The Hybrid Form 5

'I just can't contain myself for some reason.'

That was what he said, implying he usually wouldn't do something like this, or at least quite like this. What was it about Moka that had everyone going so absolutely over the top retarded for her? Sure you wanted to grab her by the hair, bend her over and pound her absolutely silly on a daily basis, but you could control that fucking instinct!

You didn't have any time to think though, a split moment later the vortex of flame split apart and Gin, a blur of speed that you could barely follow launched through it.

Yeah, by the looks of it, he was a bit faster than Inner Moka at her fastest. You couldn't compete with her speed, not really. But, you were used to it. And this guy, while he hit hard, he didn't hit anywhere near as hard as her.

You thrust your arms outwards, catching both of his own furred arms on the insides as he tried to maul you. Your arms spasmed under the force, but you grit your teeth and held strong, surging forward to smash your forehead into his snout.

His head snapped back with a yowl, but before you could capitalise on your advantage, another sonic boom rang out as his blue furry tail scythed through the air behind him!

His entire body spiralled into a front flip and you stepped back, arms coming up to guard as he lashed out with a furry blue foot with long black claws. They slammed into your arms, and tore great big rents of flesh from you while the force of the blow sent you skidding backwards.

You roared in pain, but didn't let that stop you from spitting another gout of flame from your mouth to keep him back a bit.

He came barrelling right through it in a blur so fast the flames didn't even have time to fully catch onto him. His fur glittered with embers, and his fist smashed into your guarding arms, causing a snarl to leave you as he slammed his fist into the rends in your arm.

Before you could counter, he transitioned into a second punch with his other hand that you had to block as well, before exploding into a flurry of lightning fast punches, each one so fast they created a small sonic boom and shock wave.

It took all you had to keep up, your hands moving as fast as they could as you used all of your experience and knowledge when it came to hand to hand combat to parry his blows.

You were being overwhelmed rapidly though, even with youki enhancement vastly increasing your physical abilities, and you couldn't even take a moment to breath deeply to fire a jet of flames.

'At this rate, I'll just get beaten!' you snarled inwardly. Fuck that! You stopped parrying, bringing your arms back into a cross block and absorbing one of his punches, you used the momentum generated by the punch to push yourself downwards and lash out, kicking at his knee.

You made contact!

Gin gave a yowl of pain as you slammed your foot into his kneecap and paused in his attacks and you used that chance, you surged back up and drove an uppercut with all your strength into the underside of his jaw.


The air shook from the force of the blow. Yet, it only forced his head upwards. He forced his head down, pushing your fist down with it and grinned at you. And that was when you noticed...your arms were shaking.

Your eyes flickered to the great big gouges of flesh torn out of them. 'The muscles in my arms are weakened!' you realised. Because of your injuries, you couldn't put your full strength into your hits!

You might have learned youki enhancement, but you were not a vampire. You were wyvern hybrid! You didn't get your physical power from youki, but muscle power!

You drew on your youki, a vast amount of it, building the flames up within you. Fuck this, you'd just roast him to death with full power!

Before you could fire it out though, his furred fist latched onto your face, sealing your lips and pulled you into the air, "Ah-ah-ah!" he denied you, and then his other arm wound back, and in a blur delivered a rapid barrage of blows to your stomach.

You felt blood building up alongside the flame within you! He was pulverizing your organs with each punch!

Glaring down through the thickly furred fingers obscuring your gaze, you timed it just right and lashed out with a quick punch with your left arm, punching his wrist right on the bone just as he was about to slam another fist into your stomach.

He cursed, letting go of your face in surprise and with a save grin, you opened your mouth-

And a punch caught you under the chin so fast you didn't see it, it forced your face upwards and a gigantic blaze erupted from your lips right up into the air, so wide and expansive it spread out and blotted out the sky for a few seconds.

Before you could recover, a knee connected with your sternum, and you felt your ribs break from the blow. You were lifted up off of your feet and you slammed into a tree, then through it, then another, then another, and another and another, and another, and another, in total you slammed through seven trees in total before landing in a crater within a clearing over a hundred feet away.

"Gah!" you spat blood, agony flaring through you as you pushed yourself up onto your hands and knees, hacking and coughing.

