Chapter 02: Feelings Of Attraction

This is so amazing!" Katelyn Dasnania happily said while looking at her university calling letter in her bedroom at the Dasnania mansion. She had been eagerly waiting for the day ever since she finished high school.

The first child born of the Dasnania family was at large and greatly respected by almost everyone who knew her. At age 19, she was a bright and intelligent young woman. In addition to her glorious and rare beauty; soft black curls weave, beautiful central-brown complexion and luminous dark brown eyes, she was the envy of her peers and an exquisite perception of beauty to men. Almost all would have bet she was the most beautiful on the planet, and all would bet she was the ultimate most beautiful in the country.

Having as well all the money she could possibly want made her have it all, making people, especially ladies her age, wondered why God decided to give her all; a consideration more than blessings.

"Yeah, girl, it is super amazing!" Sharon, her best friend, also happily said while looking at her own calling letter. It still profoundly amazed her that she had been accepted at the most prominent university on the continent. The university only invited a maximum of one hundred out of the possible fifty thousand applicants in the country, yearly. The day made her joyful and ecstatic, and she knew where the main reason for her success laid.

Sharon highly respected her best friend because she was an obliging, kind, helpful and courteous friend. She was a friend who possessed proper values, deep respect and decency, and self-restraint. Ever since they became friends, these values were added to her life. Katelyn had been her role model, adviser and true friend. She had been by her side and it bared fruits right before her own eyes. They had been together as one, making their friendship characterized by a deep inner bond of amity that enduringly existed between them.

"I have an idea..." She suddenly said, "Why don't we go to the CU place? It needs people like us at the moment."

"I guess there is nothing wrong with that." Katelyn agreed to the suggestion, "We will go."

Sharon squirmed with delight and quickly hugged her, tightly, "It will be perfect! You will see."

Katelyn sighed in the hug, "I can't wait."

Just then, Diana Dasnania slowly opened the bedroom door, getting in.

The youngest born of the Dasnania family was the most sagacious of all the family members. Her beautifully-made Indian loose wave weave hairstyle and slightly big, bright liquid brown eyes with the same skin tone and complexion of the sister, spoke of yet another glorious beauty that ran in the family. Like Katelyn, she was also intelligent and bright, but more full of ideas and knowledge, even though she was two years younger than Katelyn.

Sharon turned to her with a solemn look. She never liked Diana, not a single bit. She didn't like her due to the haughtiness and arrogant nature she possessed. Diana treated almost everyone, especially those below her class, with an imperious and ruthless will. Her rules were simple; you do what she wanted without any questions asked nor excuses, and her favorite; her methods, ways and ideas were to finalize any subject or matter. All combined, Sharon believed, made Diana a she-devil in a perfect human form.

Sharon believed that being rich shouldn't give one contempt for looking down on others. She believed that the rich were supposed to be leaders, caregivers, role models and pillars of counsel, especially to those who admired and gave them high regard. That was why she was friends with Katelyn, because Katelyn showed great qualities and characteristics of a true model.

Diana clearly knew they had bad blood between them, so did Katelyn.

"What do you think of this Saturday?" Sharon looked at the friend, ignoring Diana.

"Sounds okay." Katelyn said, "We will arrange for the best time."

"Fantastic! I will call you." Sharon smiled and started towards the door, "Later."

"Later." Katelyn waved goodbye then happily turned to the sister, "You are now looking at a Crownzone student!"

Diana didn't show any surprise, but smiled back, "I knew you would. It's people like us who go there, anyway." She moved and hugged her, "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Go and show them who the Dasnanians are." Diana said, withdrawing from the hug, "Anyway, I am here with a problem... a problem that kind of needs a solution, from you." Her tone was no longer casual, but equable.

Concern immediately crossed on Katelyn's face. For as long as she could remember, there was no day the sister had ever asked anyone for help, not even from her. Katelyn knew Diana as a person who always felt content to handle and tackle any problem or difficulty that came her way, by herself. Everyone knew she was a person who didn't embrace teamwork or combined effort. She was positively sure of her intelligence capabilities on any matter and believed she could deliver the most suitable solution to any problem, by herself. She was an autonomous person by nature.

Now, Katelyn naturally started to worry.

"Anything, Dia!" She reached for and held the sister's hands worriedly, "I am all here for you."

Diana could see the obvious expression on the sister's face, "Kate, it's not a serious matter..." She said in a relaxed manner while getting her hands off from the sister, "... Maybe in the perspective I am going to put it... but it is nothing alarming."

"Okay..." Katelyn nodded uncomprehendingly, but at least relieved.

Diana sighed audibly, "There is this... guy..." She again sighed, then started to blush, "I think he is mixing me up in my head... and getting me confused!"

Katelyn stared with thawing laughter, "That explains the glowing!" This was completely new to her. Never could she have ever imagined or guessed the sister coming to her with such a subject matter.

