Summer Loving 6

You couldn't help it. You burst out into hysterical laughter, throwing your head back and clutching at it with a suddenly scaled and clawed hand pressed against your forehead, "The future depended on that fucking soy boy!? What, was Saizou busy?"

Your laughter echoed for a near minute before you managed to reign it in, sobering up and glaring into the one eye looking back at you, "So you tried to divine fate then sensei? Didn't know you could do that, I'm impressed," you noted, before smirking at him, "Seems though trying to control the fate you saw backfired on you."

Aono Tsukune the destined lover of Moka? In his fucking dreams. You'll burn him to ash long before that happens. The fate of the world? Fuck fate and fuck the world. You would never, ever allow anything or anyone to take the people you cared about away from you ever again!

"You misunderstand Kai, don't jump to conclusions," your sensei huffed, "Do you think I would be so pathetic to follow a divining if it was so easily broken? It is not so simple as looking into the future. Divining this path outright cost many powerful monsters their lives, and trying to interfere with fate, always ends up with fate blocking the attempt and bringing horrible repercussions to the fore upon the ones who attempted it."

"..What?" it was like a bucket of water was dropped on you.

"As I said, do you think I would make Aono Tsukune my trump card, if I believed fate could be altered? When there are far more able people at hand? Like yourself?" Mikogami snorted, "No Kai, what you have done is absurd. You have outright overturned a massive path of fate and I have no idea how, or why you managed it without paying with your life."

"What does that mean?" you asked.

Mikogami turned to you with a grin, "It means Kai, that somehow, you are not constrained by the board of fate and destiny," he spread his arms wide grandly, "Aono Tsukune was the pawn that would promote all the way to queen in the end. But you? You are the hammer that smashes the board to pieces, and many avenues have been opened up for us."

You had so, so many questions. "Whatever," but there was only one thing that you wanted to know above everything else, "Tell me what's going on sensei. Who's such a massive enemy that a guy like you can't just return to your true form and blast them out of existence? Why is Moka the centre of this all?"

Mikogami just chuckled lightly, "It's too soon to reveal it all to you," he replied, and you grit your teeth, you hated shit like th- "But, I'll tell you this. The enemy's name, is Alucard, an old foe of mine and my comrades from hundreds of years ago, the strongest monster to ever exist. And the reason why your lover is so important, is because she is no mere vampire. She is a Shinso Vampire, the strongest of all vampires, the pinnacle of all monsters, and the blood of Alucard runs through her veins."

Alucard. Seriously?

Dracula spelled backwards. So, the most famous of all monsters even in the human realm, was actually a real person. And, if you were not wrong, then Moka was his...descendant?

"You've probably noticed, but Akashiya Moka is far stronger than the average vampire, and her power stayed the same since she was ten years old with the power of the rosary seal," Mikogami spoke up breaking you from your thoughts, "This is only the barest of bones of her power. Her shinso blood and power are sealed away currently, her true power is far greater than what she has access to now."

"And this Alucard needs Moka's power?" you assumed, as pieces starting falling into place, "Which is the reason why she was sealed in the first place?"

Mikogami nodded, "As intuitive as ever Kai," he grinned, "Yes, it's a bit more complicated than that, but that is more or less what happened. They have been holding back coming for her, until the initial lock of the seal was broken, which it now has with you first removing the rosary."

Your hands tightened into fists, "...So Alucard will come for Moka then?" you asked, eyes narrowing.

"Not quite yet," Mikogami answered, "But soon, perhaps a year at the most and Alucard and his followers will come for her, and should they get what they desire, it is likely that both forms of your lover will perish."

Your teeth ground together audibly, "Moka never gets a break," you snarled. Why would people never leave her alone and just let her live her life like she wanted! "..This Alucard guy, tell me where he is. I'll go rip his head off right now and put an end to it all here and now." yeah that's what you would do. Shinso Vampire, strongest monster, Dracula? You didn't give a fuck about that.

Alucard is a dead man walking. You'll crush him into dust and cast him into the wind!

At your words, Mikogami burst out laughing, "Oh always, your courage and boldness are something else," he huffed through his chuckles, wiping a tear of mirth from his eyes, "I'm afraid though Kai, even with your new strength and your hybrid form that puts you above most vampires, if you were to face Alucard as you are now, he would kill you in less than thirty seconds."

"...And you know how strong I am at full power?" you asked. You wouldn't put it past him, but only Moka had seen your full strength, yesterday.

"Indeed I do," Mikogamig grinned at you, lifting a finger to point at your face, "Keep your need to rut confined to your dormitory you horny brat. Sex is prohibited outside on the academy grounds."

"Feh!" You scoffed, "Don't be jealous because you probably haven't gotten laid in a century."

"Longer," Mikogami shrugged, uncaringly, "Well, I'm sure Issa Shuzen will love to hear about your dalliances with daughter."

You froze once more. Issa Shuzen. Moka's...father?

"Low blow sensei!" you stuck the finger up at him and flipped him the bird.

"As if you don't deserve it," Mikogami snorted, "Do you realise how much work you've caused me you brat? Not only with the initial breaking of fate, but do you realise how much of the academy you've destroyed and damaged in the past few months with all the fights you get into? Or how about the other day, what kind of crazy kid attacks the entire police force because they messed up some newspapers!"

"Kuyo had it coming." you shrugged smugly, "Besides, maybe I wouldn't be destroying so much if all the guys here weren't so pathetic."

"Impossible," your sensei replied, "These monsters all come from different cultures and areas, most of them never had any schooling at all before coming here. It takes time to ween them off of their utter stupidity, though at the very least they're far better behaved than the early students this academy had thanks to many of the lessons being passed on through the generations."

....This was good behaviour.

"What happened to Kuyo anyway?" you asked.

"He's in intensive care, and asleep," Mikogami smirked, "Kuyo as it happens comes from a very specific organisation and I'm having one of my employee's comb through the knowledge in his head.

"Is that so?" you mused, before shrugging, in the end it didn't mean jack shit to you, "Either way, was this little scolding all you wanted from me? Can I go now? I've got two very beautiful, very naked girls waiting for me back at my dorm they enjoy cuddling."

Those glowing eyes of his rolled, "No, that was just me wanting to vent at all the headaches you've been causing me," he snorted, "The reason why I called you here is simply, I have a job for you that I need you to do?"

"Oh?" you raised an eyebrow in interest. Your sensei rarely ever asked you to do anything for him. The most you'd done, was bribe a few people in the political ring to help a few bills about racial traits get passed. In return, he had put a barrier around your private jet that let you fly anywhere in the world undetected by human machinery, it made travelling around the world easy. You'd been planning on hitting up Hong Kong this year during summer break, you'd heard rumours of a monster mafia you wanted to look into.

"It will take up your summer break am I afraid," your sensei replied, "To sum it up, since you hate beating around the bush, it seems there are a pair of witches out in a specific place in the human world and they plan to destroy an entire city of humans and run riot, they are consumed by the desire for revenge against humans."

"Is that really something you need me for? Tenrei could deal with that himself," you snorted, rolling your eyes, "But, if you want me to do it, I don't see why not. I'll be taking Moka and Kurumu with me though."

"Good, good," Mikogami smirked, "Honestly, I was going to use it as a test for Aono Tsukune and the group he's beginning to amass, but quite frankly getting you out of my hair and the academy grounds for a month is a much better deal, less headaches for me."