Chapter 15: Legendary Leveled Red Dungeon!!!

Chapter 15: Legendary Level Dungeon!!!

Inside the legendary dungeon

When I entered the legend ranked stage, I could sense a vast difference. The atmosphere inside was oppressive. I could feel my mind being influenced even though I have activated state. I could feel that my combat standard dropping bit by bit by the atmosphere.

I took a deep breath, scanned my surrounding and took my time to adjust with the surrounding.

When I was scanning the place, I guessed that it was a tunnel. I hadn't seen a tunnel until now in real. I had only seen them in videos.

There weren't modern light bulbs on the ceiling. Instead, there were only flame torches. They were pretty far from each other so; the tunnel was still pretty dark. I didn't know if they were protected by a spell or what as even the wind howling towards me didn't extinguish the flame. The occasional howling of the wind and the dark view carrying a murderous aura was really scary. Despite me taking some time to adjust with the surrounding, the chilly wind still would shock me as it would appear randomly and strangely. I didn't think much about that strange feeling and ventured deeper inside the tunnel.

I didn't reach the end even after walking for almost an hour. The tunnel was the same. When I gazed farther, I felt that the tunnel was never ending. Nothing has changed after all the time. I didn't know how far I had walked as the place I was in was the same everywhere. No matter how far I walked it was still the same. The tunnel was same the whole way or maybe it was an illusion I wondered.

I stopped walking to ponder on what to do. I thought for a while and decided to venture deeper. As I didn't see any alternatives for now. Fortunately, I had marked my way or I might have returned to the starting point as I had lost my sense of direction completely. I walked for another hour without any discovery. I knew that I must have travelled more than 80 KM by now but still the tunnel looked the same. I looked back from where I was coming. If there weren't marks, I would have believed that it was unreal. But the mark numbered 1000 showed me that it was real.

I looked around me and the only thing I noticed was the flame torch. I had felt that it was strange but had ignored it. But now I realized that I should have checked it at first as I had already lost more than 2 hours. It would be morning soon. I didn't want to encounter anyone I knew when I was heading out of the dungeon.

I walked towards the nearest flame torch and observed it carefully. I tried to scan it with the but it didn't give any clues. I tried to touch it but my hand just passed through it. It felt like a phantom. The flame torch wasn't real or it was mysterious. I knew that the flame should be real as it was the only source of light inside the tunnel, though it was still dark.

I waited for a while observing the torch carefully. I felt that the flame torch looked or felt different when the wind passed by. I waited for a while and put my hand above the torch when I felt another wave coming. When the wind passed by, I felt hot and shrieked from pain. The fire was really hot and dangerous though it was small and inside a mirror on the flame torch. It was really mysterious how the fire was still lit. I didn't give it much thought and waited for another wave.

After a while, another wind came howling. This time it lasted a bit longer. I touched the base of the flame and tried to held it. This time I successfully touched the torch and my surrounding changed when I hold the torch. A small door was visible on the place where the torch was placed previously.

I tried to open the door. Fortunately, it didn't need a key. I opened the door and headed inside.

This time I was inside a small compartment. I didn't know what it was. The AI for the first time responded to my thought and informed me that it was a train compartment. I observed the compartment and upon seeing nothing strange inside it, I headed towards another compartment. But the door to another compartment was locked. When I tried to open the compartment, I felt something. I looked back and was scared to see a ghost standing in front of me.

It was covered with a white cloak. Only its eyes, legs and hands were visible. At the moment, I felt that it resembled a ghost.

Phantom Minion



Even an elite monster was just a minion. This fact shocked me. How scary must be the boss then I thought. I didn't think much and lunged at it equipping The Stake. There wasn't much space inside the compartment to move around too much. I attacked first with a chop followed by a triple cut and then a fireball. The phantom was an elite. It had already achieved . So, despite being slower, it was able to dodge the chop and first two cuts. But it failed to dodge the last cut and the fireball.



I didn't stop my momentum and equipped the bow with my left hand when it was still burning and fired the arrows instantly.




Hitting all arrows at once and at same point really wielded benefits. The triple cut was already off cooldown. So, I followed up with it at the same place where the arrows hit. Blood was already oozing out from that place and when it was hit by triple cut, it wielded extra damages.




It had only been mere seconds and I had already dealt such damages to it inside the legend rank. I was really glad but I didn't let it consume me. I calmed myself and attacked it with continuous chops and slashes this time. I was about to reach the 10 continuous combos when it blocked my hit and tried to counter attack. It had underestimated my agility if it tried to counter me. I used my speed to the max and attacked it with all sorts of slashes and cuts.

After what felt like only a moment, the minion phantom fell on the ground with a thud and disappearing from the ground and dropped a brown key made up of iron.

I scanned the key and confirmed that it was the key to the next compartment.

Opens the compartment door of Ananda Train.

Uses remaining:1

I had 3,800 exp before and with the current 2,000exp, I had 5,800exp which was enough to level up. I had wanted to reach Level 10 as I had recently discovered that would grow once I was level 10. So, I levelled up and this time I used all my points in Strength. I had felt that agility was enough for some period of time. I needed to increase Strength to wield Bryte's Epic sword as soon as possible.

After opening the door, the key vanished as depicted in the description.

I headed inside the door to another compartment. It was still the same size but I could see 3 minions this time. I felt that this fight might be troublesome. It wasn't the phantoms I felt troublesome, it was the limited space inside the compartment.