Chapter 16: Phantom Assassin!!!!

Chapter 16: Shadow and Reaper!!!

When I reached level 10, finally The Stake also reacted and started glowing golden light.

After a while, it stopped glowing and I heard a system announcement.

The Stake

+50 AP +5 Strength

Durability 100/100

The Stake had finally upgraded to level 10. The drastic change it showed was in its attack power. It had almost doubled and now with this, I felt that I had grown a bit stronger now with increase in my AP. I also noticed that my base defense had increased from 4 to 10. With all the boosts from the equipment, my total defense had reached 30. (10 base defense+10 from Shiva's Armor and 10 from the ring)

After observing all the changes, I entered the compartment via the key I just obtained.

I headed inside the door to another compartment. It was still the same size but I could see 3 minions this time. I felt that this fight might be troublesome. It wasn't the phantoms I felt troublesome, it was the limited space and I still had to fight three of them. But it was only troublesome, it wasn't hard. With the increase in AP, I could probably solo them all at once if the compartment was a little bigger, I thought.

I equipped The Stake and rushed towards the nearest Phantom Minion and attacked it with a normal slash. It tried to block it but I changed its direction from a vertical slash into an inclined slash. The strike connected and a small wound could be seen on its waist.


I equipped the bow with another hand and fired 3 arrows towards it. Due to the close distance, all 3 arrows hit. And I was also luck this time that the 1st arrow ignored its defense and pierced its flesh. It was followed by another 2 arrows instantly.




It dealt a huge damage and despite the arrows disappearing I could see small damage coming from it.



I felt that it was most likely because the arrows were stuck in its flesh this time instead of disappearing. It was losing its combat power bit by bit and its HP was also shrinking by -10 each second.

I was about to attack it and destroy it completely before another minion reached me and hit me in the back. I was so engrossed in the fight against the 1st minion that I ignored them completely. I only remembered it when I felt pain on my back.


I felt pain and lost my HP a little but I was glad that I suffered only 50 damage. It must be due to the recent increase in my defense. I then activated and focused on all 3 opponents. Only then I realized that having a small space was also an advantage for me. The 3rd minion wanted to attack me but it wasn't able to. The other 2 minions weren't kind enough to let it pass by and attack me.

I felt that I was wasting my time on these mobs. They didn't even have any skills despite being inside the legendary levelled dungeon. I rushed towards them at my full speed and attacked them with triple cut followed up by continuous slashes and chops.

I tried to focus my most of the attacks upon the same place and tried to accumulate damage to further weaken them. Though I had higher combat power than them, I didn't neglect the fight and fought them ruthlessly without any mercy.

After a while, I was finally able to kill them.

<5 level difference noted. No bonus added>

I only got 600 exp this time from each. I figured that it might be because I recently reached level 10. I didn't waste my time on it any longer and focused on the loots.

This time also I didn't see any loot except for a key. This time it was golden in color. I scanned it with and was shocked to see what it was.

Opens all the locks.


The number 2 meant that it could be used for another 2 times. I knew that I needed to use it right now to head to another compartment.

This time the compartment was bigger and lengthier. It was a bit darker and there were shadows at many places. I didn't see any monsters though. I was only thinking about it when I felt chill down on my spine. I reacted instantly and leaped from there in any direction I could. I had reacted instantly upon the first sign of the danger but I still felt my back turning wet.


I touched my back and only then I felt pain. The strike had connected and successfully wounded me. When I looked at my palm, I could see sweat filled with blood. I was lucky that I had activated or the injury might have been bigger.

I had figured out recently that wasn't a passive skill. it couldn't be maintained all the time as it costed stamina. I still hadn't unlocked the hidden attributes Stamina until now. So, I didn't use it all the time fearing fatigue at crucial time.

