Salvara bucks?

In the morning everyone but Tral who was sleeping in the inverse pyramid started to gather in the main common room which looked like the private lounge at a club complete with stocked bar (first thing Tral filled), a large stage and several couches surrounding crimson stone tables.

"I'm rather excited to see what an actual rebel base is like" Arc brought up while jumping into a couch by Gara before starting to set up a decanter to brew some of his strong espresso. "After hearing all kinds of stories about how they hoard powerful artifacts or create monsters to fight the church, I wonder how much of it is true or just religious propaganda?"

"Arc you have the strangest obsessions" Gara stated then shapeshifted to look like complete with a cup of coffee which she waved about eccentrically as she talked "most people are scared of monsters but I want to know how they work. How are they made? Can I make them? Can I make better monsters" Gara mimicked Arcs fanatic mannerisms.

"Monsters are just new beasts made with science and magic by combining at least two pre-existing magical beasts. It is the people who are simply scared of the unknown" Arc Analyzed while pushing up his glasses and blowing on his new drink to cool it off.

"No Arc an eight foot tall tiger with shark teeth, a scorpion tail and eight legs is fucking scary when you're caught in it's webs" Gara corrected giving Arc a stare till he nervously looked away.

"I wouldn't be scared" came a voice from above as a platform descended from the ceiling. Sitting sideways in an ornate golden throne was Tral looking as bored as usual as the hidden elevator slowly lowered.

Gara gives her brother a look as if judging him for making an elevator throne before taking a long draw of her smoke and saying "That is because your solution to anything monsters is to drop a block of steel on it or blow it up."

Tral waits a moment before responding "I could drop a bigger monster on it" to which Gara immediately responds with "and what hope that they kill each other before either of them kills you or the creature you made dies of internal problems because you suck at biology? What was your record again? Fifteen minutes I believe."

"what if it was a really big turtle?" Tral replied while stretching which causes Gara to start ignoring him completely with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

Darick who was sitting at the bar with Lisa suddenly changed the subject "So now that we are all here, how about we stop talking and actually go out and see Sofie's father. I'm sure at least a few people must have noticed the new pyramid so that'll probably give them something to talk about before the demands start pouring in."

At which point Tral gets excited "ok guys everyone but the new girl knows what this means! Taking all bets starting with mine which is food for 100." Which causes Arc to bring out his notebook writing Tral's name and bet down.

"No way!" Gara exclaimed as she casually twirled her smoke through the air. "they are going to ask for fuel first and I bet 200"

"How can you say such things so casually, this is serious. Peoples lives are on the line here!" Darick said sternly. "They'll ask for animals thinking they can breed them not knowing that Tral can't keep the things alive much less figure out a reproductive system. That's an easy 400 so get ready to pay up suckers"

Lisa looks confused asking "what are you people doing?" which Arc responds with "It's a game we play when someone tries to befriend us because they all quickly ask Tral to act like a factory out putting products for them.. and I'm only betting 100 because I don't have anymore bucks after the last experiment. Unlike normal I won't be saying weapons but instead bet on the first request being for someone's powers other than Tral's"

"I'll gladly take your money Arc but are you sure you want to throw away the last of your bucks like that?" Asked Tral with a raised eye.

Lisa gets an even more confused look on her face "why do you all care about money? Can't you just get as much money as you want from Tral?"

"Hell no! We are gambling with a much higher currency than simple dollars here lady and I don't just bust my balls for free you know" Tral explains "You see we are using my own personally patented Salvara Bucks which these suckers use to get me to make things for them depending on how complex the created matter is"

He goes on to explain "If I win, I get to throw it in their face and refuse to do anything for a period of time equal to a hundred a day whenever I want and they have to thank me for it." He smirks as he shows off a finely woven bill made of a strange mix of materials which formed letters as well as a picture of Tral's smiling face on it.

Lisa looks completely shocked at the absurdity of what she was hearing but quickly recovered with a shake of her head.

Tral then takes the lead skipping towards the door singing "I'm a make some friends and stuff but mostly stuff but mostly stuff. I'm going to make some friends and stuff. Fake ass fucking friends."

When he is almost at the door after skipping down the hall and the automatic kicks in opening the door, an almost visual wall of sound and commotion reaches the ears of everyone.