

"Good luck,"I said to Carrie as I watched her going towards Crysta.

I decided to take a move around a little to ensure that the running is smooth. With Mr Richards out tonight,I was left in charge.

Everything was smooth,as it normally was.

"There's not much to do as a manager,"one of the waiters,Nick,said to me.

"Yeah,I realized that,"I said as I took a seat near the bar counter.

"I'm Nick by the way,"he said as he held out his hand for a handshake.

"I knew that already,"I said with a chuckle as I reached out for the handshake."I'm Maya. But I'm guessing you also knew that."

"Honestly,I did not,"he said with a smile."But I had a feeling you would have a lovely name. I just never felt confident enough to ask you."

"What changed tonight?"I asked with a chuckle.

"You were close enough for me to say hey. So I did,"he said and went on to wiping the glasses that had been arranged on the counter.

"Alright then. It was nice meeting you,"I concluded with a smile.

In response,he winked.

Other girls would probably react by blushing or doing silly laughs.

I did none of that.

I left where I had sat and decided to take another tour round the bar since there was nothing else I could do.

Just as I was about to get up,I heard Carrie calling out my name.

She waved at me and told me to go to where she was.

When I got to her,she took my hand and dragged me to the back where we stepped outside using the back door.

"What's up,"I said,freeing my hand from her grip.

"Crysta is insane!"

"Why? What happened?"

"She got a f*cling tattoo of my name!"

I laughed hard then said,"I did tell you this was gonna happen,didn't I?"

"Can you just have your 'i told you so' moment in another time! Maya I'm in a crisis!"

"I can't help you,Carrie. Besides,it's your doing. So figure out a way to fix your mess."

"If tattoos were not permanent,I would just lick the ink off of her skin. But now it's not! And it's still too fresh to have it removed! The pain will be excruciating!"

I shrugged and said nothing.

"Come on Maya,help me out. Can't you talk to her or something?"

"I could. But I won't."

"Why won't you?!"

"It's your mess,Carrie. Deal with it,"I said as I began to walk away.

Before I could go through the door,she pulled me back to her.

Our chests bumped.

Our faces were closer than ever.

Her lips hovered on mine.

I could feel the heat.

Just then,she kissed me,and I kissed her back.

She held me by my waist,and I held her by the neck.

We moved to the wall where she made me mean on it.

This went on for a while before an idea slipped from her lips,"As a manager,you have your own office. How about we go finish this in there."

I looked at her weakly and nodded.

I turned to lead the way but before I went in,I asked,"What about work?"

"I quit my job,"she said as she pushed me in.

I walked through the crowd until I got to the door to my new office.

I opened it and Carrie and I got in.

Without hesitating,Carrie lifted me and placed me on my desk.

She continued kissing me as she trailed her hands up and down my already submitted body.

I could feel my hardened nipples threatening to tear through my shirt.

Carrie took off my shirt,almost as if she had heard my nipples calling out to her.

When mine was down,I helped her take off hers.

She looked at me briefly before attacking my neck with electric love bites and kisses.

She then slid back up and kissed me roughly on my lips.

We were pulling and then pushing at each other as we nibbled on each other's lips.

She then pulled out,breaking the union of our entangled bodies.

We were wanting heavily,like long track racers.

We stared at each other lustfully,intentions of ripping each other's clothes to pieces written all over our faces.

Her eyes held mine completely captive.

We were about to dive into another deep make out sesh when my door was knocked.

"Maya,"the person called.

It was Crysta. I could tell from her voice.

The sound of her call and knock pulled out momentarily out of that heated moment.

We quickly wore out shirts.

Later,I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Crysta,"I greeted with a forced smile."Anything wrong?"

"Wrong is the opposite of what I'm about to tell you!"she said excitedly as she forced herself into the office.

"Wait,was I interrupting something?"

"Not at all,Crysta,"Carrie and I said in unison.

"Carrie was actually about to leave.Right Carrie?"

"Yeah,"Carrie said as she clumsily walked towards the door.

When Carrie was out,Crysta locked the door and walked over to me.

"Maya,are you okay?"

"Of course! Do I not look okay?"

"You look great. It's just that I didn't see you this morning after the sleep over at Carrie's. So I thought that something happened."

"I'm okay,Crysta. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure? Because I even thought that Carl tried something stupid."

"Carl's gay,Crysta."

"Ow,okay. I guess I didn't know that."

"Anything else?"

"Nope. Just that."

She's lying.

But I decide to go with what she tells me.

"Okay then. We better get back to work before Mr Richards comes back and finds us here."

"Don't you mean I should get back to work. I mean,you're a manager now! That's just word for someone who does nothing but look around and at the end of the month gets paid more than the rest of us who actually work."

I looked at her and with a laugh said,"Let's go,Crysta."

We walked out of my office.

We walked over to the bar counter.

Crysta was given some drinks to take over to a certain table.

I,on the other hand,took a seat on one of the stools and looked around to see what was going on.

"Hey,"I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned only to see that it was Nick.

"Oh,hi,Nick,"I greeted back.

"Can I get you something?"he asked.

"I'm good,thank you,"I said,turning down his offer in the most polite way I could.

"I insist,"he said,his hand placed on mine which had lay on my lap.

"Okay fine,"I say with a chuckle.

He withdraws his hand and goes behind the counter.

He makes me a cocktail which by the way was amazing.

"Thank you,"I said once I was done with my drink.

"Rate me,"he said right after he had taken the glass of the counter.

"You or the drink?"

"How about both."

"I'd give the drink a ten out of ten. You,I'd give you an 8."

"Thank you,"he said with a slight curtsy."An 8 was all I needed to ask you out for ice cream. Tomorrow at 5pm just before work? That is,if you're up for it,"he said shyly.

"I wouldn't turn down ice cream!"I said with a chuckle.

"Great! So,should I pick you up?"

"People are picked up when they're going for dates,not ice cream treats."

"We'll,this could be a date."

I cringed at that.

It was almost as if he had no idea that I was gay.

I wanted to tell him but he seemed like such a good guy and bursting his bubble wouldn't be at all fair.

"I'll text you my address then,"I said as I took out my phone from my pocket.

He told me his number and after saving it,I sent him a text with my address on it.

He removed his phone and after seeing my message said,"That's so close to my place!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes! I live like three blocks away."

"We'll,isn't that a thrill!"

"Are you kidding? Of course it is!"

"If it's that close then you have no excuse of being late."

"I'm never late for a date,"he said with a wink.

I cringed again.

"Better get back to work before Mr Richards spots you flirting,"I said with a chuckle once I spotted Me Richards walking into the bar.

"Aye aye captain,"he said and with that,went on to making cocktails for the other customers.


Hello again!

Chapter 10 is out!

I hope you're enjoying reading the book just as I'm enjoying writing it!!

Sit still and wait for chapter 11!

Don't forget to vote,comment and share....
