

"Maya!"Mr Richards called once he spotted me entering the bar."I'm so glad you're here! Just go to my office,I'll be with you una minute!"

I nodded and made way to his office.

He was an organized man. Had all his files well labeled and arranged on shelves. Had his pencils sharpened and putin a pencil holder. His pens were all of a shining golden colour and we're arranged in what looked like a mini closet for pens.

On his desk was a photo of four people;Himself,Carl,Carrie and a lady whom I assumed to be his wife.

I took up the photo and studied it.

Carl and Carrie seemed young. Probably 16.

Mr Richards also looked younger. Like he was in his late 30's.

They all looked happy.

I was cut short by Mr Richards who walked in.

I quickly placed the photo on his desk and crossed my hands behind me.

"I'm sorry sir,I didn't mean to snoop around,"I apologized.

"It is not a problem Maya. You can take a look at the picture if you had not finished,"he said as he took a seat.

I took up the picture once again.

"She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,"he said.

"She is indeed beautiful,"I agreed.

"Carrie took her eyes while Carl took her blonde hair,"he added.

"Do you mind if I ask where she is?"I asked.

"She died last year of cancer. It was really hard for the kids,"he answered.

I studied him for a while and said,"From the look on your face,it must have been hard for you too."

"It was. I can't deny. But over time,I got used to the fact that she's gone forever,"he said with a forced smile. "Besides,I have to be strong for my kids."

I nodded then placed the photo back on his table then said,"I'm sure wherever she is,she's looking down on you and feeling so proud that her kids have such an amazing father."

He smiled and said,"That means a lot,Maya. Thank you."

I nodded and said,"You're welcome,sir."

"So,"he said, pushing aside the emotional conversation about his wife,"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here."

"I am,"I answered.

"We'll,Maya. Our bar manager,Troy,he just quit his job this morning. Apparently,he's gotten a better job offer else where. So currently,we have no manager. I've seen you work,Maya,and you have great potential. So I was thinking of promoting you to the managerial position. That is,if you're okay with it."

I let his words sink in.

Did I just get promoted on my third day of work!

"Umm..."I stammered."Wow,sir! This is a huge deal! I mean,are you sure I'm qualified for that position?"

"I go with my gut. And my gut tells me that this job would be done best by you,Maya. Are you up for it?"

"Of course!"I answered in excitement."How can I pass on such an offer!"

"Well then,"Mr Richards said as he stood up and stretched out his hand to me for a handshake,"Manager Maya,you can begin your work today!"

I stood up and reached for the handshake then said,"Will do,sir!"

"In case you have any questions just feel free to come to me and inquire,"he said as we broke of the handshake.

"We'll,"I began,"I do have one question. Do I get to suit up for my managerial position?"

"Not at all!"he said with a chuckle."Casual attire is just fine. Suits are for hotels not bars!

"Right,"I said, embarrassed at myself.

"I'll see you tonight Maya! Don't be late!"

"Thanks again,sir,"I said as I walked out of his office.

When I was out of the building,I couldn't help but jump up and down due to the excitement.

Anyone who saw me must have thought that I had woman lottery! And the judgemental ones must have thought that I'm probably just one of the spoilt kids roaming around town who would go to whatever extents to get attention.

Was I bothered? Hell no!

Opinions are like assholes, everyone's gotta have one!

I took a cab and headed back home to celebrate with myself.

When I got home,I found someone waiting for me at my door step.

It was Carrie.

"Way to kill the mood,"I murmured angrily as I walked towards the door.

"Hey,Maya,"she greeted. "Can we talk?"

I looked at her despicable face,took in a deep breath and said,"What about?"

"Last night,"Carrie answered. "You were gone by the time I was waking up so I didn't get the chance to apologise."

"Apologise about what?"I asked with a forced laugh as I took out my key from below the door mat."You made it pretty clear last night that I had no right to get mad at you because you and I are nothing. Then I clarified to you that it's not you that I cared about,it was my best friend Crysta. I don't think there's anything that was left out in that conversation because you kicked me out of your room and slammed the door behind me."

"I'm really sorry,Maya,"she said."I had too much to drink yesterday and most of what I did was because of that. Including the part with Crysta. I swear,it will never happen again."

"Is that all,"I asked,looking at her with my hands crossed on my chest.

"No,"she said."I also came here to congratulate you for your big promotion. Dad couldn't stop singing how much he thought you were cut out for that position."

"Wait,did you have anything to do with it?! Because if you did I swear to God,Carrie I'm gonna stop working there for good!"I said angrily.

"I swear,I had nothing to do with that. You can even ask my dad,"she said.

She seemed to be saying the truth. So I believed her.

"If that's all,then you can go,"I said."I have a lot of things to do."

"Fine,"Carrie said with a shrug and moved aside to give me way.

I opened the door and stepped in.

I thought she would leave, but no.

Immediately after I stepped in,she followed behind.

"What are you doing, Carrie,"I asked,blocking her from moving any further.

She locked the door behind her,forcing the both of us to move further inside and said,"I'm welcoming myself because you forgot to do that part."

"I didn't forget,Carrie. You're just not welcome here,"I said,reaching out for the door.

She took the hand that I was using to reach out for the door and said,"I know."

"Get out,"I said,pulling my hand out of her grip.

"Don't do this,Maya,"she begged.

"I won't say it again, Carrie,"I warned.

"Seriously?"she said."Is this how we're gonna live?"

I said nothing but just stared at her,waiting for her to get the f**k out of my house.

"Fine!"she said as she opened the door."If this is what you want,then so be it."

She stepped out of the house and began to walk away from the house.

I watched her as she did.

She had not gone far when I decided to call her back,"Wait!"

She turned and with a smirk on her face,began to walk back to my house.

When she got there she asked,"Change of heart?"

"No,"I answered."You just forgot to wear your shoes."

She looked down on her feet and,with embarrassment traceable from her tone of speech,said,"I did not notice that I had even taken them off."

I said nothing but just handed her her pair of black and white Vans and watched as she slipped them on.

"Thanks,"she said as she stood up and got ready to go."I'll see you later,Maya."

"You know,"I began,"I was gonna celebrate my big promotion."

"Like,in a party?"Carrie asked.

"Not really. I was just gonna drink my mom's wine and put on some loud music and dance,"I answered.

"Sound boring,"she commented.

"Thank you for your brutal honesty,"I said sarcastically.

"You're always welcome,Maya,"she said with a slight curtsy.

"You could join me if you like."

"Let me get this straight. You're mad at me,right?"


"Yet you're inviting me over?"


"Are you planning on killing me for revenge."


"Are you serious?!"

"Of course not! Now,get in before I change my mind,"I said as I made way for her to walk into the house.

"Nice place you got here,"Carrie said as she let her eyes scan the house.

"You should see my room,"I teased.

She turned to look at me,her eyes popped out in surprise.

"I'm kidding,"I said with a chuckle and walked straight into the kitchen."You want anything?"

"Yeah,"she answered."You."

"Ha ha very funny,"I said sarcastically as I took out a beer from the fridge.

I went into the living room where she had already made herself comfortable.

"Here,"I said as I handed over the beer to her.

"Thanks,"she said as she took it from my hand.

I walked over to the television and switched it on.

There was a football game going on.

"Don't change the channel!"Carrie yelled.

I out down the remote, surprised by the fact that Carrie was a football fan.She didn't look like that type. Maybe because her herself she was a basketball player. So I figured that basketball must be the only game that interested her. But I guess I was wrong.


Yay for 8!!!

If you've come this far,then I'm sure you're enjoying it!





And stay tuned for 9!!
