Chapter 8: Clearing the Pro dungeon!!

Chapter 8: Clearing the Pro dungeon!!!

I feared that continuing this stalemate was disadvantageous to me. What if it's armor could recover its initial form after some time and again create the same explosion? This thought compelled me to close in despite the dangers. If it could still cause the explosion, its might will probably be smaller than before. So, I gritted my teeth and headed straight to Bryte.

Bryte was eagerly waiting for me to close in. It knew that I would sooner or later close in on it. So, it was already charging its main skill, Mighty Hurricane. This skill could be charged and strengthened. That's why it created the stalemate situation. And when it saw me charging straight, it unleashed the skill.

Mighty Hurricane

When I was nearing Bryte, it brandished its sword and used a new skill. The moment it used the skill, I could feel the air changing around me. A big hurricane of about 2 meters tall was created and at its center wasn't air but swords. Yes, it was a hurricane created by that sword.

When the hurricane reached me, I knew early on that I couldn't dodge this skill as it seemed to be able to chase me. So, I just tried to defend against it. I knew it was futile but I still had to try it.

I blocked some but the attacks from a meter tall sword couldn't be attacked causally. I lost my HP rapidly. In just 2 seconds, I lost more than 400 HP. I instantly used my exp to level up as I knew that this was the moment. Then I was again back at full health this time my HP crossing the 1000 threshold and reaching 1010.

The hurricane was still on and it finally stopped after another 2 seconds. I again lost 400HP this time. It only used one skill and dealt so much damage to me. No wonder it was trying to stall. I didn't waste my time as I was worried that it might still have some tricks. I rushed towards it and slashed at it continuously. I knew that if I failed here and if it used that skill again, it might really be over for me.

Horizontal slash-60

Inclined slash-70


I still couldn't use inclined slash at will. I wanted it to be natural as it dealt more damage than the normal slash. I focused my attacks at the same part as much as I could as I might deal more damage this way. I chipped away its HP slowly. It was trying to retaliate with its normal punches as I didn't see its sword. It must be that skill's effect I thought. Anyway, this was advantageous to me. So, I increased my tempo and dealt more damage. I soon reached 10 hit combo this time and again, my attack damage increased by 50%. This feeling was really good.

Horizontal slash-90

Inclined slash-65

Soon it only had 10% health remaining. I was getting happier now that it only had that much HP remaining. But there was still some twist remaining in the fight. As its purple armor started glowing, and I knew at instant what it signified. Not now. I wanted to stop the explosion but I knew I couldn't as I really had no way to do that. I didn't understand why it didn't use explosion sooner if it could be used again. I tried to back down and at least create some distance between us which might deal a little damage. I knew that it was my only wishful thinking.


The purple armor exploded and it took 400 HP of mine at an instant. Fortunately, it needed more time to explode and it was a little weaker, I was able to create some distance and be alive to tell the tale. It was my first boss only and it already my life so many times that I didn't dare to imagine how fierce the monsters would be in the Legend and the Mythic dungeons.

When I looked at Bryte, it didn't have any armor this time and it looked exhausted and it also started to shrink down. Its huge 5 m body soon became 1.5m only. And without any armor, it didn't look intimidating any longer. Now I knew why it wasn't using the 2nd explosion. When I was looking at it, it started to back down from me. Clearly it was afraid of me now. This scene made me really happy. I chased after it and slayed it at last and finally cleared the Pro Dungeon.

Congratulations on killing Bryte. Exp 2000 granted.

Level 7 difference noted. 200% bonus in exp added.

Total exp:6000 exp

I rested for a period and collected all the loots from this dungeon. When I looked at the loots, I didn't know what to say. I only got 2 brown cores, 1 orange core, Euntrolf's Bow, Bryte's Sword and Fireball skill only.

Euntrolf's Bow (Rare) (Level-13)

Fires 3 arrows out of thin air at the target.

40% chance of ignoring defenses.

Needs 10 seconds to reload.

Bryte's Sword (Epic) (Level-15)

Requirements: Strength 40 Agility:10

Deals 100% damage.

40% chance of 200% damage.


1. Mighty Slash-Level 1

Throws slashes at air.

Deals 150% damage.

Cooldown: 2 sec

2. Mighty Hurricane-Level 1

Creates a hurricane full of sword attacks. Lasts for 2 seconds.

Deals 200% damage. Sword will be unusable for a minute.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Fireball (Rare)

Creates a fireball and burns everything down.

Consumes 50MP.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

I was disappointed at first but I felt that it was all worth it when I looked at the their attributes.

I was about to exit the dungeon when the system announcement rang.

Congratulations Mr.Shiva for clearing Pro dungeon. You are the first person to clear this dungeon and 4th person to clear Pro dungeon as a whole. Will you like to show yourself on the rankings?

Yes, but hide mine and dungeon's name. is that doable?

Yes. Also, you are the only one to clear the dungeon with 100% proficiency. So, you can choose two of the following things as a reward.

1. System Upgrade +1

2. Triple cut (Rare)

Throws 3 cuts at some place, each cut dealing 100% damage.

Cooldown:5 sec

3. Pro Badge

There are only 10 of them. They will give you 20% boost in attributes, increase your attacks by 50% and defense by 50% in Pro dungeons.

Each and every option was enviable. I wanted all of them. But I knew that I couldn't. I thought for some time and I felt that system at level 2 will give me many answers and new features that will be helpful to me currently.

And the triple cut was also pretty good as I didn't have many skills right now. I also wanted the Pro badge but I knew that if there was pro badge, there will be legend badge and even be mystic badge.

So, I chose System upgrade and the triple cut skill.