The Hybrid Form 6

"Hurry!" Inner Moka urged them both on. The air rattled with the sounds of battle and both Moka and Kurumu rushed towards where the sound of battle was coming from.

"God damnit!" Kurumu cursed as they ran through a trail of broken and burning trees, "Can't we get one day without one of these idiots trying to pick a fight because they're horny!"

Moka bit her lip, worriedly eyeing the destruction all around them, and every few moments they heard a howl, or shout while the ground shook.

"We'll need to be quick!" Her inner self added, "Get to Kai, make him take the rosary of and I'll deal with this foolish mutt!"

"What, why?" Kurumu asked, confused, "I know he's a werewolf and all, but Kai should be able to handle him! He's so strong in his human form, he must be unstoppable in his monster form!"

"He doesn't have one!" Moka blurted out in her nervousness.

"..Wait, what!?" Kurumu gaped in shock, "What the hell do you mean he doesn't have a monster form! Every monster is born with one!"

"Keh, suppose he'll have to forgive us for revealing it," Inner Moka clicked her tongue, "Listen succubitch, Kai was not born a monster, he is a hybrid, a human who gained monster blood and the power of a monster, a wyvern to be specific, that is why he doesn't have a monster form!"

"Kai's a human!?" Kurumu skidded to a stop and went totally wide eyed.

"Used to be!" Moka hastily added, stopping herself. She eyed the blue haired girl hesitantly, "...Does that change anything for you?"

The girl stood there in a daze for a second before shaking her head and slapping her cheeks, "Of course it doesn't!" she scoffed, "I couldn't care less if he was a slug underneath all that, I'll love him regardless, it was just a bit shocking is all!"

Despite how much Kurumu annoyed her with the way she constantly latched onto Kai and flirted with him, Moka felt her estimation of the girl rise up a bit.

'Kai..' her stomach flip flopped nervously. She didn't really know much at all about fighting! She knew Kai was strong, but was he strong enough to beat a werewolf?

She wanted to believe in him and the strength he was so proud of. But, above all else, she didn't want to lose him.

She could never have imagined she'd come to care for someone as much as she did him. She'd been alone so long, it was almost alien to her. And, he was so different compared to the friends she always imagined she wanted.

He was rude, crude and perverted, with no shame at all, and honestly, very arrogant and a brute on top of all that. But...he was also kind to her, and understanding, and giving. He was always looking out for her and her making sure she and her inner self were fine and having fun, and he happily gave her the right to drink his blood.

She could barely remember her family, her inner self remembered more of it, but as far as her memories went, Kai was the closest to her by far.

And he wanted her. Moka shivered as she recalled the revelation of what he would do to her should have lost control of himself due to Kurumu's charm. What he wanted to do to her, but held back.

He wanted to fuck her, both her and her inner self. Conquer them both, claim them as his women. If he had asked her back then to be his woman, she would have probably agreed. She didn't have the same standard of wanting him to reach a certain level of strength after all, and that was all that was holding her back her other self.

It was Kai himself that wanted to hold off on a relationship, until he could learn to be an actual boyfriend, have a proper relationship, and not just keeping their friendship the same with sex involved.

But, Moka kind of thought that, that would be fine? Weren't they practically dating already? Wasn't the only thing missing from a relationship being the...skinship Kurumu had teased her about. She held his hand all the time, and he hugged her all she wanted. He made dinner for her all the time, and they watched movies together, played games together, studied together. He went out of his way for her whenever she needed. The only thing missing was kissing...and what came after.

"So Kai can't win then!?" Kurumu demanded worriedly.

"There's a decent chance he can, he's very strong even in his human form," her inner self replied, "But without his hybrid form, the form humans with monster blood took in ages past, he is at a massive disadvantage! He is facing an S-class monster, and the species said to rival we the noble vampires at that after all!"

A lump formed in Moka's throat. She couldn't imagine her life without Kai now. They'd only been together a month and a half, but it was the best month and a half of her life, by far.

Kai did so much for her, gave her so much. It was why...her eyes flickered to the blue haired girl talking to her inner self. It was why she wanted to give more to him, give him what he wanted to.

Just then a massive gale force swept through the area and Moka gave a cry of shock as she tried to keep her skirt down. When it died down and she looked up, she could see a massive towering beam of red burning light piercing into the sky.

"What the hell is that!?" Kurumu voiced both of their shock.

A sigh came from the rosary, "..That is Kai's youki, I can sense it clearly," her inner self calmly replied, "It has doubled if not more in strength. It seems we don't need to worry about him losing the fight any longer, if I am correct, he must have unlocked his hybrid form, our worrying on that front was for nothing."

She gave a sigh of relief, and realised her limbs were shaking from adrenaline. She may have had access to the same abilities as her inner self, but she'd never trained them, so she couldn't sense well at all or use her youki to augment her strength.

Kurumu sighed in relief right alongside her, "That's good then right? He'll kick that horny mutt's face in and we can just dump this club and go relax."

"...I wouldn't be so sure," her inner self spoke up, "While I have no doubt he is now easily in the S-class range and more than a match for that mutt. We may have just as big a problem."

Moka bit her lip, she didn't like the sound of that.

"What the hell are you on about now? Can you stop being so cryptic?" Kurumu huffed in annoyance.

"Very well, I am saying that Kai has never dealt with his full instincts as a hybrid because he has never entered his fully hybridized state, until now, and now he will be exposed to them in full for the first time, and may just not be in the most control of himself." Inner Moka explained.

"So he's most likely gonna kill that guy then?" Kurumu asked.

"Most likely, but above that, Wyvern's are cousins of the legendary dragon, weaker, but they have much the same instincts and powers, if to a lower degree. They are monsters of greed and desire and their instinct is to satiate those desires," her inner self replied, "And his main desires, are us, no? He comes from vast wealth and has grown much stronger, that leaves only the vice of lust. What was it he said again? Ah, I suspect that if we approach, the pair of you may just may end up with your ankles locked above your heads and your purity claimed by him while he ruts you like a beast."

Moka's thoughts ground to a halt, and butterflies surged in her stomach while her face exploded into heat. Perhaps she had jinxed things with her previous thoughts?

"I'm not at all against that," Kurumu smirked, "But I get the feeling you guys aren't up for that. So what do we do?"

"There is three ways this can go. We can flee, and leave him to rampage and hope he regains control of himself soon. We can go to him, and the possibility exists that he has control for himself," her inner self hummed, before adding, "Or we can go to him and he has no control of his desires due to his new instincts and should he not let me out to beat him back into his senses, he will most likely take you both then and there and satiate his lusts upon you."

"We're going to him." Moka spoke up firmly.

"Oh?" Her inner self hummed in interest.

She was nervous, and scared and her stomach was twisting itself into knots, but, "We have to go just in case something goes wrong and he does end up losing, him losing control with us is just a risk I'm willing to take."

Inner Moka scoffed, "Do as you please." but Moka felt satisfaction and agreement resonate from the rosary and her other self.

"That's the spirit Moka!" Kurumu laughed patting her on the back, "And if it makes you feel better, I'll take lead and he can do me first!" she added cheerfully.

"No." Moka flatly denied. If any of them were going to have sex with Kai, it would be her or her inner self!