

"So, football huh?"I asked after the game came to an end.

"I'm beyond fascinated by it,"she answered.

"You don't seem like the type to like football."

"You're not the first to tell me that."

"I have to ask,how come?"

"We'll,when I was a kid,my dad used to take us to all his games. He used to be a coach back in the day."

"Mr Richards? A coach? You guys are full of surprises! Why'd he stop?"

"He just decided to quit,all on his own. He said that coaching took most of his time. Which was true because he used to go to work early and come back home late. So we didn't spend that much time with him. We'll,that goes for Carl and my mom. As for me,I used to go and watch the guys practice every single day."

"If you were such a fan of football,why play basketball?"

"Basketball was always inside of me since birth. My mom told me that my first words as a kid were not 'Mama' or 'Dada' but instead were 'She shoots,she scores'."

"I don't believe that,"I said with a laugh.

"Even I couldn't believe it. Until I was shown a video of me saying it."

"So from there you became a player?"

"Of basketball,yes. Of hearts,no. That's why I will not tire to tell you how sorry I am,"she said as she turned to look at me.

"You already said that,Carrie. Can we not go back there,please,"I begged.

"Tell me what I should do to get you to forget that that ever happened,"she said,taking both of my hands into hers.

"You should talk to Crysta,"I said.

"What should I tell her?"she asked.

"What you told me. That it was a mistake and that it should and would never happen again."

"May I ask why?"

"Crysta just came from a tragic 'break up',I I may call it that. After what happened last night, she's bound to want more. Let's just say she has attachment issues which end up damaging her if left to go further."


"I know. That is why you need to talk to her before it gets worse."

"Let me do it right away,"she said as she took out her phone and dialled Crysta's number.

"No!"I exclaimed as I snatched the phone from her before she could press the call button."Not like this! You should face her!"

"Fine then. I'll do it today evening at work."

"Won't you go to Mrs Rein's today?"I asked as I have her back her phone.

"I will right after I talk to Crysta,"she said as she put her phone back into her trouser pocket.

I said nothing.

I looked at the time on the wall clock and said,"Woah,time does move fast these days huh?"

"It does when you're in the company of someone,"Carrie casually said.

"No it does not,"I objected.

"It does. If you were alone,you'd probably be too bored and end up sleeping. By the time you wake up,only one hour would have passed. But with me here,three hours have gone without us noticing. It's now 4 pm. Which means you have two hours to be at work."

"Yes. My sister will be coming home anytime from now,"I said as I took the empty beer bottles from the table.

Just then,we heard the door open.

It was Raya.

She dropped her bag at the door step and rushed into the kitchen for a glass of water. Later,she came out into the living room and that was when she noticed Carrie and I.

"Maya!"she called out in excitement as she ran towards me for a hug.

"Hey there munchkin,"I said as I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much,"she said sadly,pulling out of the hug and rubbing her eyes that now had balancing tears.

"I missed you too chipmunk. I'm sorry I've not been around so much,"I said as I pulled her back in for an even tighter hug.

"You're always too busy. I'm sure you even forgot that tomorrow's my birthday,"she complained.

"I did not!"I said."How could I? I even got you a gift but you'll have to wait till tomorrow to receive it."

"Really?!"she exclaimed as she pulled out of the hug.

"Would your big sister ever lie to you?"


"Then trust me when I tell you that your gift is there. In fact,I have a pre birthday gift for you. Run upstairs and get changed because we're going out for an ice cream treat on our friend here,Carrie,"I said as I gestured towards Carrie.

"Awesome!"Raya said as she jumped into Carrie for a hug.

Carrie looked at me with confusion written all over her face.

I smiled mischievously then said"Go get changed now."

Raya dashed up stairs and left Carrie and I there.

"What was that?"Carrie asked with confusion.

"That was you making up to me by buying my baby sister ice cream,"I said with a chuckle.

"After that will we be okay?"she asked,holding out her pinky for me.

"Maybe,"I said,pushing away her pinky."I can't promise anything."

"You can be so hard to deal with you know."

"Tell me something I don't know,"I said, laughing hysterically.



"Thank you so much Carrie!"Raya said appreciatively as she took her bowl full of strawberry ice cream.

"Don't mention it,"Carrie answered with a wink.

"You're the best!"Raya address she hugged Carrie.

Carrie turned to look at me and with a smirk said,"Can you say that again so that your sister could hear."

"Carrie is the best,"Raya repeated.

"So now I'm being replaced?"I asked jokingly.

"Only for today,"Raya said as she took a spoonful of her ice cream.

"Be careful not to eat too much. You might just have a brain freeze,"Carrie said to her.

"I've had one of those,"Raya said as she took another spoonful."I wouldn't want to have it ever again!"

"Well then,just take small bites at a time,"Carrie advised.

"Like this?"Raya asked as she scooped have a spoon of ice cream.

"Exactly!"Carrie said as she held Raya's nose playfully.

I looked at how well those two got along and couldn't help but feel a bit jealous yet half at the same time.

Raya is a very choosey person. If she talks to you then you're lucky! It took her two whole months before she could get used to Crysta! As for Kelly,Raya never really liked her.

When Raya was done,Carrie paid and we headed back home.

Carrie waited for me as I got ready for work.

Raya on the other hand took her books and began to do her homework.

When I was done,Carrie and I bid Raya goodbye and left.


Hello again!

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And stay tuned!!
