The Hybrid Form 7

When they finally found Kai and his opponent, both Moka and Kurumu found themselves walking into what looked like a warzone. A massive clearing, filled with huge creates, trees topples and destroyed, rocks busted apart, and large pots of flame burning throughout the area.

Kai stood off to the side, different though. Kai was always tall and muscular, being six foot tall, but now he was even larger, his muscle bulkier as well. His arms and feet were clad in dark black scales, his toes and fingers clawed, two horns rose from his head, while a long black tail and huge black scaled wings hung from his back.

And his foot was currently atop the head of a familiar wolf, fur bloodied and dark with it, uniform torn. "I thought you were going to kill me and take Moka?" Kai scoffed with a grin as he pressed his foot down on Gin's head, drawing a pained groan from the werewolf, "Where's all that big hotshot talk now you pansy ass fucker? Not so big when we're on even footing huh?"

"Whoaa..." Kurumu gasped as she took in his hybrid form.

Moka swallowed heavily as she took him in. The cruel grin on his face as he mocked the werewolf below him made her stomach twist. Kai relished in fighting and beating his opponents, and liked beating up all the monsters who annoyed him....but he was never quite this, mockingly cruel.

"Kai?" she called out, hesitantly.

His head turned to her then, and his eyes glazed over with a familiar leering lust. Kai ogled her a lot, she was no stranger to that, or so idiotic that she would miss it. But his gaze now, it was filled with hunger. "Yo Moka, Kurumu, good to see you're both alright," he spoke casually, "I suppose I should finish this now." he rose his now scaled foot up into the air and made to stomp down and crush Gin's skull, somehow, Moka just knew he was going to do that.

"Wait, don't Kai!" she pleaded.

He paused, giving her a raised eyebrow, "You know this guy wanted to rape you right?" he asked, giving her a confused look.

She knew. She didn't understand why she made everyone go so crazy. She hated it. All this violence just because of her. "...I know...but I don't want to see people getting killed because of me," she replied, "..please?" she whispered pleadingly.

Kai huffed, "Fine," he rolled his eyes, before reaching down and grabbing the werewolf by the scruff of his neck and lifting him into the air, "Be grateful Moka's so kind you filthy mutt. Try anything like this again, and I'm going to rip you apart and feed you your own cock." and then casually, Kai spun and tossed their werewolf senpai up into the air over the tree line, the blue furred boy disappearing out of view just a few moments later.

He turned back to them both then, and Moka felt herself taking a step back at the intensity of his gaze. His eyes, usually a pale green, now glowing gold and slitted in the middle not unlike her inner self's eyes.

"So this is your monster form Kai?" Kurumu spoke up, a smile on her face as she sauntered over towards him, completely unafraid despite the situation, "You look good like that darling." she complimented, placing a hand on his scaled arm and looked up at him in admiration, despite the fact she barely came up over his waist now with the height he'd gained in his new state.

"Not as good as you hot stuff." he grinned down at her, and then he reached down and roughly cupped one of Kurumu's breasts and palmed it, squeezing it and drawing a mewl from Kurumu.

"Kai you naughty boy." Kurumu giggled, not at all bothered about his scaled and clawed fingers roughly groping her.

Her chest ached a bit.

Before she knew what she was doing, Moka rushed over and latched onto his other arm, "Kai.." she whispered, drawing his sharp golden lust filled gaze back to her. His gaze was so intense it made her insides warm up and her thighs squirm together.

She'd let him if he wanted to. But...she didn't want it like this. "Can you go back to normal please Kai?" she pleaded with him, "..If you want to have sex that badly, you can have sex with me all you want. But not like this."

He blinked at her words, the haze of lust clearing and he let go of Kurumu's breast, drawing a groan of disappointment from her, "..The hell am I doing?" he clutched his head, stumbling back and would have fallen if not for her supporting him with her grip on his arm. "..Sorry Moka, I ended up almost acting like that horny mutt" As the fog of lust receded from his eyes, so too did the changes on his body. He shrunk back down a few inches, his muscles slimming back down to their normal, albeit still large proportions, and his extra features before her eyes shrunk back into his body.

Moka gasped as she looked him over. Now that the scales were gone, she could see his arms bruised incredibly badly, with giant clawed gouges through them, literally pouring blood. His torso, mainly his rib area, had massive dark purple bruises, his ribs were probably broken, and his fore arms possibly as well.

Kurumu snapped out of her own lust fuelled daze and gasped, quickly rushing to help Moka as Kai slumped over, his eyes closing.

"What the heck happened!?" Kurumu fretted, ducking under the arm that was previously groping her and supporting him from the other side.

"He quite simply fainted, considering it is his first time in that form and he just managed to regain his senses, on top of these injuries he had below it, well, it was to be expected," Her inner self explained, "Still, to think he reigned in his instincts so quickly just from some pleading from one of you. He's impressed me once again. I look forward to testing out his new strength myself."

"That's all well and good," Kurumu replied, "But what now? Should we take him to the infirmary?"

Moka bit her lip, before shaking her head, "No, they might ask questions. Let's just take him back to his dorm, we can watch over him there together." she said.

"Alright, let's go then!" Kurumu agreed.