Summer Loving 7

"So is this search and destroy?" you asked, "Or do you want me to bring them in?"

"I'll leave it up to your judgement," your sensei replied, clasping his arms behind his back, "I'd prefer no killing to be done, but if your judgement says that is the best route, I'll trust you on it."

"Alright," you shrugged, then you'd see how things went when you sought these witches out, "I'll take care of it then, though there's a few things I want to ask you."

"It has been a while since we met," Mikogami mused, "Very well, ask away."

"Moka's blood," you brought up first, you wanted to test something, "If your little plan for Aono needed it, I can ask her to give it to me."

"Don't," he replied simply, "Due to your nature as a hybrid, the odds of you successfully managing to tame the Shinso Blood are incredibly low, you taking the Shinso blood is a last resort."

But not impossible? Yet, when you had asked if it was possible for you to get other monster blood in the past to get even stronger, he had said it would be impossible and you would mutate and die.

"Alright," you nodded, "Then how strong is Alucard? How strong will I need to be to snap him in half like a twig."

Mikogami chuckled, "A lot stronger than you are now. Try getting five times as powerful as you are now, then you might be able scratch him a little."

Five times? Well, it was a start, "Then I'll need to train even harder I suppose," you had about a year to put yourself through your paces, "On that front, how about teaching me how to use the Black Arts?" you asked. Mikogami had shown you some pretty awesome techniques and abilities through the Black Arts before, and on top of that, you wanted to learn more about sealing and barriers just in case anything damaged Moka's rosary.

"The Black Arts hmm?" he hummed, bringing his hands back around and cupping his chin with one of them as he began examining you, "You've gotten quite good control by now, and you do have one of the Holy Locks as a medium, but one might not be enough for more extensive techniques."

His hand went into his robe, and withdrew a familiar looking chain, another Holy Lock and tossing it at you, "Well, take this, two of them should be enough," he mused, "And I'll show a simple barrier technique to check your aptitude, if you can learn it, I should be able to show you what I know."

You caught the Holy Lock and began wrapping it around your free hand, so you had two of them now wrapped around both arms. 'If nothing else, another one of these is helpful to use as storage for my youki.' you mused. After all, while your new techniques were amazing, using both of them in conjunction, drained your youki rapidly, to the point where you could only fight full out in your hybrid form, with youki augmentation, compression and your flame generation technique for a few minutes.

"Anything else?" Mikogami gave you a pointed look.

You grinned, "There is one thing," you shamelessly replied, causing him to roll his eyes, "Belmont, I need it."

Belmont was a magical device in the form of a whip. It was apparently a tool created by a legendary monster hunter hundreds of years ago, and it had the ability to cancel the effects of other magical devices. Such as the sealing powers of a Holy Lock. It was lent to you in the beginning of your training to help you access your youki early on in small portions and not all at once.

"Hmm, you don't need it, so I can only assume you want it for your lover." Mikogami mused.

"Yep," as expected of sensei, he caught on right away, "As long as she has it on hand, she won't need me to be around to remove her rosary and she'll be much safer."

Mikogami hummed in thought for a few moments, before nodding, "Very well, I'll give you it," he replied, "But, only in return for having you do me another favour in the future."

"Fine with me." you agreed promptly. You'd do your sensei a few favours without payment, you owed him that much, so you had no problem accepting.

Your robe clad sensei reached into the air. The space around his hand warped and twisted, and a second later, a folded whip appeared in his grasp, which he promptly tossed to you.

"Then, let's move on and see about how trying out the simple Black Arts technique before you head out." he said as you caught the whip.