Chapter 4 - Mavis

(It's a boring day so far, none of the savages are attacking today. Maybe we finally killed them all? Probably not, it all feels kind of off though.) Mavis is sitting on the roof of the apartment complex watching over the street that leads to the front of the building. With the river at the back of the complex, the front is the only attacking point for the savages. This makes it one of the best choices to set up base in.

"Hey isn't your shift supposed to be over by now?" Asked Marcus.

"I sent Bailey back down, she usually doesn't warn us about savages until they're knocking on the door so I decided to take her shift instead. I guess I didn't have to though, there aren't any savages anyways." Explained Mavis

"I don't think we've ever had a day this quiet. I don't really mind it though." Said Marcus.

"I do, I'd much rather get attacked by a couple and be done with it. What if they're amassing somewhere scheming and getting ready to strike at us?" Said Mavis.

"Yeah, I sure hope they don't learn how to do stuff like that. We can't handle all that many at once." Said Marcus. As if on que the sound of savages can be heard down the street.

"Oh it's just 3, I'll send Kane. Mavis radios Kane to go run down and take out the 3 savages down the street. As he deals with that, a group of at least 80 turn around the corner on the opposite end of the street and run towards the complex.

Oh god, there's way too many! Go evacuate everyone, we need to leave Marcus! Exclaimed Mavis.

"Oh shit, okay yeah I'm on it" Said Marcus as he runs down the stairs from the roof.

Mavis looks over the edge and sees Kane whose now made it back and is fighting his way through the savages in an attempt to keep them from the complex. Mavis decides to go down and join them in the fight. Despite Kane, Marcus, and Mavis best efforts to hold off the savages. They get through into the complex. Only 11 people including Mavis have made it out so far.

"Mavis! I can't fight this many!" Exclaimed Kane.

Fighting back tears, Mavis makes the only decision she can make.

"Everyone run to the rendezvous place!" Shouted Mavis. The group of now 11 that made it out run to the rendezvous point they made in case of an emergency.

3 hours later

The rendezvous point is a store they cleared out and boarded up ahead of time. Its 3 miles down the road from the apartment complex.

"… Did only 11 of us make it out?" Asked Mavis.

"I think so, but what the hell happened back there? There were so many of them. I've never seen so many at once." Said Marcus.

"What's left of humanity is doomed if they're learning. We can't handle coordinated attacks. Not to mention some of them were carrying things. One of them threw a brick at me." Explained Kane.

"Mavis, what're we doing now?" Asked Marcus.

Mavis paces around thinking, while looking down. "I don't know, we'll have to find a new place to set up camp." Said Mavis.

"Why don't we try the mall in town? It's a small enough one, so it shouldn't be too hard to clear out." Asked Kane.

"Oh I like that idea, there might be some nice clothes there." Said Bailey.

"We'll rest here for the night and set out tomorrow. Then we'll have a chance to mourn those we've lost. For now, just get some sleep guys." Said Mavis The small and exhausted group takes a much needed rest at the store which turns out to be an old Walmart. Most of the group slept in what was left of the furniture section.

"So what's the plan Mavis? We shouldn't stay here for long." Asked Marcus.

"Well, I was thinking about the mall. It has a lot of stores in it and around it. Not to mention the park nearby that we can try and start a farm in. It may be pretty big, but I think we should be able to find some small groups of kids nearby like we did at the complex." Explained Mavis.

7 long hours passed by without incident. It seemed they had lost the savages that had attacked them. So the group did the one thing it could do after a disaster this large. They moved on, with the mall as their destination.