Soy Boys Everywhere 12

Your knuckles popped as you clenched your fist. Your eyes were on Kurumu, and the disappointed look on her face. You didn't think she had cared that much about the newspaper.

...And that just made you angrier.

You stepped forward, Gin tried to stop you, but you were much faster in your human form now after all the training you'd put yourself through and before anyone realised what was going besides the werewolf, your fist slammed into the purple haired bitches jaw.

You felt bone and teeth shatter beneath your blow, and a surprised shriek left her mouth for all of a moment, before she was sent flying, bouncing across the ground like a stone skipping across a river for well over fifty feet, crashing in a twitching unconscious heap.

"Who do you think you're calling pathetic, weakling bitch?" you spat to the side.

"You idiot!" Gin hissed, palming his forehead.

There was utter silence, and you caught sight of the surrounding students gaping in open awe at you. Kuyo had frozen mid-step, while the public safety commission officers all around you began transforming.

With a roar, a giant cyclops and some large snake-like monster shot at you from each side. You didn't even bother moving, or attacking. You felt familiar youki moving and knew you didn't need to.

The Cyclops gave a strangled scream as a pink haired missile slammed into its knee, smashing a tree against it, dropping it to the ground hard. While the snake gurgled and fell limp as a pair of clawed hands sliced into it and raked great big gouges in its hide.

"Why does everyone always have to fight?" Outer Moka sighed, dropping the tree she was carrying as if it was a stick as she stood atop the cyclops.

"Who do you trash think you're attacking?" Kurumu sneered, wings out and claws elongated as she kicked the downed snake monster, "You're not even worth Kai looking at you."

Kuyo mechanically turned towards the three of you, a flaming aura swirling into existence around him, "You fools really have done it now," he snarled, "To think you would go against me, the great Kuyo, justice itself and think you could live to tell the tale!"

"To think you would spit on the work my women made and think you could live to tell the tale!" you snarled back at him, allowing your own youki to explode into existence.

His flaming aura met your own in the middle and clashed together, swarming up into a clashing cyclone of crimson red and burning orange that rose up and up and up until it parted the clouds themselves and dyed the landscape in a red and orange glow.

"Hmph, another S-ranker," Kuyo scoffed, "You'll soon learn though welp, that not all S-rankers are equal!" flames exploded from his body, and before your eyes he changed, growing while hunching down onto all fours, embers alighting along his form and moments later a huge glowing golden fox stood before you, four huge flaming tails rotating behind it.

As soon as he transformed, the three of the four left that had directly followed behind him began transforming as well. The spectacled guy grew larger, dark fur covering his body, and two extra canine heads growing out of his neck alongside his original. The tallest of them grew and grew until he was larger than even a cyclops, a good twenty feet tall with a body of stone, and the short girl with the spear, her body glowed gold, black robes forming into existence around her body while a golden talisman spell formed over her face.

A Cerberus, Golem, Jiang Shi and a four tailed Kitsune to top it off. Three A-rank monsters and a bonafide S-rank, one of the strongest species of monsters. Kitsune were S-rankers even with one tail and grew more powerful with each new tail they gained. Kuyo must be very strong indeed. No wonder Gin was against fighting him, alone he would be mince meat against these guys.

Against all four of them alone, you would probably lose as well. But, you weren't alone. "Do you mind?" you asked, ignoring them and turning to your pink haired girlfriend.

"Please let her out so we can end this quickly." Moka gave a resolute nod, hopping off of the cyclops and walking over to you.

You smirked, and reached back, tugging the rosary off and stuffing it inside your pocket. A familiar tidal wave of crushing royal purple youki exploded out of her as she transformed, and in the place of your pink haired girlfriend, there was now your silver haired girlfriend.

"Hoh? To think the rumours were true, there was a fabled vampire amongst the first years," Kuyo hummed, before scoffing, "The legendary S-rank monster said to be without equal in this day and age. The immortal nosferatu. But even a vampire is mere scum before one such as I!"

"Big talk for a yipping little kit." Inner Moka scoffed, crossing her arms under her bust, "You are no match for either me or my mate. Both of us together? You would be better prostrating yourself and begging for forgiveness like the useless mongrel you are."

"Let us see how big you talk, when I show you my true full power!" Kuyo scoffed right back at her, and before your eyes, the flames around him compressed and his body began rising up onto his hind legs, and his human face and hair came back into view. Moments later, a bipedal fox man with glowing white fur stood before you, his four flaming tails shifting to a burning bright blue, "Behold my battle form! None who I've fought in this form have ever survived!"

"Die!" the short Jiang Shi girl suddenly shouted, lunging at Moka from the side, spear held aloft. But Kurumu shot forward, nails slicing through the spear as easily as paper, her tail then wiping out while the girl was surprised and slamming into her face and pushing her back.

"I can at least handle a flat little shrimp like you Zombie Girl." Kurumu declared.

The Golem and the Cerberus roared and took that as their go ahead, rushing towards you and Moka. But again, neither you or your silver haired girlfriend needed to do anything.

A blue furred blur slammed into the Cerberus, slamming him into the ground hard, drawing a yelp from three different throats, while the huge golem dropped to its knees, great big claw slashes suddenly appearing all over its body, "You guys have really done it now," Gin sighed in annoyance, his now neon yellow eyes rolling, and having entered his werewolf form, "Kuyo isn't the only problem you know. He has backing from strong influential people outside the academy, picking a fight with him and winning is gonna draw their eyes to you."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter how much trash picks a fight, they will never stack up to us." Moka snorted.

And yeah, you'd take that to heart. But honestly, this guy and his lackeys had pissed you off. You didn't care who's fucking backing he had.

"Feh, you talk as if any of you are going to walk away from this alive," Kuyo snorted, his tails beginning to rapidly churn behind him like a windmill, "Trust me, you won't, Kitsune-Bi!" he declared, thrusting one hand forward, and from his tails, a massive spiralling wave of blue flame shot around him towards you all, encompassing the entirety of the school path and more. It was a wave of fire over fifty feet long and twenty feet high.

Youki ignited within your chest and you opened your mouth, spitting out a huge gout of flame, as large as you were tall. Your highly compressed fire breath punched right through the middle of his wave of flame, cutting through it and stopping its momentum in its tracks. Kuyo's four flaming blue tails surged out from behind him and pierced into your gout of flame and tore it asunder before it could reach him though.

"You dare stop my flames of justice!?" he snarled at you, cool headedness vanishing, his feet dug into the concrete path below him, cratering it, before he pushed off and shot towards you in a blur of speed that almost as fast as Gin was at full throttle.