Sharin- Oh I hope Shinkei is ok. You all know how he gets when he's upset. I'll have to calm him down then.
Don't worry about it, mom Yoku is taking him to the nurse now. He'll be ok
*Everyone Quiet
Migan- Everyone ready for the Quarter Finals!?!?
*Everyone shouting and screaming
Migan- S.E.I.D if you'd please.
S.E.I.D- The first match Suna Kessho vs. Diane Gale.
(and so the first fight of the second round began. The battle raged on for 5 minutes, Suna was actually giving Diane a run for her money. Until he messed up and used his tornado on the literal Wind spirit user).
Announcers 2- wow what an amazing start of the second round. Both contestants were amazing.
Announcer 1- But the Winner of this round is Diane Gale!!
Migan- Good job you both S.E.I.D next round if you'd please.
S.E.I.D- the next round is Ichiji and Tekai jikan vs.
Kamira- please be me…
S.E.I.D- Romaji Jon-zu and…
Kamira- come on…..
S.E.I.D- And Kamira Yusei
Kamira- Let's freaking go!!!
*Kamira jumps down from the crowd
Migan- Geez someone's ready and raring to go.
Kamira- You bet I am.
Kalira- Let's go kam!!! Kick their butts!!
Kamira- oh I will Kalira.
Tekai- Why are you so happy to lose kapigga
Ichiji- Yea I don't know why you are so confident all of a sudden.
Kamira- Romaji!
Romaji- Yea kam I know
Migan- Everyone ready?!?!
Kamira- Yup
Migan- Ready.....Set….Fight!!
Kamira- HULKEN Rage!!!!
Announcer 1- And Kamira is straight out the gate while Romaji is…..
Announcer 2- What's he doing?
Romaji- I'm staying back. This isn't my fight.
Aado- Mind if I sit here Ms.Kalira
Kalira- Oh Aado, long time no see.
*Aado looks at Kalira in the wheelchair.
Aado- I never got to apologize for what happened back then
Kalira- it's ok it wasn't your fault
Aado- it was I was the leader of that mission. If I just chose to take a different route you wouldn't have to lose your legs that day.
Kalira- Hey, I don't see it that way. I'm grateful for you. Not only did you take the lead when no one else wanted to, but you also molded my little sister into what she is today. So thank you.
Aado- no, thank you
Kamira- Rage Combo!!!
(Kamira starts throwing fist after fist at the twins landing one after another)
Kamira- you 2 had enough?
Twins- Sorry Kammy you were fighting our afterimages.
Kamira- What?
Twin- Temporal Strike!!
*The twins launch Kam out of the ring.
Romaji- BEAST TRANSFORMATION: GORILLA!! Geez, can you be more careful? I can't keep catching you.
Kamira- Yea thanks FURY FEET!!
now I should be able to keep up…
Twins- Nope! Not fast enough!
Kamira- Ahhh!! Stop doing that!!
Twins- What is this??
*The twins launch kam into the air and kam starts falling down and hits the ground hard.
Romaji- Kam!!!
Kamira- No, I got this Huh….
Romaji- Why are you powering down?
Kamira- Shut up I'm ok.
Kalira- wait, she's not gonna…. No kam your body isn't ready for that.
Kamira- Anger Shroud!!!
Well this is new…
Kamira- Combine with my body!!!
*The piece of cloth starts to cover kams body.
Mashù- Wow, it looks kinda like a dress almost.
Yoku- yo what did I miss? Woah, why is Kam in a dress!?!?
Tekai- What's a dress supposed to do?
Kamira- Oh you'll see. Ready for round 2?