Noob Does Not Have That Much Experiences

He was surprised by how many experiences he gained from killing one Steel Pangolian. But he was surprised even more by the monster's level. It was twice higher than the T-bone Rooster and the Guardian Fish. This area was not far from the chicken's area, so it surprised him the level difference between the two monsters.

What baffled him, even more was the fact that he needed ten more minutes to kill one Steel Pangolian after his initial burst with [Frozen Spear]. He discovered the estimated Steel Pangolian's HP was around 20k-23k. That was his total damage estimation in that ten minutes.

"Steel Pangolian is too tanky. I can't imagine how tanky the boss is." Shen said, shaking his head as he retrieved the Guardian Snout from the ground. He checked the snout's durability. The snout durability was less than half. Not just it was troublesome to kill, but also expensive. He felt like it was not worth it to sacrifice one snout for two Steel Pangolian.