Chapter 34: I am the Reincarnation of Sylvan

At Zilpher's vacation house...

In Zilpher's childhood room...

Selena *wakes up and stands* Where am I now??

Selena looks at the mirror...

Selena *touches her head wrapped in bandages* Ah, Heraldo must have put this on (I must have gotten a head injury when someone hit me with wood while I was turned around) Zilpher will scold me again, sigh!!! (Oh?!) My clothes have changed too?! (Maybe Zilpher's female servants changed my clothes while I was unconscious and brought me here) My previous clothes might have gotten dirty.

She turns around and notices a photo on top of the dresser.

Selena *holds the photo* (This is Zilpher when he was a child) So I must be in Zilpher's house, and this must be his room *puts down the photo* (It seems Zilpher has saved my life once again from danger).

Selena decides to leave the room and get some fresh air outside.

As she is about to leave, she hears a voice...

"Yes, this is where our friendship with Gusano started."

Selena (That's Zilpher's voice)

So she decides to hide by the door and secretly listen to the two people talking outside, sitting on a nearby bench.

Heraldo: We have so many memories here when you were just a prince and when your grandparents were still alive and lived here.

Young Heraldo: Give me those leftover chocolate chip cookies, I've only eaten a little since earlier, you guys are so greedy.

Young Gusano: No way! (They're so delicious and you think I'll let you eat the remaining cookies just because you've only had a little since earlier? Haha, not happening!) The reason you've only eaten a little is because you chew so slowly!

Young Heraldo: Hhmmppphhh!!!

Young Zilpher: No, it should go to me because I'm the grandson of the person who made it!

And the three continued to argue...

Young Zilpher: I should have it!

Until Zilpher's grandmother came out with a large plate full of cookies.

Grandmother: Stop fighting, here!, I made some new cookies *smiles*

Three Children: Yay!!!

Zilpher: Yeah

Heraldo: By the way, you've transformed into a Titan again, just like in Atlantis?

Selena (I was right about what I saw in Atlantis and in the banshee cave) But why did your appearance suddenly change and your skin freeze when I saw you in the blue cave?? *whispers*

After hearing that, Selena quickly left and returned to Zilpher's room. She decided to pretend to be unconscious.

Zilpher: How did you know?

Heraldo: When you arrived carrying Selena, your clothes were torn again.

Zilpher: Yes, you were right in your suspicion.

Heraldo: See, this is what I'm saying! Why don't you force Selena to send us one of the comfort tree's fruits and then forcibly drink her blood?

Zilpher: That's no longer necessary.

Heraldo: And why not?! *surprised*

Zilpher: I can now control my body and mind when I become a Titan.

Heraldo: How did that happen?! *curious*

[Flashback #1]

When Zilpher was praying for Selena's safety while in the blue cave...

Callista: Zilpher, Zilpher Farley!!, it's me, Princess Callista of the Kingdom of Cordophia, but I'm now more commonly known as Goddess Callista in the heavens.

Zilpher (Ah, you're the one who loves white roses)

Callista: That's right, Zilpher.

Zilpher (Why have you come to talk to me now, when my life is on the brink of death?)

Callista: Because I want to grant your prayer in the heavens.

Zilpher (Why do you want to help me?)

Callista: Because Selena is the reincarnation of my beloved daughter, Calla.

Zilpher (Calla?? The one who defeated Lusifero?!)

Callista: Yes, that's right.

Zilpher (And how will you help me, Goddess?)

Their conversation continued.....


Heraldo: You no longer need the comfort tree's fruit.

Zilpher *nods*

Heraldo: If Selena is Calla's reincarnation, then...

Zilpher: Yes, you're right.

Heraldo: You don't need to seek revenge on Nefetirani either.

Zilpher: That's right *stands up* Tell Gusano's group to go to the blue cave to retrieve the treasures there, but warn them that the cave is filled with blood and death and distribute the treasures to the people of Silarux. After that, they should also help the workers repair their mines.

Heraldo: Okay.

Then Zilpher went inside the house.

As Zilpher climbed the stairs...

Zilpher (Also, I am the reincarnation of Sylvan.)

Callista: Remember who you truly are, Zilpher.

Zilpher *thinks deeply*

And suddenly, he remembers everything...

Zilpher (I am the reincarnation of Sylvan?!)

[Flashback #2]

Calla grew up as a cheerful, beautiful, and kind being, surrounded by her loving parents. She also had a friend and playmate named Sylvan [In other words, a childhood friend].

Calla: Sylvan!!, Sylvan!! *joyfully calling Sylvan's name*

They were always together in everything.

And when they turned eighteen, Sylvan confessed his true feelings to Calla.

Sylvan: I like you, Calla...

Calla: I like you too, Sylvan, hehe!

And when they turned nineteen, Calla fulfilled the prophecy of Father Ernesto for her life.

Calla: Mom, I will fulfill the prophecy Father Ernesto spoke about for me.

Calla succeeded in defeating Lusifero with her boyfriend, but they both fell to the floor, pierced by Lusifero's sword.

They held hands while clinging to life.

Sylvan: Promise, I will find you and I will still love you in my next life.

Calla: I promise the same, and above all, you are still the person I trust the most in the world. I love you so much, Sylvan.

Sylvan: I love you so much too, Calla (Until we meet again, Calla).

And that's when both of them passed away [They grew up and died together].


Callista: By the way, never tell Selena about your reincarnation and her fate. The things we discussed about it are a secret just between us. Let her discover it on her own, but you can tell her about the other things we talked about.