I looked around vigilantly for the attacker. I felt that it must be the work of an assassin. I had heard and read about them hiding deep in the shadows and striking when we expected the least. They would be lurking in the shadows following their prey until they kept their guard completely down and only appearing to strike them and finish them at once. They would never let go any chance they got. Finally, I was lucky that I didn't get a blow at neck. I had reacted fairly instantly when I felt the danger and leaped randomly. So, the assassin must have missed its mark.

< Elite Assassin>


When I was looking for the assassin, I saw a shadow appearing at the location where I was staying previously. I had been holding my breath because of it and only then I sighed and calmed myself. I had only calmed down and observing it, when I again smelled death. This time it was clearer and nearer and more lethal and dangerous. I reacted next moment and squatted down in an instant.

When I squatted down, I saw another assassin appearing and its blade striking the place where my neck was standing proudly before. When I saw the blade striking that place sharply, I instinctively held my neck and was shocked. I knew that I couldn't afford to make mistakes like that never again. I calmed down myself the next moment taking a deep breath and equipped .


The 2nd assassin looked more dangerous and lethal to me as it also had more HP despite them being the same level. From outer appearance, they both looked the same but their lethality and aura felt different to me. They were wearing a black suit and their faces were covered with a black mask. They looked like hitmen rather than assassin with their dark colored suit.

From the 1st assassin, I could sense impatience and from the 2nd assassin, I could sense endless patience in its deep and lethal eyes. I felt that it must have looked down upon me that it missed its mark when I was least expecting there to be 2nd assassin.

I didn't waste any time and stroked towards its with a powerful chop. The Reaper was really an elite as it nimbly dodged the triple cut an backed down. I wanted to follow it with another slash. But I stopped and backed down when I felt a shuriken coming towards me. I rolled backwards and only then I was able to dodge the Shuriken.

I stood up and looked at the assassins coldly my thoughts unknown. I knew that my attributes were far superior to them. Despite that they were able to cut me off guard, I felt embarrassed and pure rage upon them. I knew that they were agile but still I was confident in my 54 points agility. So, I didn't hold back at all and lunged at them instantly.

Seeing my speed, the Reaper was shocked and backed down a bit to create more distance. The 1st assassin was like a foolish youth who didn't fear anything and rushed towards me. I was once again shocked to discover these emotions. I felt that it wasn't legendary levelled dungeon for nothing. They had intelligence and emotions like humans.

When it neared me, I swung the Stake at its neck horizontally. The Shadow nimbly dodged it and was about to attack me when it felt a blow at its gut. I had followed up with a punch right on its gut after it dodge my blow. I felt then that it didn't have any defenses at all. And I was right as even my punch created a huge damage or at least more than I thought.


I followed up with triple cut and though it was nimble and agile, it couldn't block me or dodge the cut.



-400 (critical Hit)

While I was fighting the 1st assassin, I had been observing the 2nd one from the corner of my eyes. It was also observing me calmly. Its feeling unknown. I didn't know what it was thinking and I also didn't care at all. I continued attacking the 1st assassin with fireball, chops, triple cuts continuously and dominated it. I felt that I was attacking a statue. Only I knew that it was because of the huge gap in the attributes. They were only level 15 and had probably 60-70 attributes. I was just recently awarded 50 attributes at once. Only this was almost enough to be similar in terms of attributes. So, I easily overwhelmed it.



I was very happy that I was overwhelming it when I felt that something was wrong. I looked towards the place where the 2nd assassin was and I noticed that it had long since disappeared. I was shocked for only an instant but it was enough for the 1st assassin waiting eagerly for its chance. It activated its stealth skill and it also vanished right before my eyes.

I backed down instantly and cursed my ancestors for ignoring the 2nd assassin. I knew that it was nearing and waiting for the right moment and place to strike me. I activated and pushed it completely to the limits. I closed my eyes and focused my all on the other sense rather than vision.

I pushed my hearing, smelling and feeling to the absolute limit and waited patiently. I knew that they didn't have the stealth skill for eternity. They would have to show themselves sooner or later. And it was more advantageous if they wasted more time for the right moment. I was waiting for them to be impatient and make mistake for me to exploit.