Soy Boys Everywhere 13

You were about to enter your hybrid form and meet Kuyo head on, but you never got the chance. Your silver haired girlfriend sprang forward in an incredible display of raw speed, vastly surpassing that of your own, Kuyo and even Gin's.

Kuyo's eyes widened, and he only had time to bring his arms up and curl his tails around himself as a shield before her shoe connected with him, and a massive explosion shook the air.

Kuyo even with his guard as blasted backwards through the air, soaring over fifty feet before his tails shot out and pierced the ground, halting him in place.

"I think I'll take this fight if you don't mind." Moka flashed you a grin over her shoulder.

"You bitch!" Kuyo roared, his tails slicing through the ground with ease and launching four massive pieces of debris that he tore out at her like a set of bullets.

"Hmph." Moka merely turned her nose up at him, and instead of dodging or blasting through the massive pieces of debris, she whipped her head to the side, allowing her long curtain of gorgeous silver hair to scythe through the air, purple youki glowing throughout it. And her hair, sliced through the debris like a hot knife through butter, "A vampire can use any part of their body to channel youki. Using it through my hair, I can make each single strand sharper than any blade." she explained, before turning her head back to you and raising a fine silver eyebrow at you

That was new. As was the explosion she generated with a kick. How the hell did she do that? "Sure, have at him." you smirked, gesturing outwards with one arm.

While you would have enjoyed kicking his arrogant ass and putting him in his place, you were fine with this as well. After all, Kuyo seemed pretty damn strong, and the more Moka was pushed, the more you could see what she had been working on for when you took her on yourself to claim her fully.

"Watch and enjoy, 'babe'.' she smirked at you, before turning back towards Kuyo and casually walking towards him, hips swinging seductively. She was putting on a show for you. Nice.

"Big deal, you can make yourself hit harder and your hair sharp, what a plebian power!" Kuyo scoffed, clenching his clawed fists together and allowing blue flames to spread along them and his arms, "We Kitsune are the personification of fire! I will burn you until you squeal you little whore!" he roared, before thrusting his hands out and firing two large sapphire blue fire balls at your girlfriend.

"I've seen hotter." Moka responded with a smirk, kicking out with one foot and blasting the fire balls apart with a shock wave of pure force.

'She picked up Gin's technique just from me telling her about it?' you thought, impressed.

Kuyo appeared in the shadow of the two fire balls, blitzing through the embers sprinkling down through the air. He launched a flurry of flaming punches, and your girlfriend sprang back, dancing through them, then catching a flaming kick on the forearm and parrying it over head. Kuyo used the force of her parry to spin, and lashed out with his four flaming tails coming at Moka from four different angles.

The silver haired girl quickly sprang backwards in a flip, the heel of her foot catching Kuyo in the chin as she did and releasing an explosion point blank that sent him flying through the air.

"...Eesh she's even stronger than you!" Gin suddenly commented from beside you, dropping the Cerberus in a limp tangled heap, "Here I thought you were a monster dragon boy."

"Feh, darling could take her." Kurumu refuted, coming up to your other side. You looked over your shoulder to see the downed forms of the huge golem and the Jiang Shi girl.

"Good work." you praised her, reaching down to pat her head.

Kurumu beamed at your praise, "I'm not a crazy training freak like you and Moka, but I'm not weak you know."

Kuyo returned with a roar of pure and utter rage a moment later, flame swirling around his body like a sapphire inferno as he launched himself at your girlfriend in a crazy berserk melee. Fists, knees, feet and tails, he attacked and switched between them all in a constant blur of attacks.

And you had to admit, he was pretty damn impressive. Moka parried and spun around his blows, each one rattling and warping the air with heat ripples. Her usually pale skin was pinked by the heat, and her uniform blazer was burned straight through in places, her forearms had even become bare.

"Die!!!" Kuyo screamed, only to go wide eyed and hastily try to pull back as your girlfriend allowed one of his kicks to connect with her legs and sweep her feet from beneath her, only to use his own momentum and spin through the air and launch a double mule kick straight into his chest.

'Hey, that's my thing!' your eyes widened. You pulled that technique against her quite often during spars. She had totally stolen your move!

Everything was drowned out by a massive explosion that erupted from her feet.

It took over a minute for the smoke to die down enough to see anything going on. But, you didn't even need to wait for that in the end, as your girlfriend casually strolled through the hazy smoke, dragging the limp form of Kuyo behind her by his long blonde hair.

She casually tossed him by said hair to land in a heap in front of you, "Heh, the kit should have known his place." the silver haired girl smirked.

"Huh, well that was easy." you mused, "He dead?" you asked.

"Hmph, I held back a bit, he's alive for now." Moka shrugged before making her way over to you, "We will need to return to your dorm though, it seems I have destroyed my shoes." she told you, and your eyes dipped down and yep, there she was, barefooted.

"..Just like that huh?" Gin slumped onto his backside, "..After everything they did, this is just so anticlimactic."

"..Yeah you get used to mutt." Kurumu pat him on the back and shrugged.

"Ugh...they're a bunch of yakuza-wannabes you know? They demanded protection money and crap like that from clubs and other people for the privilege of doing anything," Gin sighed, his fur receding and his human face returning, "We ended up reporting on them last year about it, and in return they jumped us and killed all the other members but me. I was the only one strong at all in the club last year, so they were like sitting ducks."

That explained a lot.

"Feel free to extract your vengeance then dog, I care little at all what happens to him," Moka waved dismissively at the beaten and unconscious kitsune, her eyes straying to you, "Come, let us return to your dorm." she told you, walking over and placing her arms around your neck before hopping up, forcing you to catch her and carry her bridal style.

"...Ugh are we really just gonna walk away and leave all this after we kicked the crap out of the public safety commission?" Kurumu groaned, looking around at all the black uniformed enforcers strewn around the path outside the school.

"Yes actually." Moka said, "They are just trash that picked a fight with us, and we put them in the dirt where they belong, there is nothing else for us to do here."

"..Well alright." Kurumu shrugged, before bouncing over and hopping up onto your back, "Let's go darling, carry me to!"

Well, that was enough for you. "We'll catch you later Gin." you gave him a nod.

"..Yeah...whatever, I'll see you tomorrow or something." the werewolf waved you on.

AS you left, under the gaping and awed stares of the students who stayed to watch the action, your eyes strayed to Kuyo's limp form. His use of fire was quite interesting.

Was there a way you could figure out how to do something like that? Right now, you were only able to create fire within your body and expel it from your mouth.