Beginnings 1

You awoke with a groan, your head throbbing. 'What the hell happened.' you wondered, and where the hell were you?

The last you remembered, you were getting your shit pushed in by that mutt Gin, and then you more or less rage quit and drew on all the power you had stored in your Holy Locket.

A haze of fire and rage had overtaken you, and you'd...finally transformed. And from there, you'd picked Gin apart. He had still been faster than you. But you were stronger and far more durable, and with your own massively enhanced speed and your experience with his speed, you'd gotten the upperhand and overpowered him, breaking his arms and you'd pinned him below your foot...and were going to crush his skull like an egg and would have.

If Moka and Kurumu hadn't appeared. You remembered your cock raging at the sight of them, the desire to pin them down and fuck them into submission. The feel of Kurumu's huge soft breast in your hand. And then Moka pleading with you to stop and then everything went dark.

You sat up, and a hiss escaped your lips as your ribs protested. 'That's right, that fucker broke them.' you noted. You looked down, and noted the luxurious Egyptian silk, red quilt wrapped around your form. The cover you used with your sofa bed. You let it fall down, and you noted that you ribs were wrapped in bandages as were your arms. They weren't bloody though, so they must have been fresh, or your wounds had at least stopped bleeding and scabbed over.

The only thing you were wearing clothing wise, being the boxers you had on previously.

You rubbed your face and were about to get up off of your bed, when you looked down at the side of it, and found a familiar blue haired girl snoring away, a yellow quilt wrapped around her as she slept away on the floor.

'I guess she helped get me back here and take care of me?' you thought.

The door opening drew your attention, and you looked over your shoulder to see the pink haired Moka walking in and closing the door behind her. She turned to face you, and her eyes went wide, "Kai!" she exclaimed, rushing over to you, "You're finally awake?"

"..Finally?" you blinked, "How long have I been out?"

She gently grasped your shoulders and made you slowly lay back down, "Nearly two days," she explained and you gaped at her, "You really took a beating in that fight. It's only thanks to Kurumu we didn't need to take you to the infirmary, I had no idea what I was doing but she cleaned up your wounds ands and bandaged you up."

"She did huh?" you mused, "I'll have to thank her when she wakes up then."

"You should, she worked hard." Moka nodded, before giving you a comforting, worried smile, "How are you? Are you in a lot of pain."

"A bit, but it isn't that bad," you assured her, "How about you guys?"

"Beyond being a bit tired, we're fine," the pink haired beauty assured you right back, "We've cut classes to keep an eye on you, but there was plenty of food in your fridge to keep us fed."

"That's good," you sighed, before a thought occurred to you, and you remembered what you almost did, "...Sorry, I almost went after you just like that mutt Gin there at the end, just like all those other retarded idiots." you looked down as shame filled you.

A soft palm cupped your cheek and tilted your head up, and you were surprised by two soft lips pressing gently against yours. Your eyes went wide, while Moka held the soft chaste kiss for just a moment and then pulled back, giving you a beautiful, pink cheeked smile, "..I don't mind," she whispered, "I said if you wanted it that badly, I'd do it with you didn't I? I know you were holding yourself back for me, but you don't need to anymore. I think our relationship is fine the way it is, we were practically dating already right?"

You blinked stupidly and it took a few moments for you to regain your wits, but when you did, a chuckle escaped you, "I suppose so." you replied, then you drew a little squeal of shock from the girl when you grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up onto the sofa bed, making her straddle you, you ignored the pain from your ribs to take a nice pair of handful of her delectable full hips.

When you made to pull her down to your face, she stopped you and cast a look at the girl sleeping on the floor, "...I also...if you really want to...well I'm not totally against Kurumu being a part of this." she hesitantly said, and your eyebrows rose in shock.

"Hmph, while I'm not set on the idea, I cannot deny that her usefulness during this debacle was helpful," Inner Moka scoffed, interrupting you both, "Though, just because my sentimental other half has accepted the idea of that woman, and her alone no others may I add, does not mean you have won me over."

You chuckled, amused, "Oh, don't worry Moka, I've not forgotten that I've still not passed your test yet, but you better prepare yourself, because now that this is mine," you hand trailed down and Outer Moka squeaked as you squeezed her right ass cheek, "I'm coming after you as well."

There would have been no chance of you winning anytime soon before. But, you could feel it boiling beneath your skin, just waiting to be called upon. Your hybrid form, right there and waiting for you to bring out.

With it, you may just be strong enough now.

"We'll see, you lecherous lizard." Inner Moka haughtily challenged.