

"Carry these,"Carrie said as she handed me three bags of potato chips and cheetos.

I take the bags and stand there waiting for her to pick whatever else she was picking.

"You can go ahead Maya,"Carrie said with a smirk as she went through the lower corner cabinet.

"I'll just wait for you,"I said as I continued standing and staring.

She stopped what she was doing and moved towards me.

She moved so close that I could feel her breathing onto my face.

"May I ask why?"Carrie asked with a teasing voice.

I took a step back and after recollecting myself said,"I don't know the way to the garage."

"I could direct you,you know?"she said as she took a step closer to me.

"Carrie,"I called,with shortage of breath.

"Yes,Maya,"she answered with a smirk.

"Stop,"I said,trying so hard to control myself.

"Stop what?"she asked as she brought her face very close to mine.

"This,"I said as I stared at her lips which for some reason seemed super juicy.

"But I'm doing nothing."

"Then stop doing nothing."

"Oh,"she said as she took a step back. "So I should do something?"

"Yes,"I said as I took a step towards her.

"Like what,Maya?"she whispered in my ear before giving it a soft bite.

"Like this,"I said as I dropped the bags of chips and cheetos.

My hands went round her neck and our lips locked.

She pulled out of the kiss and smirked.

"Girl you horny as f**k!"Carrie said with a grin.

"Shut up and kiss me,"I said before pulling her back into a kiss deeper than the first one.

She took her arms,wrapped them around my waist and lifted me onto the kitchen counter.

I felt her trail her hands up and down my back.

I pulled out of the kiss and whispered,"Your hands are misplaced,Carrie."

She got the message.

With the left arm,she lifted me up slightly and with the right,she sank into my pants which were already soaking wet.

"You are wet!"she said as she planted kisses on my neck.

"Tell me something I don't know,"I said, with my head tilted behind,and my lungs taking in deep breaths.

Just when she was getting started,we heard footsteps.

We quickly pulled out of each other and pretended as if nothing had happened.

"What took you guys so long?"asked Carl.

"I was looking for something,"said Carrie.

"What is it?"Carl asked as he walked towards Carrie. "Maybe I can help you find it."

"Nevermind,"Carrie said as she pulled out a tin of peanut butter."Found it!"

"What do you need that one for?"Carl asked.

"For me,"I jumped in quickly after seeing Carrie lack an answer to give.

"What for?"Carl continued with his endless questions.

"Enough of the questions Carl,"Carrie cut him off. "Let's get going. Crysta is probably wondering where we all went."

We walked towards the garage.

on getting there,we found Crysta finishing up the blanket fort.

"Good work Crysta!"Carrie congratulated her as she clapped.

"Thank you,"Crysta answered with a blush and a slight curtsy.


"How about a game of truth or dare?"Carl suggested.

"Cliche!"Crysta's drunken self blew him off.

"Then share your idea if you think mine's too cliche for you,"Carl said with a tinge of agitation in his voice.

"Let's sleep!"Crysta's drunken self shrieked.

"Shhhh!"Carrie,Carl and I said in unison.

"You're being to loud Crysta,"Carrie added.

"I'm not for the idea of wasting away my night,"Carl said as he stood up. "I'll be in the living room if any one needs me. Netflix should be enough to keep me occupied."

"I think I'll go with you Carl,"I said as I stood up.

Carrie tapped my leg and I looked down on her.

She was signalling me to stay back but I played dumb and followed Carl to the living room.

I took a seat directly opposite the television and watched as Carl switched from normal tx to netflix.

"What do you feel like watching,Maya?"Carl asked as he scrolled through the endless display of movies,series and animations.

"I'm down for anything,"I replied casually.

"How does Dynasty sound to you?"Carl asked.

"It's perfect. I was actually going to start watching it,"I answered.

"Funny coincidence,"Carl said with a slight laugh."Me too."

He put Dynasty and we started watching.

When the first episode was over,I excused myself to go to the washroom.

He pointed out where it was and I went in.

When I was heading back to the living room,I felt something pushing me to going back to the garage to see if Carrie was asleep.

Part of me of course wishing they she was not.

So I did as the push demanded.

I made my way to the garage.

Something I later came to regret.



"It was not what it looked like Maya,"Carrie explained.

"How do you expect me to go with that Carrie!"I whispered back angrily with my hands crossed on my chest.

"She was drank. I was drank.It was a mistake,Maya,"Carrie continued to explain.

"I think I've had enough,Carrie,"I said as I began to walk away from her.

"Come on Maya,"Carrie said as she pulled me back to her.

Our chests bumped onto each other.

I won't deny the fact that I was very much turned on.

Despite how hard I tried to shut down the attraction,I could not.

I placed my palms on her face and pulled her into a deep kiss.

She pulled out and said,"Are we good now?"

"Shut up and kiss me before I remember what you just did,"I responded.

"Yes ma'am,"Carrie said and dived back into the kiss.

We made out for a while.

With me pinned on the wall and her leaning against me.

"Let's go to my room,"Carrie whispered in my ear."It's more comfortable there."

"I think I'll pass on that,"I said as I pushed her off of me. "Carl is probably waiting for me so we can continue watching Dynasty."

"We both know that's not what you want Maya,"Carrie said as she pushed herself against me.

"You don't know what I want,Carrie,"I said."Now get off of me because I have a movie to catch.

"No,"Carrie answered sternly. "I will not do that. I'll do something else."

"What will you do Carrie?"I asked against m,with my eyes fixed on hers.

She said nothing.

What she did next answered the question for me.

She took me up and carried me on her shoulder.

She made way to her room through the living room where by the way,Carl had already passed out.


Hello again!

I'm really hoping you're enjoying the book by the way!

I apologise for the suspense the book leaves you in but it's part of writing😂 It makes the book interesting and the reader eager!

Sorry it took so long to update this one though!

As usual




And stay tuned for chapter 7!
