“How are you so sure?” I asked him.
“It is her hand writing” he threw the note on the floor. “I’ll help you in finding Lara”
“Why would you?”
“Maybe because I hate Heather” he went out of the house.
I picked up the note just in case I needed it later on and then followed him out. He gave me an earphone. “Sure you know how to use it”
He nodded and went to his car. I wore the earpiece.
“can you hear me?” I heard him through the earpiece.
“Great. You should follow my car, I will take you to her place”
I knew that he really did hate Heather, so I decided to believe him on this. Whatever the case maybe, I will handle it.
“What are we gonna do?” I asked as I sat down in my car and followed his’.
“You’ll get Lara and then I will take my revenge”
I didn’t wanna argue with him about anything.
We soon stopped in front of a big house. “Front door?” I asked him.