Noob Goes To The South

Shen was surprised that Yue was being apologetic all of a sudden. He did not mean to make her feel bad for what she said. He understood that she was just worried about his well-being. "No… No no. You don't have to apologize. I don't mean it that way." He scratched his eyebrow as he did not know what to say to avoid the awkwardness.

"It's okay, Shen. I don't think that far because I was too concerned about y—" Yue abruptly stopped her words as she realized there was something wrong with her words.

She looked at Shen with her eyes widened, and Shen also did the same. Shen looked into her eyes, waiting for her to finish her words whilst Yue tried to avoid finishing her words.

"So…. What did you find in the north, Shen? Do you think the monster in the north is easier than the Chameleon Mamba?" She changed the topic.