Schemes and the prelude to war

In the known omniverse there are few places you don't go if you like your life those being the Primordial Chaos or the void, Angels Hell where you get lost in eternal happiness in the day and heart-wrenching pain in the night constantly with no way out until you day a happy but painful death.

Lovers grotto where you see the illusion of loved one killed over and over and when you become immune it erases your memory and start progress all over again until you want to kill yourself but you can't due to lovers grotto rule.

Finally, the last one is just called Graveyard of Gods(A/N I really can't think of a good name, suggestion anyone?) However, unlike others this one is manmade it is said there is a certain clan or group who know it might be just a single entity that controls this area and anyone who enters will meet an untimely end before they even have a chance to do anything.

Graveyard of Gods is the place in which even some of the rulers who control a large amount of the omniverse don't dare get close to Gods Grave(A/N will be using this in place of Graveyard of Gods).

You might be wondering how do people die then? well, Gods Grave is always moving constantly and randomly; there have been times where whole civilisations have been erased due to being where Gods Grave randomly showed up. There have been speculations that it has a purpose but no one knows what madness is really hidden here containing an existence that can wipe out the entire omniverse if pushed to the extreme ...

*In Gods Grave*

"It seems the prophecy has come true" "Yes yes It has" "It almost time to reveal ourselves" "Time to feast and destroy *cackling*"multiple voices ring over and over and over again as if performing an orchestra with only their disgusting voices.

"BUT! not now we are not ready we can start slowly by eating some lower universes then move up until there is nothing but us the Prima-Nyarlathotep not those fucking scums calling themselves our name because they can eat a few worlds and enlightened a 0.0001% of the void. So first on the list is to get rid of all those fucking c*nts because they are a disgrace to our race.

ooh and while you're at it destroy some universes"The voice finished as he destroyed his surrounding due to pure anger about a defective product of his race.

*In Ancient house of Asura*

Inside the room where the two babies are located, you can see the maids and doctors kneeling while sweating bullets from pure fear, The room is void of any sound. No one had the audacity to talk that was until Jiang spoke "No one will tell any what happened in this room if I hear a peep mark my word their entire lineage will be wiped innocent or not"His intense killing intent crashed through the room like a dam being broken now everyone is scared shitless.

*Jiang POV*

'I don't know what those visions were but something bad is happening and it going to come when we least expected it...What I'm most worried about are the evil forces seeking to throw(A/N would this throw be right spelling because somehow it doesn't feel right to me) the omniverse into ruin for their pathetic goals and all of this will be caused by the birth of my babies.

I don't know if they are a blessing to our family or the downfall but one thing is for sure the survival of family comes first and Mei would agree even though she might oppose at first.'

*Jun POV*

'Interesting fact being a baby fucking sucks why didn't I wish to be reborn at 5 years old haighhhh. At least I can mould my body to my liking for safety; I'm not stupid enough to believe that they didn't put a failsafe in my body in case I am opposing side to them and since its a commonly known fact that babies when born bodies are more moldable but this will hurt like being destroyed on a subatomic level multiple times have to do it now since I am a baby and it is normal to cry.

But for later experience, ill try to preserve it as long as I can. I think I should do it in burst to make it look less suspicious.OH, this is going to hurt.

(A/N you think? subatomic for people who don't know I'll break it down molecule is bigger than an atom. Atoms are the building block of all life and subatomic particles are smaller than atoms examples are proton and neutrons. So do you think it will hurt -_-)

*Back to 3rd POV*

Like this many years have passed precisely 10 years slowly the lower lifeforms forgot about the two visions which showed through the entire omniverse but everyone always had it on back of their mind wondering what the visions were preluding some fanatics even created their own religion talking about some bullshit god which is most likely only able to be a cleaner in higher universes,

but I deviate back to Jun he didn't have the best of times with his remoulding as he used to call but now when he thinks about he vomits then faints he underestimated the pain of getting destroyed and created at a subatomic level too bad he doesn't know one day he will go through same process more times than done with his BM plan but a quark level(A/N smaller than subatomic particles. Quarks are so small we can't measure them)

The first 7 months of his life was him waking and passing out constantly while the last 3 months of the year was him proving he was a genius much like his twin brother Ming because well he couldn't before as all he was doing was waking up then sleeping to outsiders eyes you would think he was a defective product.

Like this, another 9 years passed by quickly Jun and Ming quickly became a famous duo within the servants in their private compound which they weren't allowed to leave from but that didn't stop one from sneaking out other being dragged along but unbeknownst to them there are always guards to keep an eye on their safety so they have never truly 'snuck' out.

One of them is always cheerful and carefree while the other is cold and serious only smiling around family members or on rare occasions to the maids in the house when they helped him which always led to any woman who saw his smile masturbate at night to it. Jun che once caught a maid masturbating while calling his name but decided to ignore but in reality, he was coming up with many situations where the women became his personal slave. Yes...yes, he is a sadist in bed and would go to extreme lengths to turn any woman he like their looks or loves into full-fledged masochists when with him.

(A/N Please note that anything done or said is purely fictional *Insert troll face* but seriously this doesn't mean he hates them but you will be able to tell difference between whether he has feeling for them or just a cum dumpster. He will semi-rape if could call it that by this I mean I won't make him a dick where he rapes any beautiful woman he sees only rape female enemies because why the fuck not back to the story)

From the outside, it might seem as if they don't have the best relationship due to when Ming talks to Jun he hardly responds but it is known they have the tightest relationship ever.

Currently, you can see Jun walking down a grandiose corridor with Ming walking by his side with some pep in his step, they both stop at a door before Jun knocks on it after which he then enters with Ming.

*Inside the Study*

Jiang is behind his desk with his head down looking at some papers with his assistant named Old Ma helping him sort through them and advising him. When Jun and Ming enter he doesn't look up but continues with his papers; This goes on for about 10 minutes before Jiang put down his papers and looks up before finally speaking to them "Tomorrow is the day you get your talent measured this will determine what school you go into and what you specialise in be it a sword, spear, scythe, hammer, sabre naming a few.... you two are both me and Mei sons I expect a lot from you." He then looks at his son before speaking again.

"Also you won't just representing yourself but the household as a whole and you can quiet down these unbridled branch families trying to infestate the main family because I haven't shown you to the public making some stupid rumours that my children are trash who gave them the fucking right these lower spawn should know their place, looks like I'm sidetracking besides the point all that left to say is don't let your mother down you can leave"

Jun and Ming leave the room after which they close the door then they both collapse outside in the corridor even though their father didn't raise his voice the amount of mental pressure brought upon them was terrifying."Come on let's go prepare" Jun says to ming as he walks away Ming just nods then follows behind Jun.

*Inside the study*

"Do you think you should have told them, sir?" Says old ma his voice carries no emotions but wiseness at the same time. Jiang rubs his temples before sighing "They are too young Ma they don't need to know yet. Have we sorted out those Prima-Nyarlathotep yet? they are eating too many universes." "No sir it seems they don't want to negotiate."

*Sigh*"I'm getting too old for this shit send some troops to begin extermination." Jiang says before vanishing and Old Ma follows right after.


Sorry for hella late update trying to figure out where I wanted to take the story since dude OP from start is boring af and hard to write while making It engaging but things planned. Also had a maths assessment and just in general tired.So once again sorry might be one more chapter before Saturday i don't know.As always mistake let me know I'm doing this at 11pm so kinda tired

And peace also last chap of beta