Wyvern vs Vampire 5

Kurumu sighed in annoyance as she walked through the throng of staring and longing guys along the path back towards the dorm.

Neither Moka nor Kai had turned up to class today. And they had left the dorm at six in the morning sharp for their little fight. She hadn't dare got close and went to watch them, and it hadn't been long when while still in the dorm she went felt the building tremor and explosions ring off in the distance. There had been quite a bit of panic as well.

When she realised how much of a training enthusiast Kai was, and how much he liked how strong Inner Moka was, she'd began training on her own secretly over the past near two months, but while she'd made some great progress....she didn't want to get anywhere near a clash like that.

They had really went at it. She'd went to where they trained an hour and a half later, but she hadn't even gotten to the clearing when a familiar usually haughty and arrogant voice rang in her ears, squealing and moaning in pleasure.

It had made her heart clench and her stomach twist in knots with jealousy and anger. And instead of watching the silver haired vampire get what she herself so desperately wanted, she had went to class and tried to take her mind off of things.

It hadn't really worked, because all day eyes and whispers had followed her. She was always around Kai and Moka, and they were pretty public and famous figures at this point, especially after yesterday with the fight with the whole Public Safety Commission brawl and all.

Gin at least, was in a really good mood. And when she stopped by the classroom where their clubroom was taking place, she found him actually doing work for once. He was all gung ho now about reporting on the Public Safety Commission and how things happened yesterday. The soy boy even for once didn't make any sleazy comments. He'd just given her a letter that was apparently for Kai and told her to take the day off from club activities.

So here she was on her way back. She made it back to the dorm quickly, and was honestly excited to see how things turned out. 'Please, please have won Kai!' she pleaded mentally as she reached the door to his dorm room.

When she opened it and stepped in, closing the door behind her. Her arms went limp, her bag sliding off of her shoulders and landing on the ground, as her mouth opened wide alongside her purple eyes when she took in the scene that greeted her.

Kai was sitting on the sofa, naked as the day he was born, reclining back against it like a king. While at his side, kneeling on the couch, and her silver hair springing up and down, shimmering like a beautiful waterfall, was Inner Moka, clad in only a pair of white lace panties that were stretched taut around her full, large creamy ass and a white school shirt with her full breasts hanging down freely, her lips stretched to the limit around the biggest, and fattest cock she'd ever seen, and her mother had shown her quite a lot of them in both magazines and the internet. He put porn dicks to shame, and his balls were massive, Kurumu shivered at the sight of them.

The blue haired girl just stared, unable for a moment to comprehend the usually overpoweringly strong, calm and cool beauty that was Inner Moka, always so haughty and proud, submissively sucking her darling's cock.

...He won then she realised blearily. Her loins ached with heat and desire. The fact he had Inner Moka pleasuring him with her mouth...it was so...manly.

"Hey." He grinned at her, full of a smug confident pride as he casually waved at her.

"H-hey darling," Kurumu swallowed heavily, her cheeks beginning to get hotter and hotter, "..So you won?"

Her eyes flew wide when in response, he lifted his hand and spanked Inner Moka's ass, sending her ass cheeks jiggling, a mewl leaving the vampires mouth even around the huge cock plugging it, "I dunno, does it look like I did?" he asked with a lustful chuckle.

Kurumu nodded in a daze, "...Yeah,...it sure looks like it." she replied in a faze, licking her lips. Moka didn't react more beyond speeding up the bobbing of her head and wiggling her fat ass, prompting Kai to spank her once again, "Does that mean...?"

Kai blinked, and it took him a moment to get her meaning, his eyes lighting up in realisation. He threaded his hand into Moka's hair, and with a domineering tugged, used it like a leash to pull the vampiress mouth off of his cock with a loud, wet 'plop', leaving his fat, angry purple cockhead bobbing in the air, "I think you have something to say, right Moka?" he grinned at the dazed vampire.

It took a moment again for Moka to get her focus back, and she turned her head to look at Kurumu, not making any comment at all about the grip Kai had on her hair, "..As promised Kurumu, you may join our relationship," the girl told her, and Kurumu's heart leapt into her throat in excitement, before that haughty smirk of hers reappeared, despite the situation, "Don't get a big head though, We, both myself and my outer self will be the wife, you are merely a concubine."

"Fine with me!" the blue haired succubus quickly blurted out. She didn't care what position she was in, only that she got to be with her destined one.

"Is that so?" Moka purred throatily, lifting a hang and beckoning her over with a finger, "Then let's put those skills you have as a succubus sow to the test, come help me, one mouth is much too little for this massive weapon of Kai's." she ordered, before turning around and leaning down, lips opening wide as she swallowed his cockhead once more and began bobbing her head up and down on it with wet gagging noises.

Her eyes went to Kai's, and he raised a challenging eyebrow at her. 'Oh, so that's how you want to play it?' she thought, competitiveness coming to the fore.

She put a seductive sway into her steps, swinging her hips as she sauntered over to him, and plopped down on her knees in front of him. She swallowed any nervousness, and leaned forward under his stare, opening her mouth and began to slurp on his fat ball sack and began worshipping it with her tongue.

"Oh!" His eyes widened a bit as she got to work, and the grin on his face grew even larger.

'Yeah you better be enjoying this, here you've got two utter babes like us worshipping your cock.' Kurumu smirked around his balls.