

“No-no! It is okay!” I instructed the girl as she was applying some powder on my face. God, does he think I need so much makeup!?

I sighed as I looked at my reflection. She has been doing so much on my face, and it looks just slightly different. It has been two hours. Yeah, I had taken a bath, and then came again. She was strictly instructed to keep my hair open and not make me look like a ghost.

If you just know what I mean.

I closed my eyes and waited for this to end.

I woke after some time and I realized she was the one to wake me up. I looked at the mirror, and honestly, I looked... beautiful.

“Sir asked me to change the dress that I gave you earlier, he bought another one for you,” she told me as I got up from the seat.


This dress had just no faults if you’re wondering. This is the perfect dress I could imagine wearing at my wedding.