Chapter 3 - Penelope

The trio headed back to the base where Penelope was waiting for them to arrive in the shipping bay (the shipping area is in the back of the mall, with 4 large garage doors that the group can back the truck up into for easy drop-offs when out scavenging) with a couple others in order to unload the truck once it gets back.

"Where are they? They should be back by now. I hope something bad didn't happen." Said Penelope. As if on cue, James pulled up in the truck, and backed it up in to the shipping area. Penelope sees three people get out of the truck. First Sierra hops out, then Spike, and finally James gets out.

"Oh god, what happened? Where's Lee?" Asked Penelope. "There was a trap, Spike and Lee got caught up in it. Thankfully Spike managed to get out of it. We did manage to get plenty of canned goods though, so not all is lost." Explained James. "Ugh, we we're doing so well for a while too." Said Penelope.

"Yeah we'll have to hold a memorial for him later, but we've got to take care of the food before we have to defend the shipping area again." Said James. The small group went about unloading the food into the storage room where they keep it all. The storage room is essentially a huge vault door that only James and Penelope have access to. With food being one of the most important worries now, they can't risk having people take more than their fair share. "So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Asked Penelope.

"It's almost as if they set up a trap for us. They had lookouts that ran in when they saw us. I hope I'm just overthinking things, but I don't think I am. It was a set up trap, and we walked right into it." Explained James.

"That is not something I want to hear, that'll certainly make everything a lot harder. Maybe we should try a little harder to set up that farm." Said Penelope.

"I'm not sure what we should do, but setting up a farm is easier said than done. We don't have any farm kids here. Also it's at least a 10 mile drive to anywhere that we could plant crops. I guess we can try it though." Said James.

"We'll have to talk more about it later, I'm too tired to be worrying about more stuff today." Said Penelope.