The days since lee's death have been relatively calm. Nothing notable besides a couple really small savage raids. The next scavenge party isn't going out till tomorrow. "So do we have anything planned for today? It's been a little while since we've turned a generator on." Said James
"We do have plenty of movies left to play. What genre do you think we should shoot for?" Asked Penelope (Please say horror)
"I was thinking something scary. I mean something really scary though, hopefully it'll make some people think our reality isn't that scary." Said James.
"That is a really great idea, I love horror movies!" Exclaimed Penelope.
The pair walk down and explain the plans for the day to the rest of the group. Plenty of cheers come from the ones who get to watch, and a few complaints from the ones who have to stand watch.
"So, the movie will be at 8 pm. If you don't want to watch it, please consider replacing one of the guards so they can watch it instead. It's a horror movie, so if you don't feel up to it then please feel free not to watch. That's all I have to say for today." Said James.
The group all goes their separated ways. They all do different things to try and keep themselves busy. Some try reading in the bookstore, others try playing basketball in the sports and goods store. Everyone has something to do which makes the mall a very beneficial place to be.
8 hours pass on a rather slow day. Nothing seems to be happening until James gets a radio out of the blue.
"Hey James there's a group of like 40 savages marching this way. We're going to need all hands on deck for this one. I'll send the message to them." Explained Spike.
Spikes voice booms over the loudspeakers saying that they need everyone to the front gate of the mall to fight a big group of savages.
(Out at the front gate)
"Alright guys there's a lot of them so we need to be careful. Remember, to only take on more than 1 IF you can. If you have any doubt about a fight then back up and get some help. You have to go about it carefully though, you're smarter than the savages so use that to your advantage. Alright, they're almost here so get ready." Explained James.
The group of savages collide with the mall group's defense. James is slicing through savages left and right It's a fairly one sided battle at the start until a second group of 15 savages are seen coming from the other side. Then something unexpected happens. A small group of about 11 people run up and fight the savages. Two of them bowl through 9 of the savages themselves in a matter of seconds. After just a few minutes of fighting, the groups come out only slightly scathed. James and a few others approach the group.
"Thank you guys very much for the help. We probably would've had a few casualties. Again, thank you very much. May I ask what brought you here though?" Asked James.
"Well, we're currently in search for a new base. We didn't know this place was occupied by a group already though. Anyways, hi my names Mavis. I'm the leader of this now really small group." Said Mavis.
"Why don't you guys come join us inside for a bit? You look like you could use a safe place to rest." Asked James. (These guys look insanely capable!)
"We would love to, thank you. I'll tell you our story inside if you're curious." Said Mavis. A few minutes later. Mavis, James, Marcus, and Penelope are all sitting in the security room. "You guys sure have a really nice setup in this mall, there's sure quite a lot of you too. Anyways, I'll explain what happened." Said Mavis. Mavis spends several minutes explaining what happened to her group over the past week to James and Penelope
"Yeah that sounds like a pretty shitty time to me. We lost one of our own a few days ago, but that's nothing compared to losing more than half your group. I'm glad you guys found us though." Said James.
"So how does it work around here? I notice you guys have power." Asked Mavis
"We have plenty of power and a huge amount of fuel, as you can see there's a few hundred cars in the parking lot with varying amounts of fuel. We also have plenty of food for now. We scavenge 2 times every week. So don't worry, you're in good hands here. I'd also like it if Mavis became one of our leaders. You look like you've been leading them well." Said James.
"I'll take you up on that offer. So what is there to do here to occupy the time? I'm assuming you guys do some rather fun things here." Asked Mavis.
"Yeah, you actually came here at the perfect time, we're doing another movie night. It's horror themed so I hope you guys don't mind." Explained James.
"I'm sure my group will love that. Thank you for welcoming us so easily, it'll really help their spirits." Thanked Mavis. Mavis and Marcus leave the room leaving just James and Penelope.
"You two seem like you'll get along pretty well with her." Said Penelope slyly.
"Very funny penny. She seems pretty capable though, so I wouldn't mind getting along with her." Said James not catching on.
"That went right over your head I see. Why don't you invite her to the movie tonight, and then sit next to her and talk a bit?" Asked Penelope.
"Why should I invite her personally? She already knows about the movie." Asked James.
"Just do it! It's like pulling teeth with you sometimes." Said Penelope while laughing.
James and Penelope convene their meeting with James walking out confused.
An hour later
It's an hour before the movie is going to start and James walks up to Mavis in order to invite her to the movie.
"Hey Mavis, you going to the movie tonight that we're putting on?" Asked James
"I honestly hadn't planned on it, but are you inviting me personally now?" Asked Mavis.
"Um yes, yes I am inviting you personally. So would you like to? We can uh, sit in the back and talk if you want. Usually no one sits in the back." Asked James.
"Yes, I'd love to. Thanks for inviting me." Said Mavis. Mavis and James enter the theatre and find the whiteboard that says insidious. "Oh, I never went and saw that movie, I heard it was actually pretty scary." Said Mavis.
"Good, I never got to see it either. I haven't had the luxury of getting scared by one of our movies yet." Said James. James and Mavis walk in and get settled into the back row away from everyone else.
"So, how are you guys liking the place compared to your last base? I believe you guys said it was a small apartment complex." Asked James.
"Well, it's certainly huge compared to the complex. The way you guys moved all the various kiosks out of the way makes it feel way bigger than what I remember. The fact that you guys have plenty of power is pretty nice as well. I can't thank you enough for inviting out group with such open arms." Said Mavis as she places her hand on his forearm.
"Oh, uh yeah it wasn't a problem. You guys also saved our group in that fight, so it was really a no brainer. I'm glad you guys like it here. Makes me think I'm doing something right around here." Said James.