"I don't think I am glowing!" Diana's eyes were firmly on the sister.

"It is a compliment, my dear." Katelyn widely grinned, "So, who is the lucky prince?"

"A nobody that I can't cease to think about! It's worse when his face keeps on displaying in my mind!"

Katelyn could not resist smiling, proudly and happily, "Please, continue."

Diana sighed, glancing at the ceiling and back at the sister, "There are two problems here. One, this guy is a regular guy. He is far from our class, very far_"

"And what was your plan? Get a rich guy like you, buy a house somewhere near a beach, get a puppy, travel to exotic places and call it an ever happy life?"

"You don't have such a dream?" Diana stared in a true surprise.

"Diana." Katelyn's tone and expression presumed sincerity, "Sometimes in life, we don't get what we expect. There may occur unexpected twists and turns that lead us to where we didn't plan. But it doesn't mean_"

"Kate, fate belief is for erudite like yourself. People make their own life, not twists and turns."

Katelyn looked at her openly, but not surprisedly. She had almost forgotten she was dealing with Diana Dasnania. No one dared gave Diana life advice, not anyone who knew her. She had her own set of advice to believe in, and she couldn't take any other that was not from the set.

"Okay..." Katelyn calmly said, "Let us then go back to the guy... what is the other problem?"

Diana appeared meek, "The other thing is that I really know what I am feeling, Kate." Her eyes started to brighten, "I feel strongly for him, and I really, really want him!"

"You want to be the first to make a move?"

"Absolutely, yes!" Diana was glowing more, "I find myself deeply attracted to him and I really like the guy! Ever since he smiled at me I have_"

"You have seen each other already?"

"Yeah, and even talked. He came by the Center today, as a guest leader. His knowledge on the day's topic was so enlightening! He looked competent and experienced." Diana brightly smiled, "His facts were accurate and illuminating. I think his level is remarkably close to Lemarh's, if not the same!"

"Then that makes sense." Katelyn quietly smiled, "If there is a guy out there who is close to who Lemarh is, any girl would fall for him."

"Maybe you are right, since Lemarh is already taken in advance." Diana teased the sister.

Katelyn eyed her back, "The right word you should say is booked."

"But this guy, physically, he is like Lemarh." Diana continued with a bright glow on her expression, "His eyes... smile... the way he talks and walks... his entire face... he is a miracle, to say the least!" A brilliant smile lit up her face, "Such a look is not ordinary! He is way too handsome!" She paused with a sigh, her face sparkling, "Katelyn, for the first time it just makes sense for somebody like him to be above me in... everything! It occurs to me that him being... on top of me is totally okay. I mean, it makes perfect sense and appears logical that he is a man and I am a woman, making me be under him, just the way nature intends."

"Wow!" Katelyn gasped in surprise, not knowing that it could have been possible feelings of love that could change the sister's attitude towards people. She always felt superior to anyone, and now, that was likely to become a past, "You really, and I mean really, sound so... in love!"

"I am, Kate!" Diana looked bright and joyful, "I can't think of him without a phantom of delight! I am really deeply into him! If you don't help me I may end up with health issues!"

Katelyn amusedly chuckled, "Just like they say, what love can do no one understands." She looked happy for the sister, "How would you like me to assist you?"

"I want a smart and ingenious move to use. A smart type and completely unnoticeable. You write romantic novels, I believe you can be able to know one or two thoughts."

Katelyn nodded, "You said you have already seen each other and talked?"

"Yeah, but only cursory acquaintance."

"Then worry no more, sister." Katelyn briefly suggested, "If he saw and talked to you, it means he noticed you. You don't have to make any move. He will do that."

"Why should you assume that?" Diana gave the sister a baffled stare.

"Does it need an answer? Others were made, the Dasnanians were created. It is a crystal clear fact."

A faint trace of irritation emerged in Diana, "Look, Kate, I am serious here. Let our driveling and childish gibberish stay in the past. This is a serious matter at hand!" She deeply exhaled, "If only you can have this feeling that possesses in me... this guy already means everything and I don't want to let go! I may sound crazy but this is exactly what I feel. I want him, Kate, by every means possible!"

"Well, I am sorry if I meant... gibberish." Katelyn was now calmly subdued, "I want to help you because I am happy for you, really. So, this is what you should do. Make him notice you. A man's first attention and impression from a woman lay on looks. Upgrade yourself externally. Put on those stylish clothes in your wardrobe that let out every inch of your curves. In addition, don't forget about the make-ups. Any Dasnania who does this becomes the only fish in the lake. Start with that, and the rest will fall right if you keep on seeing and chatting with him."

Diana gratefully and radiantly smiled, as if the idea hadn't occurred in her mind, "I believe that will help! Thanks." She said and headed for the door.

Katelyn watched her go with a smile. She has indeed found love.