

"Thank you very much Mr.Richard,"said Crysta after our fifteen minute interview was over.

"You begin today,"said Mr Richard as he gave us black t-shirts that all workers wore together with black hats. "Be here by six."

"Sure thing Mr Richard!"said Crysta enthusiastically. "We won't let you down!"

"I hope so,"Mrs Richard replied. "Carrie,can you show these nice young ladies out?"

"Yeah,sure thing dad,"Carrie said as she stood from her seat and pointed towards the door.

After shaking hands with Mr Richard,we followed Carrie out of the club.

"So,"Carrie began,"You guys wanna grab lunch?"

"We would love to!"shrieked Carrie.

"Umm,I would also love to but I have some errands to run for my mother so I don't think I'll tag along,"I excused myself.

"Too bad,"Carrie said.

"I'll just see you guys at six,"I said and with that,I got myself a taxi and rushed to the grocery store.

I picked out everything that mom had requested and when I was done,I went back home.



"Can I have a margarita?"ordered one of the customers.

"Coming right up,"I said as enthusiastically as I possibly could as I prepared the margarita for the lady.

As soon as I was done,she took up her drink and went over to the dance floor.

Many more customers came asking for a variety of drinks.

If you didn't have a quick hand you wouldn't be able to serve even half of them!

"Crysta,"I called once I was done serving all my customers.

"Yes,Maya. What's up?"Crysta saud as she wiped a spill from the counter.

"Can you cover for me. I need to step out for a while. I won't be long,I promise,"I said.

"Sure thing. Just don't stay out for too long,"Crysta said.

"I won't,"I said as I made my way out."I owe you one!"

I went out through the back where I was met by a dark quiet alley.

It seemed safe.

While I was there,I took out my phone and logged into my Instagram.

Since my break up with Kelly,things were pretty tough for me.

First,I found out that Kelly left me only to be with the bitch she cheated on me with! I guess she gave her everything that I could not.

Second,stalking Kelly on insta just made me feel worse. She was having so much fun with her new girl and that made me feel kinda sad. It made me doubt whether she even liked me in the first place because we never did any of the stuff she and her new girlfriend were doing. We never even took photos together because she was supposedly photo phobic.

"What happened to that phobia now Kelly?"I asked painfully as I scrolled down her recent posts of photos she and her new girlfriend had taken.

It was getting too much. Too much for me to handle. I couldn't take it. So I logged out and put my phone inside my back pocket.

I sucked in a deep breath,closed my eyes and convinced myself that everything would be okay. That I would get over her. That I wouldn't get jealous because she moved on too fast.

"Are you okay?"said a voice from behind me.

I turned only to see Carrie standing there.

"Yeah,I'm okay,"I said with a forced smile. "What ere you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Mrs Rein's?"

"She gave me an off today. So I came here to help out. Although it doesn't seem like I'm needed around here,"she said with a shrug.

"Oh,okay,"I said. "I'll head back in before your dad notices someone's missing and decided to fire me on my first day of work."

"He won't if you're here with me,"she said as she took a seat on one of the stair cases. "Here,sit next to me."

I did as she requested.

She took out two blunts from her pocket together with a lighter.

"Do you stone?"she asked,putting one of the blunts in her mouth and using the lighter to burn in.

"Yeah,"I said.

She handed me the other blunt after she had lit it.

"So,what's going through your mind? And don't tell me it's nothing because your face sure as hell tells me there's something bugging you,"Carrie said as she took in a deep puff and let out a thick stream of smoke from her mouth.

I laughed and said,"Oh,so you can read people huh?"

"Well,I can't call it reading. But if that's what you'll choose to call it,then let it be."

"Okay then. In your opinion,what do you think is bugging me?"I asked as I too took in a deep puff and let out the smoke.

"Boy issues?"

"Hell no!"

"Girl issues?"

"Yeah,more less."

"Girlfriend dumped you?"

"Yeah. And moved on days after with the bitch I fought her cheating with."

"Woah,that's rough."

"I'm used to it."

"Have you been stalking your ex?"


"So that's a yes."

"No,it's a maybe."

"It's definitely a yes."

"Ah,fine! Yes,I have been stalking Kelly. All day,every day!"

"Kelly,huh. Nice name."

"You should hear her second one."

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"Okay. I wasn't going to tell it to you anyway."

"Are you sure?"


"I knew it. You're stuck up and that's bad."

"I know."

"You need to stop."

"I've been told."

"Have you tried?"

"Not yet."

"Well,you should."

"I don't even know how to start."

"You can start by giving me your phone,"she said,holding out her palm towards me.

I reached into my back pocket,fished out my phone and handed it to her,"Here."



"Okay,"she said as she typed in the password. "Changing that password will be our first step. Let's change it to something else. What's your mother's name?"


"Your new password is Carol spelled from behind now."

I said nothing.

"The second step will be unfollowing your ex on all social media platforms,"Carrie said as she went through all my social media accounts and unfollowed Kelly. "I would block her but that will be the third step that you'll have to do yourself. And the fourth and final step is forgetting her. Get yourself out there. I'm sure you can't lack someone who will love you. I mean, you're very beautiful. So get yourself back out there!"

I smiled and looked at her then said,"Why are you doing all this for me yet we're not even friends?"

She smiled back,handed me my phone and said,"Because I care."

"Thank you,"I said as I put my phone back into my back pocket. "Not even Crysta has ever done this for me."

"Don't mention it,"she said as she threw away the small piece of her blunt that had remained.

I was still staring at her. Taking in her face and how amazing she looked.

She licked her lower lip gently.

Then she turned to face me.

Our eyes locked.

She smirked.

If she was trying to tempt me,it was working because what I did next was so rush!

I think it was the marijuana that caused the lack of self-control!

"Fuck it!"was what I said before leaning in and kissing her deeply.

She kissed me back.

And that went on for a minute or so.

Then we heard the door open.

And we pulled away from each other.

"Hey,I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you."

It was Crysta!

We tilted our heads up only to see her.

"I'll be right in Crysta,give me a sec,"I said as I stood up.

"Hey Carrie,"Crysta greeted."I didn't know you were here."

Carrie smiled and nodded.

With that,Crysta and I went back in.



Chapter three is out!

I really hope you're enjoying this book by the way!

As usual,




And stay tuned for chapter 4!
