“Heather?” I asked him.
“Yes! She is the one who sent me all those photos and made me believe all the lies. And I came to know you two were working together!”
“We were but not this!” I yelled at the wrong accusation. “The only thing I made her do was to bring Lara!”
“Do we believe him?” He looked at Ashley. I raged as he referred to him and Ash as ‘we’.
“There is no ‘we’ in us” She swiftly said and a small smile appeared on my lips. “and yes, I believe him”
“Damn!” He pulled her but I pulled her back and she landed on my chest. “She is not a toy that you are snatching her like that!”
“Same goes for you! She believed me, Vincent. You know I mean more to her!”
“There’s nothing like this, Vincent…” I heard her whisper.
“She trusted me over you, brother and you have to accept the truth”
“Vincent…” She whispered but I pushed her away. Not because of what Chris said, but that was the truth too.
“Vincent…” She took my hand. “I really… I am sorry”