
*3rd Person POV*

"Honey I think I'm pregnant," an otherworldly beauty with silver hair and red eyes whose voice sounded as beautiful as sakura flower falling in the sunset overlooking a blue ocean said to who is the supposed husband whose handsomeness is on par with the woman if it wasn't that he was one of the most fearful existence in the omniverse you would have called him a sissy but I digress the man had a massive smile etched across his entire face.

"Hahahaha" the voice laughed again I must emphasize this his voice sounded like a world-class musician playing the harp "Ooh Mei I hope it is a boy so I can retire from this tiring position, but if it a girl I will not marry her off to anyone against her own free will and any unworthy male can die for all I care" after he said this the room dropped by a couple of degrees due to the killing intent radiating from him.

"I guess it's time to announce I will be having a child soon ooh I cant wait to see the reaction of those old fogies kekeke" he then exited the room. Mei facepalmed at her husband antics she then rubs her belly "Little one whatever gender you are; I and Jiang will always love you, guess I should go stop him before he makes a mess hahaha"

*puts a finger on her cheek while tilting her head making a cute face*

"Wonder if you will look like us and be a lady killer like your father if you are a boy. Don't worry I your mother will protect you from both woman or male until your old enough". What she doesn't know is that the baby growing inside her will have both woman and male falling for him.

*1st Person POV*

'Hmm looks like that god isn't so useless, from the looks of my body I'm in the first trimester.' 'Time to look through the knowledge given'.

*Enters mindscape*

'So many books this will take fucking forever good thing I have 9 months give or take; first should look for soul, mind, body and cultivation manuals which suit me. Umm..... aha found you the Omniverse Cultivation manual which encompasses soul, mind, body and cultivation; So it says that whoever fully masters this can become ruler of both the omniverse and the void.....

THIS IS TOO FUCKING HARD TO COMPREHEND I only understand 1/5 of the first layer and there are 255 layers ahhhhh, but I have to say it boast the fastest cultivation speed but cant cultivate yet since I don't have a body guess ill try to comprehend the first layer before I am born; before that, I should look for something to slow down time in my mindscape so I can digest some more of the knowledge.....'

*1 hour later*

' I Only found two that suit what I need as of this moment rest need an actual body oh the woes of a fetus *Haigh* well the first one is a technique that slows down my perception of time for a certain amount of time and have to progress through it to slow my time perception further but the other one slows down my actual mindscape but since my mindscape is connected to the brain it will slow down my reaction speed and thinking.'

*20 minutes later*

'I'm so stupid why don't I combine them but I don't know how to'

*Ruffles imaginary hair*

'Fuck this shit lets go with my first option but first I need to rest this was too tiring'

*Back to 3rd Person POV*

So like this 9 months past unknown to Jun Che masses upon masses can't wait for his birth, some fear for what existence will be born from those two monsters. In the background Systems are given, Opportunities are birthed, Spiritual energy(A/N sometimes essence depending if I see fit) and Laws are more abundant, and only the strongest can feel this change.

*In The Ancient House Of Asura*

"Mei the doctor said 5 more days before you give birth since we have been feeding you heavenly herbs and fruits the baby will have the best possible body and talent meaning he can claim the inheritance without any problems" Jiang said to his wife who has a slightly pale complexion.

Mei finally Spoke after a while "Even if the child doesn't have the strongest talent or body I will still love the child with all my heart". This is a mothers love for their child, one who would go through whatever trials she may face to be with her child.

*1st Person POV*

'In the past few months, I started cultivating Omniversal Cultivation Manual it was so boring doing nothing but reading over and over again but another thing that has shown some progress is my plunder ability I finally know how to use it. From what I can tell I need to touch whatever I'm plundering for more than 10 minutes before I get whatever I plunder and it is entirely random as well so it's a fucking useless ability I knew that God was useless who knows what ability or skill I might get.

Moving on from that I'm in a massive dilemma when cultivating Omniversal Manual it states whoever cultivates this MUST follow the path of a ruler and I don't want to rule what worse is that no matter what other cultivation manuals I pick I'm not allowed to cultivate them. It's forcing me to become a ruler'

'Another big thing It seems I have a twin brother which is kinda cool I guess back to my dilemma I have decided I will become the ruler or will die trying and I don't want to be a ruler of a small empire I want to rule the entire omniverse this judgment took 3 months after thinking about my options; So far I have progressed onto the second layer out of 255 all it has done is give me the aura of a ruler and a guide to how I intake and refine spiritual energy in the fastest way possible without having an unsteady foundation.'

'Another thing I have progressed in are scythe arts because I always loved the scythe in general and who doesn't want to be called the grim reaper on the battlefield but that doesn't mean I will be limited in just one weapon but my main weapon will be the scythe. Hmm it seems I'm going to be born'

*Exists the recording tablet*

*Back to 3rd Person POV*

"Push you got to push, I can see the head" A doctor keeps on saying to Mei. You can see loads of people going in and out to make sure everything is fine after two hours you can hear crying from the room.

*Inside the Room*

Two babies are seen being taken out of the woman vagina but only one of the babies cries the other one is silent then suddenly the crying one slightly open its eyes which contains blood-red eyes and suddenly the entire omniverse sees a vision of a blood-red sea no matter how strong they all feel as if they have seen there worst nightmare and only some sect leaders and rulers realized that this originated from one of the babies born in asura household.

After the vision, no one thought another one will happen but of course, that would be true if it wasn't for our little Jun. His eyes trembled open ever so slightly but you could see he had a set of heterochromia eyes one purple and red the other lustrous golden when his eyes opened up a bit more the whole omniverse truly felt fear for the first time the first thing they saw was the destruction of entire omniverse and recreation of it with one man being the cause of this then another vision happened where every single existence in the entire omniverse knelt to the same man shown in the previous vision.

Then it ended as quickly as it came but these visions were happening everywhere just not on this big of a scale. Worlds upon worlds had visions some bigger than others, secret sects started recruiting the chosen children to bolster their forces now those who used to be talented before will be treated like trash and fallen geniuses will rise and experts of old will reincarnate.

It has never been more so where the law of the jungle is any more important, the weak get weeded out to be sustenance for the strong. The strong bully the weak but fear the strong. Legends and Monsters are born; The whole Omniverse is moving because they know that this is the era where it is possible to become the ruler of all.

*Somewhere in the Omniverse*

"Fufu it seems that our son has caused quite a ruckus hasn't he hubby, butttt Why did you change his options hmm..." said a woman shrouded in green light so we cant see her figure but from her voice, we can tell she is a beauty to the mysterious entity we saw before but as of right now it looks like he has met his natural predator and he says with a shaky voice "W..W..W.. well to make him look like us to make sure he isn't opposed later on w..w..wife" he says with a shaky voice.

"I've got to go deal with some big things yes big things to keep my side of the omniverse in check bye" He vanishes quickly. "Hahaha", the woman laughs at her husband antics before she vanishes as well.

*Outside Omniverse*

"The omniverse is in for some big changes but one question that's on everyone mind is who was that man ooh I'm excited about the future but I wonder what happened to the voids child maybe we will find out later"


About 1.6k words this chapter took longer than I thought about 3hrs longest writing anything ever. Might be one more chapter that will be coming in a few days or this will be the last chapter before next Saturday, So see you then. Also, tell me if there are any mistakes or something doesn't read well