her daughter. Though they both milky white skin and magnificent curves. The Queen had red eyes and her daughter had blue. Where the Queen was an iron-fisted ruler that radiated power, her daughter seemed innocent and frivolous. Though my interactions with the princess had said otherwise. The Queen was a huntress and her daughter a delicate rose. One was a cold-hearted woman and another had the looks of a fragile flower. An innocent child. It was strange. To think that these two women were of the same blood and flesh. Let alone family.
"My gorgeous debutantes and my handsome inductees! My soldiers. My subjects..." She let her voice trail off on the last sentence and looked onto the crowd with affection. The epitome of a loving monarch. I almost applauded her for the show she was putting on.
"I am more than aware of the excitement you all harbour due to the beginning of the summer season-"
The crowd roared with cheers and applause at this. Apparently, the season was important. Interesting.
"-a time for our children to find a perfect match for themselves. For love. For prosperity. And for the advancement of our nobility."
More cheers. For reasons beyond me, I found myself hanging on to her every word. The only people seemingly immune to the Queen's charms were her children and sister. Was this a part of her gift? Was she using her gift on the people in the room?
I was impressed, to say the least. The fact that she had the entire court in one room, practically drooling for her to speak was something that both terrified and awed me. The ability to exert one's power so easily and powerfully. I was speechless.
"It is to my great delight to announce that my son, the prince will also be participating in this summer's season. Ladies, I do hope that one of you manage to catch my dear son's heart," she winks at a group of debutantes below, the crowd bursts into laughter and I watch Isaiah grimace from his balcony as Bryon and Khalil both give him suggestive looks. Even the princess winks at her little brother from across the ballroom. I almost pity the man. But it hasn't escaped me that the inductees are throwing each other confused looks. I pity them. They were expecting chances with the richest heiress in the country. Instead, they get a bastard future-king.
"Your Majesty what about the princess?" A confused inductee shouts. His question is backed by his friends and some of the observant courtiers. The Queen smiles as the court descends into confusion.
"This is exactly why I hate her..." My mother murmurs beside me. "She speaks in riddles and thrives in the chaos she causes."
Below us the court descends into further madness. People push others to get closer to the Queen and her balcony. Someone screams as they're trampled and drown in the growing crowd below her balcony.
Somewhere a sword is sheathed.
"MOTHER ENOUGH!!" The room is silenced by the princess's cries. Everyone's eyes turn to her but she pays no attention to them. Her eyes remain on her mother, pleading. "Would you just tell them?"
Her mother eyed her with a sort of crippled amusement. It seemed, for a moment, that her mask might break and a monster would replace her beautiful face that shone so beautifully in the light.
Instead, she turned her head to the crowd. "It is. To my great regret to announce that my daughter has already found love..." Her face is solemn as her mouth drops the lie. I grind my teeth as the princess staggers back into her chair. Her ladies attempt to console her but her eyes are already vacant.
The crowd roars with questions but the Queen raises a single hand to stop them.
"She and the crown prince of Borelis, are engaged to be married in three months' time."
There is a hushed murmur from the crowd as everyone recedes away from the Queen's balcony. I'm not surprised by their shock. The idea of the princess finding love with me, the heir to the enemy kingdom is enough to shock on its own.
"At so. On that note... I would like to invite these star-crossed lovers to begin this year's season. With a dance."
I release a breath.
Lord help us.
*laughs maniacally*
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