It was only thanks to how physically resistant you were as a part wyvern that your ribs had held up this long.

'So this is the strength of a fucking S-class monster!' you realised, a bit awed. You knew it, Moka had been going easy on you.

The strength of an S-class monster was something else!

But, beyond being impressed. You were fucking pissed off!

"You know I gotta hand it to you," Gin's voice suddenly spoke up, and you glared up through the peripherals of your vision to see him swaggering into the clearing, his fur a bit matted and bloodied, his uniform torn and burnt in places, but looking in far better shape than you were sure you looked right now, "You're not even in your monster form and you've taken a beaten like this from me."

Fucking monster form. You didn't have one! Mikogami had told you years ago that you would gain one at some point, all hybrids did! But you never had! Inner Moka had claimed when you did get it, your strength would possibly near her own!

'I trained myself into the dirt for three years straight to learn how to use this fucking power!' you cursed, 'Yet, even after all that, a piss ant like this, a fucking pussy soy boy can walk all over my like a piece of trash just because he was born a werewolf!'

It wasn't even someone you could respect, like Moka herself who trained hard with you to improve her martial arts skills! It was just some horny mutt that couldn't control himself.

'Fuck this!' you raged, you wouldn't accept this! Not some loser like this! You focused on the Holy Locket wrapped around your arm, the youki you had stored inside it, filling it to its capacity. And you pulled on it all! You were going to fucking burn everything in the vicinity out of existence, let's see how his fucking speed saved him then!

As the youki rushed into you, fuelling your rage, your body was overcome with a feeling of burning heat and vision went red as your youki exploded outwards.


And you found yourself stumbling to your feet, a roar of pure beastial instinct tearing itself free from your throat. You heard a panicked shout, but ignored it. Something ripped its way free of your back, and you felt yourself rising higher. Your arms heavier, stronger, and you could feel dirt and stone give way beneath your toes.

When the haze of rage and heat passed by after what felt like hours, you found yourself panting deeply and looking at wide eyed werewolf, his furry arms up and protecting his face.

"What the fuck?" he gaped at you, lowering his arms and looking you over, "What the hell are you? I've never seen anything like you before!...You can't be...a dragon!? I thought they were extinct!"


You blinked slowly, and looked down at yourself, and then your eyes widened immediately after at what you saw. Your arms up to the elbows were covered in thick black scales that led into scaled hands and clawed fingers, large pristine white clawed nails each over an inch long. Your blazer and shirt ahd completely given way, being torn apart and leaving your torso bare, little had changed on that except for armoured scales winding down your shoulders. Your pants and shoes had been blown away at the bottom, to show from the knee downwards that like your arms, they too had been encased in thick powerful black scales, and talon'd feet.

A heavy weight on your back made you look over your shoulder, and there on your back was a pair of huge black scaled wings, each nearly as large as you were tall, and below them, a long, scaled tail with a trident bladed tip just knew, was full of poison.

You lifted a hand to your head on instinct to rub at your hair..only to feel a pair of large spiky horns jutting out from your hair, the tips twisting to face outwards.

'...What'ya know...I guess I just needed to get pissed enough to unlock my hybrid form all along?' you thought in daze.

A daze that was quickly leaving you. felt strong. Stronger than strong. It felt like your strength had doubled, no maybe even tripled, possibly even more! Even your youki had risen to new heights!

"Screw it! It doesn't matter!" Gin howled, shooting towards you, claw outstretched for your throat, "You still aren't a match for me! Moka will be mine!"

He was still a blur to you, could see him so much more clearly now. Your arm rose up on instinct, his claws gouging into your arm once more a split moment later. The impact kicked up a shock wave that tore branches from surrounding trees, but this time, it was wasn't claw on flesh, but rather, claw on armour-like scale.

There was screeching sound like a sword slashing against a metal wall, and your arm stung as scratches tore in your scales, but unlike before, his claws went no deeper.

"What the!?" his neon yellow eyes went wide in shock, and you didn't waste the opportunity presented to you. Youki augmenting you even further beyond your limits, you lashed out at a speed far, far beyond anything you were capable of before you fist slamming into his stomach and returning the favour from before as Gin, like you before him was sent flying, slamming through a series of trees.