You’re Mine


I was scared. Maybe I was doing right or maybe I was doing wrong. Who knows? Maybe I Will lose and then I will not be able to fulfil my promise to Ashley. I will not be able to return ever then.

I can’t lose this for her. I have to make this right, anyhow.

I went out of her house by taking the paper. We didn’t smile at each other, we didn’t kiss, hug or speak anything. We knew only one word would break us and stop us from taking this decision.

But this was the right thing and I knew I had to do it, no matter how hard it seemed right now. I knew it would bear fruits in the end.

I closed the door without turning around. I can’t see her. I know the faith she has on me. That I will return and love her right. But I didn’t have any choice and even after being the biggest mafia, I guess they can still control me.

But only if I am not prepared enough. I know what to do now.

I called my men. “Get ready, we are gonna attack”

