Chapter 03: A Formidable Force In The Youth World

Lemarh Valvundra arrived at State House in a Braemar blue Lamborghini Aventador sports car, the only type that roamed in the continent.

Everybody knew Lemarh was no ordinary person. He was exceptional, extraordinary and a formidable force in the youth world. Since the early years of his childhood life, Lemarh had been stunning many with what they all called a sui generis part of God's creation. He used to outsmart many with his level of intelligence and tact since he was only five years old. Now at 21, he was the main source of assiduity among the youths who knew him in every corner of each continent. He was highly respected and honored because he was humane, gentle, kind and generous- qualities and accolades that made him elected the country's Youth Representative Leader.

Guests and Heads from other States and Governments in the continent still arrived at State House, dressed in fine apparel. Every guest and dignitary was in style and elegance, making the place peopled with sweet air and spellbinding view.

Lemarh's car stopped before the State Antechamber Entrance and a big broad-shouldered man in state blue uniform and white gloves stood beside the car as he waited for Lemarh to open its door. Lemarh opened the door and stepped out, dressed in a brilliant black made-to-measure Brioni suit and onyx black Salvatore Ferragaino shoes. The fashion statement best described who he was.

The man gave him a long salute then got in the car, driving it to the park.

Lemarh started to walk on the red carpet to the House Chamber as he smiled at the dozens of camera flashes around him.

As he kept walking, one journalist crew desperately called out for him. He decided to go for the interview.

"Thank you, Mr. Lemarh." The journalist said with a beam, flashes of cameras everywhere around Lemarh, "We have heard that you will soon be an official student at Crownzone University. How is the feeling, considering you emerged the top student at Elite School?"

Lemarh kept his smile official, "I am excited, even though everybody knew and expected that I would eventually be a student there." He paused, "It feels good that once again I will be joining one of the most prominent institutions in the globe."

"Did you ever consider other giants like Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge?"

Lemarh looked amused. Sometimes journalists can be funny with their questions. "There was once a time when Harvard crossed my mind, but I settled for Crownzone. Any giant can satisfy one. Crownzone satisfies me."

"Wonderful! What are you going to do differently at Crownzone that you didn't do back at Elite?"

Lemarh shortly laughed, "I... don't think I still know the answer to that... but I guess... I will make more friends than I did at Elite."

The journalist stared in reverent enthusiasm, "Thank you for your time, Mr. Lemarh. And congratulations on joining Crownzone!"

"Thank you." Lemarh smiled and continued on the red carpet to the security checkpoint.

"The drill, sir, as always." One of the guards in charge of the security inspections and electronic sweeping smiled at him when he got to the checkpoint.

Lemarh stood and let the guard do his job, "As I always tell you, I can come here with Russian C4 types without any of your knowledge." He expressed the zinger jokingly.

"And we always pray that never happens." A second guard also smiled as the first completed Lemarh's inspections.

"Then keep on praying." Lemarh humorously said and walked into the House, the guards still smiling at him. They knew him quite well, ever since he was five, and were sure if he held any evil empire somewhere, he could easily do whatever he wanted.

The State House Dining Chamber was always sumptuously decorated with sparkling splendor during functions and State events, and the day was not different.

Each table in the room had five Inca gold furnished dining chairs and a neatly spread centennial white tablecloth with an elegant flower arrangement. On top of each table were four arctic white dinner candles, white with blue floral decorations side plates, gold-coated salad servers, forks, knives, tablespoons, dessert spoons, soup spoons and fish forks and knives; grandly arranged, wine glasses, champagne flutes, water glasses and fruit bowls containing fresh cherries, grapes, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. It was a dinner arrangement perfectly stately.

A man in an official uniform of white coat and black trousers walked to Lemarh and directed him where his table was.

Shortly after, the saxophones, trombones and tubas started playing soothingly, indicating the president's arrival. All the leaders and dignitaries in the room rose from their seats.

"I have to admit, Nasurh, you have transformed the place into a palace." The newly inaugurated Tanzania's president, Mr. Thomas, still looked around impressed inside the House. The last time he was there, it was a standard and ordinary State House. Right now it had transformed into an exclusive architectural grandeur.

"I had a dream, once, to do that." The country's president checked his bow tie as they walked with short fluid strides to the Dining Chamber.

They showed up in the Chamber and stopped, the first lady on the president's left, and Mr. Thomas with the wife on his right.

