Chapter 2 - James

James is outside starting up the truck. "So how does it usually work when we get there?" Asked Sierra as she hopped in the truck.

"Well I keep it pretty simple, Penelope usually makes it pretty complicated on her runs. So what I do is split into 2 groups of two. One person hauls out stuff, while the other watches their back, in case a savage pops out of nowhere. We'll just go up and down the isles till we have everything. It usually goes pretty smoothly, but sometimes there'll be a fight in order to get the supplies. It seems like we might have to fight one or two this time as well." Explains James as they arrive as Hyvee with two savages standing out front.

"Why don't you just ram them James?" Asked Spike.

"Because I don't feel like damaging the truck when I can just go and kill them myself, but maybe we should attach something to make that possible." Said James.

As the group gets out, the savages at the entrance see them and dart inside. "Alright, that's pretty odd." Said James.

"Are we still going in? I've never seen behavior like that from a savage before." Said Lee.

"Yeah, we need this food soon, and judging by what I see through the window, this place has more than enough for us." Said James.

"Alright then, let's go get it then." Said Spike.

The group goes into the Hyvee. "Alright guys, sierra and I will hit the canned goods area. Lee and Spike, you guys go and see if there's any bagged goodies." Said James.

Sierra and James make their way to the canned goods and make a couple trips back the truck with plenty of canned goods. Over on the other side of the store. Lee and Spike find themselves in the bagged goods area. As Lee reaches for a bag of Doritos a trap gets sprung. 8 savages come in from one side of the isle and 5 come in from the other side.

"Shit! Lee what do we do?!" Exclaimed Spike.

"The five, we've got to go that way." Said Lee. Lee goes first and takes on 3 of the five savages while Spike tries to take on the other two. Both Lee and Spike manage to take out 1 of their savages, but the next savage knocks Spike's weapon out of his hand. Spike then ducks under the savages next swing and runs out of the isle. Essentially dooming Lee to a horrible fate. James and Sierra get there moments too late as Lee is already dead.

"Come on you two we have to go!" Exclaimed James.

The three rush out of the store and hop in the truck which is now refusing to start.

"James please hurry up, they're coming out of the store!" Exclaimed Sierra. Sierra starts swinging at savages that are sprinting at the truck when James finally is able to start up the truck and skirts off.

"Ugh, we're going to have to take another look at the truck again. Hopefully it's something fixable again." Said James exhaustedly.

"He's dead. I let him die back there. I should've kept fighting even after they swatted my knife." Said Spike.

"It doesn't matter what you think now. It's really too late to worry about it. All there's left to do is learn from your mistake and make sure you don't let anyone down in the next fight." Explained James.

"He's right Spike, it sucks for sure. But you just need to keep moving forward." Said Sierra.

"Yeah you guys are right. I'll keep looking forward." Said Spike