Anger Shroud

Kamira- Oh you'll see. Ready for round 2?

Ichiji- Bring it on you pig!!!

*Kam jumps toward Ichiji instantly.

Ichiji- Huh??

Kamira- I only need 30 seconds to beat you both with this.

(kam flicks Ichiji in the head blasting her away)

Tekai- Ichiji! You'll pay for this!

Kamira-.....(jumps behind tekai) you can go with her.

*Kam kicks Tekai up in the air towards ichiji.

Kamira- Romaji thanks

Romaji- No problem

*Kam jumps high in the air above the twins.

Tekai- you still won't win!!!

*Tekai grabbed ichiji's hand but nothing happened.

Kamira- looks like she has to be awake to activate your little spirit...oh well.

Tekai- Damn it!


*Kam launches them both outside the ring.

Tekai- Damn you Kam!!


Announcers- are they ok??

Romaji- Ow,ow,ow!! Kam what the hell?

Even with my Strength as the Main Character you still hit them too hard.

Migan- Romaji and the twins are out so the Winner of this bout is team Kamira!!!

Announcers- And South strikes again!! Can they be stopped?

Kamira- I'd like that apology now; From both of you.

Tekai- Ow...but

Ichiji- Just do it. She earned

Tekai- But Ichiji….

Ichiji- No buts!!!

Twins- We're Sorry for everything Kamira!!

Kamira- Thank you….Just in time.

*Kam starts bleeding from her eyes, and nose and screaming from excruciating pain.

Romaji- Kam!!! Kam!!!!

Migan- Get paramedics now!

Kalira- Oh no i saw this happening.

Aado- What's happening?

Kalira- Anger Shroud is a technique that gives you a temporary boost in speed and strength making you almost invincible.

Aado- But why is she dying out there?

Kalira- the longer you use it the more your body starts to break. That's why I'm in this chair today….No more explaining. Here give her this.

Aado- I will.

*Aado floats toward Kamira.

Aado- Kam here take this….

*Kam takes the pill and falls asleep.

Aado- Romaji get her to the nurse!

Romaji- at once!

Kalira- Anjero take me to where they are taking Kam. I know how to deal with this.

Yes Ma'am

Kalira- Thank you.

*Anjero, Romaji, Kam, and Kalira all head to the Nurse.

 Romaji-Nurse Mari!!!

Mari- Woah, what happened?

Kalira- put her in the cold pod we have to shock her body.

Mari- S.E.I.D turn on vitals and set the chamber for 40°F

Kalira- Oh Mari how long has it been?

Mari- hello Kalira how've you been?

Kalira- I'm ok but kam I can't really say the same.

Mari- What happened?

Kalira- (Starts crying) She used it…. 

Mari- Oh no the Anger Shroud??

Kalira- Yea, I don't even know how she learned it.

If I can interject….kamira talks to her spirit everyday and she obviously has been trying to learn everything she can from Histeri.

Kalira- She talks to him??? I only ever got to talk to him once before.

Romaji- Maybe he likes her more.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Kalira- Maybe so I wish I knew this sooner.

I'm surprised she didn't tell you.

Kalira- I'm not.

Why is that?

Kalira- Kam was kinda forced to take Histeri From me.