"I see..." Mr. Thomas said while looking at the Chamber, "You have lived to see your dream."

"No, I haven't." Mr. Nasurh looked at the bespectacled friend with a smile, "I am yet to fulfill it."

They all indistinctly laughed.

The country's national anthem was sung followed by Tanzania's, and after, they slowly walked to their table.

The rest of the leaders in the Chamber returned to their seats when the most esteemed of the night took theirs.

"Good evening, son?" Mr. Thomas started at Lemarh, "I heard you will be joining Crownzone. Congratulations!"

"Good evening, sir. Thank you." Lemarh appreciated with a smile.

"I happen to know you quite well." Mr. Thomas continued, "But I am yet to know your passions and interests."

Waiters in uniforms of white coats, gloves and black trousers started serving dinner.

"Well, sir, if you mean my career interest, I am following the family line passion; business administration, management, commerce, economics and finance." Lemarh briefly explained.

"All at once?" Mr. Thomas looked skeptical.

"All at once, sir." Lemarh nodded with his smile maintained.

"Thomas, this boy's capacious mind can carry everything in business." The country's president joined in, "Have you forgotten who he is?"

"The legendary celebrated and praised Lemarh." Mr. Thomas helped himself with a glass of water, "My election win almost made me forget that."

Everybody at the table laughed.

"But this is going to be university." He resumed talking after another sip of water, "Things are not easy there."

"Actually, sir, I am already well cognizant of my area of study. I am only going to Crownzone to get the paperwork and credentials."

Surely one of the bests the country has produced! Mr. Thomas sat staring, "I see!"

"But I actually preferred him to do civil and structural engineering, just like his great man." Mr. Nasurh said, "But his parents never let me get to the boy and his preferences."

"That is because you stick your nose where it shouldn't be." The country's first lady joined in the conversation.

"Ah, but Lemarh is an absolute business of mine!" The president looked at the wife, "You just don't know how well we get along." He turned to the grandson, "Tell your grandma, boy."

Lemarh smiled divertingly, "Actually, grandma, grandpa is kind of right."

"Okay, sweetie, but don't let him force you to anything, just as I always tell you." The first lady said.

"I don't force him to anything." The president spoke plainly, "I only give him the importance and then let him decide."

"Nasurh, I know you." Mr. Thomas said, "Since our youthful days you have been brainwashing us to your ways. Martin is a witness, and he is sitting over there..." He gestured at a table in the Dining Chamber.

The president briefly turned to the mentioned table and back at the childhood friend, "In my defense, my ways were the best. But I don't do that anymore. We can ask Martin, he is a witness."

Mr. Thomas laughed, "How dozen times I have heard that..." He cut a piece of coconut fish curry with his fork and knife and dipped it in his mouth.

"Thomas, dear, I think you are exaggerating." Tanzania's first lady said, "Nasurh loves Lemarh and will never brainwash him to anything."

"How lovely, Mrs. Thomas." The president smiled at the woman and then turned to Lemarh, "I told you your great-grandpa was one highly strict old man. I wanted civil and structural engineering but he said there was going to be nothing but business administration and management. I had no choice, but later on, I did my dream course and to date, I am still proud of taking part in Super Kenta Highway Bridge construction as the executive director at its bleeding-edge." He paused, taking a glass of water, "What I mean, my boy, is that the ages of your great old man are over. You don't have to do business just because you will take care of the family businesses. If you have another passion in mind, like civil and structural engineering, go for it. I will totally support you."

"And he is doing it at this very instance." Mr. Thomas took a sip from his glass of wine while looking at the friend, "You are still good, mate."

"Oh, thank you, Thomas." The president appreciated with a quick smile and turned back to the grandson, "You see, we will all support you, fully, and in whatever course you choose, including civil and structural engineering."

Lemarh amusedly laughed, "Grandpa, I am fine with business. It is my passion."

"Fine." The president smiled, "I will not be against it. But remember, if you change your mind, I will be around with a good choice."

The grandson kept laughing, "Thanks, but I don't think there is going to be a change in my choice. I admire business."

His grandmother proudly beamed, "Then go for it if it is what interests you and makes you happy. We are proud."

All at the table nodded with smiles as they continued with the dinner.

The violin, viola, double bass and cello continued playing softly and slowly, giving the entire room a soothing and quieting touch.