In the heart of a vast and fertile land, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush meadows, stood the grand mansion of the De Lolce family. This stately home belonged to Duke Castel and Duchess Aerwyna, a couple whose reputation preceded them throughout the entire nation of Philippeldephia. Duke Castel was celebrated far and wide as the most brilliant scientist in the country, his mind teeming with discoveries that pushed the boundaries of what was possible. In contrast, Duchess Aerwyna was renowned for her culinary prowess, her dishes and baked goods the very definition of perfection, sought after by the elite of the land.
Three years into their blissful marriage, their joy knew no bounds when Aerwyna gave birth to triplets. Yet, their happiness was cruelly snatched away when the babies, too weak to survive, passed away shortly after entering the world. The grief was unbearable, and neither Castel nor Aerwyna could reconcile with the tragedy that had befallen them. The halls of their mansion, once filled with dreams of a bright future, were now heavy with sorrow.
But Duke Castel, a man driven by the relentless pursuit of knowledge, refused to accept fate’s verdict. One fateful night, he conceived a daring experiment—one that could defy the natural order and bring their children back from the brink of death. In the dim glow of his laboratory, surrounded by beakers and vials of mysterious substances, he worked tirelessly, driven by a desperate hope.
Finally, the moment arrived. Castel was on the verge of success, his hands trembling with a mix of fear and anticipation. But in a single, fateful moment, as he reached for the final component, his hand accidentally knocked over a set of strange chemicals. The colorful liquids spilled across the lab table, seeping into the lifeless bodies of the three infants.
In an instant, something extraordinary began to happen. The triplets, instead of merely returning to life, started to change. Their small forms absorbed the spilled concoction, and they became something... different. The experiment had gone awry, and the results were beyond anything Castel could have predicted.
From that night onward, the De Lolce mansion became the stage for a series of unexpected events, as the once-ordinary lives of Castel and Aerwyna took a turn toward the extraordinary—all because of a single, accidental spill that altered the course of their family’s destiny.
Note: This is more like a long script rather than a novel type.
This book had great characters and storyline, good job! I hope that this book will become well-known to everyone in this world someday.
Nice start in my meek standpoint... having only one chapter released, intrigues me to the forthcoming ones... hope to see more 💓 gonna wait for the next chaps!