Truth & Trust


I saw him. his one eye was badly bruised.

“Vincent?” I whispered and sat down on the floor beside him while he looked away. I touched his face but he got up. “That’s none of your concern,” he replied.

“I know. But still, please” I got up and went in front of him. He looked into my eyes.

“Why?” he asked me.

“Because I love you”

“But I--”

“Yeah I know you don’t love me, it’s okay” my voice cracked but I managed to say it. His eyes moistened. I was shocked. Why was he sad?

“What happened?” I asked him.

“Nothing” he looked away to the side.

“I know I don’t mean anything to you, but please…” I looked at him. “let me treat it”

“Who said you don’t mean anything to me?”

I looked at him shocked. “Do I?”

“Look, Ashley…” he closed his eyes and a tear fell. I immediately wiped it. “No, please don’t be sad”

He came closer and held me by my waist. Even now there were butterflies in my stomach. I was feeling so blessed. He was holding me like before. “Ashy”