

"Get off of me Carrie!"I yelled as I pushed her off of me.

"Really Maya!"Carrie said as she stood up."You really wants to live like this?"

"Like how,Carrie?"I questioned her angrily as I too got up. "How are we supposed to live with the fact that I just caught you naked with my best friend! Tell me Carrie!"

"I have already told you that it was a mistake,Maya. Come on."

"Is that what you say about the girls you've hooked up with?!"

"No. Of course not. But with Crysta it really was a mistake. She forced herself on me. She seemed needy so I just had to give her what she wanted. I mean,I'm sure I'd have done the same thing with you."

"You are disposable Carrie."

"Look,"Carrie said as she took my hands into hers."Can we pretend that nothing has happened and just start over?"

"Go f**k yourself Carrie,"I said as I freed my hands from hers.

"You know what! I just might! And you know what else I'll do? I'll f**ck you too!"she said as she slammed me on her bed and took off her t-shirt.

Damn she was hot!

But no! This is not gonna happen!

"Stop!"I said as I pushed her once again off of me.

She fell to the bedroom floor.

She looked at me from her position and said,"Fine!"

She took her shirt from the floor as she stood up.

"I'm done trying Maya,"Carrie said as she walked to her bedroom door. She opened the door and stood there waiting for me to exit.

"That is so rich coming from you,"I said with an eye roll as I walked towards where she stood.

"You know what!"Carrie said.


"You have no right to get mad at me because if I remember correctly,I am not your girlfriend!"

"I do have a right to get mad because Crysta's my best friend you dimwit! I don't give a sh*t about you or anything that you do!"

"You don't mean that."

"I say what I mean and I mean what I say,Carrie."

"Look straight into my eyes and say it."

I do as she said. I looked at her straight in the eyes and repeated,"I do not give a sh*t about you or anything that you do! Now,I'll be on my way."

I left the room and heard the door slam from behind me.

I walked towards the living room with a heavy heart and balancing tears.

I looked at Carl who had slept soundly on the couch.

I took a blanket from one of the chairs and lay down on another couch.

I closed my eyes and hoped the feeling of betrayal would wear down because it was becoming too heavy for my heart to bear.



I got up earlier than everyone.

I made my way to Carrie's kitchen and had a glass of water. Later,I picked up my stuff and silently sneaked out of their house.

I took a taxi that dropped me at my door step. After paying,I took out my spare key from below the door mat then let myself into the house.

"Hey,"my mother,who was up early,greeted.

"Hey mom,"I answered.

"Partied hard last night?"she asked.

"Not really. I just had asleep over at Carrie's."I answered.

"Crysta with you?"she asked.

"Yeah,"I answered as I went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

My mother looked at me as I drink my water and after a moment of silence decided to ask,"Is everything okay honey?"

I forced a smile and said,"Everything's fine mom. I'm just a bit tired. I'll go ahead to my room now."

I went up the stairs and straight to my room.

I dropped on my bed,shut my eyes and waited for sleep to take me away. At least that would keep me from thinking about what had happened the night before.


I woke up four hours later,took a bath and whipped myself a healthy breakfast.

My plan was to go look for another job.

I didn't think I could stand working at Mr Richards' bar anymore because of Carrie.

No sooner had I finished my breakfast that my phone rang.

It was Mr Richards'calling.

Damn! Did he somehow hear my thoughts of wanting to quit? Does he want to fire me before I quit?

I guess I would never know until I answered the call.

So I did.

"Hello?"I said.

"Hello Maya. How are you this morning?"

"I'm good,sir. How are you."

"I'm also good."

"Good to know,sir."

"I know you're probably wondering why I'm calling you at this time."

"I actually am. Is there any problem,sir?"

"Problem? Not at all! More like a solution!"

"Sir,I'm confused."

"How fast can you get here?"

"Ten minutes."

"Great! I'll be waiting for you!"he said this and hang up.

I stared at my phone blankly,still confused by Mr Richards' call.

I decided not to jump into conclusions.

After taking all that I needed,I left the house,locked it and returned my key below the door mat.

I took a cab and headed for the bar.


Hello again!!!

Yes,Chapter 7 is out!!!

Still enjoying the book?

If yes,then yay! I love you!

If no,then boo! But I still love you!




And stay tuned!

Chapter 8 is coming soon!
