Wyvern vs Vampire 4

She only strained against the constriction of your tail for a few seconds more, before the silver haired vampire slumped and stopped struggling. "...There is no point struggling, if this as a real battle, you could easily bath me in your flames and kill me right here and now." she mused.

"I could," you grinned, your thumbs tracing along her chin up across her cheek fondly, "But I'd never do that to you regardless."

"Your speed is as great as my own, even with the vast increase it has gained in the past two months," Moka added, eyeing you appreciatively, "And you have learned how to go beyond the limits of your species as a wyvern to generate flames outside your body, both of that thanks to the compression technique you used with your youki."

"Ding ding ding," you chuckled, "We have a winner." you added in amusement, unwinding your tail and dropping her, only to catch her around the waist with your arms as your transformation began to recede and your returned to your human form.

Her long shapely legs circled around your waist and she wrapped her arms around your neck, "Yes, and that winner is you," she replied, "I'm just the prize."

"And what a prize you are." you licked your lips.

"You impressed me you know?" she smiled at you, lifting one hand to cup your cheek and trace it gently, "You were always strong, but you've gotten absurdly stronger in only these two nearly three months, your growth rate is absurd, if this keeps up you may even leave me in the dust...I am unsure how to feel about that, frustrated at the thought, but yet proud of you at the same time. It is odd to feel pride in another, I've never felt this way before."

You chuckled, "I get it," you nodded, "After all, I'm very proud of you as well." alongside the massive lust you had for this girl since the day you met, there was also a massive dose of admiration for her strength. She was the benchmark you'd been measuring yourself since you got here, and now you had risen to almost the same level, and strong enough to even defeat her one on one with some surprise on your side.

Her cheeks pinked at your words, but a wide smile spread across her at the same time, "You know, this won't go the same next time we fight full force," she pointed out, "That compression technique of yours, I've got a good idea on how it works, I'll be taking it for myself."

"Oh, I know, it was only this easy because of surprise," you nodded in agreement, "If you hadn't fought Kuyo yesterday and let me do it, I would most likely have been taken by surprise by your new technique."

"Perhaps," Moka shrugged, "But, oddly, I do not mind this outcome. In fact, my stomach is fluttering, I am proud and excited at the level you've reached My pride in you, overshadows the wound upon my own pride at losing to you."

Your chest throbbed, "..You know, that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever told me." when was the last time someone had pride in you like that? Your parents? You don't know to be honest, their voices were faint in your memories now, you could barely remember what they sounded like.

Her slitted ruby red eyes flashed with something soft and she leaned forward, planting a kiss on your forehead, "Oh, my poor wyvern boy," she hummed gently, "Don't worry, you are mine, and I am yours. I'll never leave you behind."

You licked your lips, tongue feeling heavy and a lump in your throat, "...Hey I know what the terms were of this fight," you spoke up, "..But if you're not into it, we don't need to, we can just go at a slower pace." no matter how much you wanted to fuck her cross eyed, like the other Moka, she meant to much to you to force the issue.

At your words her legs tightened around your waist and she ground her core into you, sending blood rushing to your groin, "I wouldn't have offered it as a prize if it wasn't something I would regret doing," her velvety voice whispered into your ear, her lips wrapping around your earlobe, "Where is that absurdly bold confidence of yours? Do not think the attraction between us only goes one way, my loins long for you, so take your prize."

She pulled back from your ear and stared into your eyes, her gaze smouldering, "My only request, is you look me in the eyes while you fuck me like a beast."

Your hesitation faded, and you let your lust shoot through your entire body, clouding your mind, "Alright then," you chuckled, one of your hands sliding down to her waist and reaching for her panties, your eyes widened though, when you felt a familiar crest of wetness, and noticed a heedy scent tinkling your nostrils, "Oh?" you voiced in interest, your shorts becoming painfully tight as your erection began growing and growing, tending them out.

"I told didn't I? The attraction between us my love, is mutual." Moka purred, and surprised you by leaning forward and trailing her tongue up your cheek.

You pulled her white little lace panties aside, displaying her dripping wet core to you, and then pulled your shorts down, allowing your massive length to spring free, drawing a seductive little moan from your silver haired girlfriend as it slapped against her little pink pussy lips with a meaty thud.

"Go on, take me, make me yours." the silver haired beauty panted in your ear, urging you on.

You positioned yourself at her core, while you filled your hands with her full, meaty ass cheeks and then, you pushed in.

"Ohhhh!" Moka moaned throatily in your ear as your thick head spread her gushing wet warmth wide open, pressing herself into you, her huge breasts stretching out her uniform top and green blazer to the limit as they squished against your chest.

Her pussy walls clamped onto you like a vice, somehow she was tighter even than her outer self. Outer Moka felt like her pussy wrapped around you like a velvet sheath and welcomed you kindly and warmly. Inner Moka felt like her pussy was trying to wring you dry form the get go, overpower you and drain your balls triumphantly.

A lesser man, a soy boy like any of the other fools at this school would have probably blown their load instantly. Not you though. You pushed yourself in, until the head of your cock touched her womb entrance, and then you pulled out until only the tip remained, and slammed home.


"Ah~!" Inner Moka jolted in your hands, a loud surprised moan escaping her. You pulled back, and repeated it, again and again, picking up speed until you were going full force.

The destroyed and cratered landscape was filled with the sounds of Moka's ever increasingly loud moans, and the sound of your flesh slapping together with et meaty thuds as you stood in the middle of the crater and fucked your prize.

"Aaah! You're so big my love! So thick and hard!" Moka's throaty seductive voice echoed loudly with her moans, "Kai! Kai! Oh god Kai!" her fat tits bounced against your chest and you pulled and squeezed at the doughy thickness of her round bodacious ass with each fuck of your cock into her pink gushing pussy.

"Amazing~ I never knew this would feel so good," Moka slumped over your shoulder, loosing the strength in her arms and held onto you like a limpet, her eyes glazing over with pleasure and rolling into the back of her head, "So big, how does it even fit~!" her words spurred you on, and you found your grip tightening on her doughy ass cheeks as you began to hammer your cock into her as hard and fast as you could. Her tongue hung limply from her mouth, and with her eyes rolled up, your cock throbbed even harder at the ahegao look on her face.

That look, on the usual proud and haughty vampiress. It gave you a high like no other.